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am not Molly and well thankyou for telling me your name i'll thankyou some how when am gone okay but keep on helping them people that need it am just sorry you couldn't help me before it was to late..

It's not too late <3

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am not wanted i never have been wanted since the day i could talk i've not look am sorry if i could just know you name so that i can thank you sometime when am dead that would be amazing once again thankyou

You are! And my name is Molly, you can get through this I know you can. X

How do you know if a boy likes you?

Body language, texting you flirty things, blushing, edging towards to you, talking to you a lot... Etc
He will defiantly show it if he does x

i do need to am sorry it was a bad idea to tell anyone about losing my dad am sorry for wasting your time but thank's for trying to help bye

It wasn't bad, and you didn't waste my time. Please don't so something bad :(

I always feel ignored, like i have no point in this world, i often think about how easy it would be just to kill myself and have considered it more than once, but lately i have been feeling more and more like i am just in the way of everybody, what do i do?♥

You do have a point in the world. Everyone does. Don't ever feel like that. You need to stay strong. We all have those rough patches in life where we feel like everything is falling apart on us. Just focus on other things. Get your mind off all of the bad things which is happening and think of al of the good things. Write all of them down in a journal along with all of your feelings. It will be good to get them off you chest. Also it could be good to tell someone about how you feel to someone you trust and you love. They can help you and it will be good to not be on your own in this. Talk to me whenever you want <3

i won't but thank's for the advice but am sorry i can't continue bye

Please you don't need to do this. You need to stay strong for everyone! Just trust me on this. Log of your computer/phone. Turn off any telly or whatever and just listen to calming music. Take deep breathes and try to calm down. Xxx

To the pers on who has just lost you dad. Ps I'm very sorry hunni. Please believe me. Things will get better! My granny died in June and he first couple of months it' didn't sink in. I went through all the stupid things I'd done. Things I regret. My point is it will all get better x


it's so freaking hard though i nearly got knocked over a few times i just wish i could be with him y'know and am not strong i won't get threw this

You will <3

i recently lost my dad earlier on today and it still hasn't sunk in and to be honest i just wish i could leave this earth because am not going to be able to cope i just really need help i feel so empty and worthless to the people around me i don't want to be here anymore i just want to break down!

I am so so sorry! It's got to be such a hard time for you now, but you need to stay strong. That is what your dad would of wanted. You need to stay strong for the rest of your family and your friends. You are wanted and loved and needed and beautiful. Trust me when I say that. It's gonna be tough but I know you are going to get through this. I believe in you. You have to focus on other things. Hobbies? Do anything you can to just get your mind of suicide. Everyone in the world has a purpose to be here. You are important to a lot of people no matter how much it doesn't show. Please stay strong I know it is going to be hard but I believe you, you can do this x

Quick question, all I want is an opinion. This boy is a mate of mines and he has a girlfriend. He is always all over me saying stuff like I wanna bum you, we are both horny etc. I mean I don't even like him that way do you think he says these things as a joke and a show off? Btw we are 12!xo

I don't really know to be honest. But, you should ignore him. It could be a joke but there are some guys out there who try to get as many girls as they can. I'm not saying he is one of them but yeah. I think you should ignore him and just try to get on with your life. If it still carries on you need to talk to him seriously but in the mean time just talk to him and tell him to stop it will get better x


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