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Help, I want nothing to do with my ex anymore, but whenever I try and push him away he makes my life hell.. What do I do !?

Ignore him, and tell him to stop it. If he carries on tell someone. x

Not sure about my sexuality

Sexuality is hard to get around. It will take a long time to figure your sexuality out, just take a break and just think about it abit. But don't stress, and don't make it a big thing because honestly it isn't. There is no difference between being straight, bisexual or gay in my opinion x
Liked by: Brian McNamara

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So there this guy and I like him but do t know if he like me back Is there a way to find out if he does and he text me everyday till late and at the end he say goodnight does that mean anything

Well he defiantly has some interest in you as he does talk to you for a long time on a regular basis. There's no way of telling unless it's more 'clearer'. Talk to him and hint with him that you like him, and he should get the message. Flirt with him through text and just see how it goes ,good luck x

my own mom wont lisin 2 me i need her 2 fill out a form 4 skool & all she does is sit on the couch reading a magazine sayin she's 2 busy im tired of waistin my tears 4 the old bat who doesnt give a damn about me i wanna commit suicide i honestly think i have no purpose to live i want someone to care

Please don't commit suicide, it's not worth it. You can get through this, you just need to stay strong. Just keep asking your mum x
Liked by: Advice Page

Im in high school and my goegraphy teacher contanly make remarks at how stupid I am in front of my class and I'm not the only one. I was dignosed with dyslexia and told my parents and head of year about him but I cant drop the supject and they won't fire him I'm getting really depressed help

I know it's hard, but stay strong. Don't listen to your teacher, try and block the remark out of your head because it will just put you down. Keep talking to your parents about it because what your teacher says is just not on x

I've had this thing with a guy. We went separate ways a few months ago but since last month it's just been confusing. He talks to my friends, saying he likes me then all of a sudden he's not sure and it's just back and forth. What do I do?

If he's just going to mess you around, then there's no point getting in a relationship with him, because it will just rotate. I would talk to him if I were you, and just get to know exactly what he's thinking and what he wants to do, and take it from there x

I like this guy, but he's Spanish. He's gone back to Spain now but I'm visiting in a few weeks and will probably see him as the people I'm staying with are close friends with him. But he doesn't even notice me, when I go how can I get him to notice me?

get to know him more, get talking to him. Just go for it, and get noticed because you'll regret it later when you haven't done anything x

I'm starting to really like this guy, but he can't get over his ex, but his ex had already moved on.. Idk what to do.

You need to give it time, you can't force any one to like you. He will soon get over his ex but it might take a long time, just talk to him about it if you're ready and just see how it goes x

I want to ask this girl out who is two years younger than me and we talk on facebook to each other quite frequently but i dont know how to ask her out

just keep talking to her and if you can meet up with her and talk to her there, and then when you're ready just go for it and ask her :)
Liked by: Brian McNamara

How can I make new friends? I have social anxiety?

same here :( just go for it and go up to them and start talking, I know it will be hard but it will get better :)

What's the best way to get over a guy? :c

talk to other guys, and try and think of other things. Do some hobbies, and avoid him for as much as possible

My bestfriend is hooking up with my ex behind my back, she hasn't admitted it to me but I saw it in her Facebook, he cheated on me and I still haven't gotten over him and she knows this. I can't tell her cause she'll be mad I was in her Facebook, him what do I do :(

You could hint it to her what she said, and make her feel bad about it. She will get the message and confess it to you and then you should tell her how you feel x

.. those girls will turn me down in a fucking heartbeat. They compliment me all the time until I get my hopes up just to have them ripped away from me. it's gotten so bad that whenever someone compliments me now it makes me feel worse because now i just know it's all a lie.

tbh I don't think they're worth it if they treat you like that. Just don't bother with them and wait until a nice girl comes round. Just stay friends with them until then because honestly its better to wait than be with people like that

Well i've always asked what turned her off and what the problem is and what's wrong with me. but she says i'm a great guy and nothing's wrong with me, that i am boyfriend material & she says i'm cute & sweet & respectful but she's just not into me. every girl tells me the same thing but anyone of(c)


Up just breaking down. I'm sick and tiered of people judging me from what I've done in the past and I can't take it anymore, I just want to end my life, from all the pain and tears. I'm sick of bullies and the way they treat people.

hello, I've been in the exact same situation and tbh I feel the exact same way as you. I did something in the past, and it spread around for about two years and its still going around, I felt horrible. But just ignore it, it will soon pass over and they'll think of something new to talk about, they're pathetic. Talk to everyone about it, if not tell a teacher or a parent, or someone you trust. Don't end your life please, you're special, needed and wanted. x

So I've been really depressed lately and then I started to get better, then a week ago something that happened in the past spread around me school. I've had loads of people come up to me and tease me about it and its just taking me over the edge. I'm to scared to go to school now and if I do I end


My best friend who knew that I liked him, acted like he liked me for 3 weeks, he'd hug me loads and spent everyday with me, told me he loved me etc. then he's started acting really distant, he's told a friend that he doesn't like me anymore and that he didnt before, that it was all an act. He will n

speak to him, thats horrible. He can't just lead you on like that, tell him how you feel!

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just give it a go and see if he replies, its worth a try :))

I like this girl who is two years younger than me and i dont know i can express my feelings about her because i dont know if she likes me

talk to her more and flirt a little bit, then hint to her that you like her :)
Liked by: maddie

So I am going out with this amazing boy but my friends and I think his ex still likes him because she put as her status,'you toke him away from me' and she is totally ignoring me now and is giving me evil looks. But I want to be her friend and she is really nice. Should I say something or not?

you could talk to her, its up to you. Just ask how she feels and try to sort it out, don't worry too much though I'm sure it will be fine :)

& start a true commitment to a relationship with her. idk what she wants me to change. i'll do whatever i can. it just makes me feel like i'm not, boyfriend material to her.

has she said anything to you? you should talk to her, you sound like a great person. Don't change for anyone, not even her. Just talk to her if you can and ask her everything you need to know

appropriate, i can make her laugh easily, we always end up having a good time & i always do whatever i can to make her in the best mood even when she's at her all time low, i always compliment her, ive excepted what she's done in the past & am willing to move on, i'l do anything to make her happy>>



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