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I really like this guy but I don't know how to tell him. I flirt with him through ask.fm but there is a BIG problem. He knows the popular boys in my year they will make my life misery like they are already doing. I would love your help x :)

Right you need to tell him how you feel. Ignore all of the popular boys they've got nothing to take the mick out of. Carry on talking to the guy you like and flirt a lot. Drop in hints that you like him x

Ill be #foreveralone nobody loves me nobody cares about me. My last relationship PROPER relationship was last year for about 4months. I wish I was lived like everyone else:(

There's millions of people in your position. Don't think that you're the only one because trust me you are not. I am sure you will not be forever alone, the right person will come one day x

cuz ı dont want :/ ı know they cant help me and they wont so ı living alone :/ ı said everyones kidding me ıf ı talk someone , it will be more :(

Melisa Kaşkaş
I'm just worried about your safety :( be safe please x

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I'm proud of what you're doing, well done! Helping others is a great thing to do - i'll definitely go to you for advice!:)<33

thankyou so much, this means alot! <33

I want more to happen, HELP

how do you think you've made the wrong decision? you can't help that you don't like someone, you can't force love. If you like the other guy and you think it's the right thing to do, go for him. Don't worry about anybody else, good luck. Go with your heart x

Right well theirs this boy and I decided to just be friends with him after going out &being real close, like more than friends, but I think I've made the wrong decision? But theirs this other boy who I really like & he likes me too, I don't want to hurt him by saying I want to be just friends cause


Please help me, im 14 and everyone's having sex, it's only me and one other friend that hasn't had sex, im not ready - should I just have sex anyway? (Sorry was supposed to say 14!)

only if you're ready for it, you shouldn't feel pressured into doing anything. Just because your friends are doing it, doesn't mean you have to. Don't do something you'll regret later in life x

Theres this guy and ive liked him for about half a year he goes for girls waaay unlike me but hes the most amazing guy ever we always talk but he said he doesnt want a realationship and he likes us better as friends :(

This is probably one of the most hardest situations to be in, being freind zoned is not the best feeling in the world. I've been there before, just keep talking to him and flirt with him. Let him know what he's missing out on, but make sure you don't change for him because it's not worth it x

There's a Boy I like&ive liked him for ages:/, we used to flirt all the time and be so close, but no we don't even speak to eachother, it really upsets me. I instantly get jealous when other people get speak to them and instantly hate them.

you should talk to him, tell him how you feel. He should understand- if you don't say anything, nothing will happen and you'll just end up getting more hurt. Relationships are all about the risk x

My self harmings gettinf reallly bad,I thought I was over it lst year,but I'm not,already iv cut more than I ever have before, one little thing will se me off then bam,I will cut,until it hurts,I don't tell anyone,apart from my bestfriend but he don't really understand it:(

you need to stay strong, talk to someone else such as your family or any other friends. Someone you trust, it's best not to do this alone. Focus on other things to take self harming off your mind, it will help 100%. Get new hobbies, or try new things. Also, have you heard of the butterfly project? I've heard it's very good and very helpful, you should defiantly trry it. Also, I'm always here so talk to me whenever you want. x

Im 15 and still haven't started my periods, is this bad?

nope this is not bad, girls can start it from as early as 8 till late as 18. Sometimes even later or earlier. There's nothing to worry about! If you are still a little bit concerned, you can go the doctors and ask about it, but I promise you there's nothing wrong. x

im gay, should I come out

It's best to do so, you shouldn't have to pretend to be someone which you are not. There will probably be a couple of haters, but they're not worth it. Ignore them, I personally think you should go for it. It will be best for you x

How do I know if a girl likes me

this is some things which happen if a girl likes you
She blushes and plays with her hair when you're near. She walks past you more than once. She is trying to get your attention. She keeps looking at you. She can not take her eyes of you. She moves closer to you.
Her head tilts slightly down when you look at her; especially if she is blushing at the same time.
Her shoulders are slightly raised when she is talking with you.
Her arms are open and to the side when you talk to her.
Her pupils are enlarged when you make eye contact with her
Her head is tilted slightly to the side when you talk to her.
There are alot of ways you can tell if a girl likes you, (seeing as I am one) or you could just go for it and ask her? x

iends since November, I can't help feeling second best and he never seems to make any effort but I find it impossible to cut him off. We are soon going to different colleges and I don't know what to do because he upsets me all the time :( please help x

I know it's going to be hard and I know it is but honestly- there is no way he's worth it. You shouldn't feel second best in any way- friends, best friends, or/and lovers. Try and focus on something else except from him, it will be best for you to try and get over him. It's not easy but I know you can do this, I believe in you. x

me and my boyfriend went out for 14 months, then we broke up and he had sex with someone else. I then moved on and started going out with someone else, when 2 months after we stopped talking and 7 weeks after he started shagging this girl he came back to me, I broke with my bf and we've been bestfr


I'm only 11 and I've started my periods already - and now I've made the stupid mistake of having sex! And now, now i'm pregnant! Help me please!:'(

you need to tell someone as fast as possible, a trusted family member. They will be shocked obviously, but you need this. They will help you and take you to the doctors, good luck! I'm always here x

Good advice to get over depression...

you need to tell a trusted family member or friends if you haven't already they will help you get over it, it's best not to do it on your own.
Try to keep up with activites, even if you don't feel like it, it will make you happier.
Talk to someone who can make you smile.
do your hobbies, try something new!
do whatever it takes to take your mind off depression, think of something good and happy which makes you smile.
stay close with friends, spend time with family. Whenever you feel like you're going to break just turn everything off and listen to music, stay calm and breathe slowly.
Good luck, talk to me whenever you want I'm always here x

How to put condom correctly? Why i'm so stupid? Why I must piss? Mom told me that I am special. Do you know how many relies have first computer? Where is Quantum computer? hmm..ask me something:D

idk any of these questions so yeah go to google


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