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I'm going to sleep, I can't think straight if anyone wants to talk, then feel free to kik me- MollyRoseV
good night- molly xx
Liked by: Dana

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Some people are trying to split me and my bf up what should I do (M)

ignore them. They're just jealous of you're relationship you two have. All relationships have problems, but real relationships get through them. So just stay close to your boyfriend, and ignore the haters! - mollyxx

people call me a slut and ik i act like one but i do it because i want to feel wanted i feel like no one will ever want me so i get with guys to feel special any advice?

you don't need to do anything to make yourself feel wanted. Don't put yourself down, and ignore the haters. The right guy will come soon and he will make you feel wanted and loved, just wait and you'll fine him - molly xx
Liked by: melissa robertson

I wish it was that easy. :/ All the guys I like a straight.. None of my friends know.. I hint at it all the time but they dont get it and im worried what they would say if they found out I feel if I was a girl things would be easier.

it must be hard for you, but it will get better with time. and do what you want, it doesn't matter what other people say. Be youself - molly xx

i am a wimp i always have been a wimp

you're not. Stop putting yourself down it will just make it worst :( - molly xx

least ending my life wont mean me having to keep on living my life knowing that i could have stopped harry but i didnt did i because i am a wimp :'(!

you're not a wimp! don't say that - molly xx

Hey i'm bi and no one knows and its really hard finding a gay or bi guy. I'm a boy and sometimes I wonder if I was born a girl things would be easier.. :/

I think you should tell someone you trust, they can help you and it's better not to be alone.
The right guy will come I promise you, and there's nothing wrong with being bisexual- molly xx

i do have to do this ive been a mess since he passed away i cant just keep going on with out him he was my soul mate my brother my buddy you name it he was it things arent the same anymore you try getting told your getting thrown into care because your''parent's''dont want me am getting away from IT

yeah I know it must be terrible! but ending your life won't help anything :( - molly xx

I might have done stuff with a 17 year old lad and I'm only 14 (I didn't sleep with him though) and I hate myself for it! Wat shud I do????

well first of all, remember you can't change the past. There's no point regretting it now! Just try and forgot it (even though it is hard) and just get on with the present and from now on don't do things you know you'll regret in the future :) - molly xx

iv had epilepsy since i was 13, im 20 now and its just taken over my life bcoz im too scared 2 go out on my own incase i have a seizure. what do u think i shud do? ive been recomended for therapy but tht wnt start for weeks.

do what is best for you, just try and stay calm and stay strong for now. I know it's hard, but you need to smile :) stay strong for all of the people around you! - molly xx

i am a jerk and i do put myself down and kik you for what ? this is me i aint going to be here to kik you anymore and i aint going to be here for you to answer my questions on here am sorry , like really i am sorry

you're not and you have to bellieve in yourself! you don't have to do this, Harry wouldn't of wanted you to give up and you know that! :( - molly xx

Wow I'm 17 as well. Do you have Facebook cox I really think you are a nice girl

what do you mean 'as well'? I'm thirteen haha, and I don't really go on it, but thanks- molly xx

being a jerk m i don't know am just sorry generally sorry but it's my time now like i told you in the past bye/

you're not a jerk! don't put yourself down, and don't give up. Kik me?! - molly xx

Molly will you do me a fan sign please? I've been following AUFA for some time now.

I might maybe do some tomorrow but I'm not promising anything, this is an advice site sorry- molly xx


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