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I'm 16 and I'm afraid of the dark..every night that I go to bed I feel like there's someone watching me or something..how can I get over it?

I don't really think much can be done. Just talk to your doctor about it and he should help, also try and focus on other things, you're not alone- molly x

i argue with my girlfriend all the time, but i love her so much, i normally dont know why we argue (it could be about the smallest of things).. what should i do, me and her have been through so much and we definitely both love eachother, she feels the same way i do about this

you should speak to her about this, you might of already but I think you should try it again. Also, if that doesn't work then I think you should not take a break but just don't talk as much as you normally do?
It might be just because you're around her so much that it's just little things get on both of your nerves- molly x

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You guys both have the most beautiful personalities I've ever come across, giving help to anyone and everyone who needs it. You try your hardest to give the best advice and to be honest not a lot of people have the right mindset to do that. I love you okay?

aw thankyou so much that's really sweet. We do try our hardiest, I love you too! Thankyou that really made my day:')) - Molly xx
Liked by: Mai Be

*'t sit next to each other anymore and we stopped talking,i haven't spoken to him since 6months ago but i still have this massive crush on him, i don't know what to do anymore,we always used to talk about literally everything but it never went further than sitting next to him for lessons-please help

hiya, sometimes you can get to the point where you get so close that you just don't talk anymore. You should try and talk to him again, take it slow and build up the conversation! Just make sure you don't talk to him like 100 times a day as you may come across as 'clingy' (I'm not saying you are)
Try and get his attention again and I'm sure you'll become close again soon goodluck! - molly x

okay so i used to sit next to this boy in most of my lessons a week for 2 years and it was so funny, i was that kind of girl who was quite shy+stuff but when everytime i saw him, i felt happy+i didn't really like him in that way until about 1year ago, he was so funny but when this year came, we didn


If a boy genuinley thinks they're always right would you be with them?

well, it's up to you. If you really like him, and of course he likes you then you should decide how you feel and if you should be together even with his personality. If you're feeling unsure then you should talk to him about how you're feeling about it - molly x

i'm 17 my boyfriend is 20 and today we had a conversation about sex.he had sex before and i havent.he didnt told me to sleep with him but he says somethings which have a sexual meaning too..i feel really awkward with this.i cant tell him about this because i'm afraid that i may loose him.

hiya, well if he does truly like you then he will understand if you tell him and wait for you to be ready and help you through it. Don't feel forced or pressured to do anything, take your time and take it slow. Good luck - molly x

Well i self harm and Its getting to the poing where i don't know what to do. I hate myself and everything about me but i don't show it, my friends and family don't know about anything. I feel alone and i get angry really easily, i doubt you'll be able to help but. . .

I might not be able to help but I will try. As harsh as it sounds, you HAVE to stop self harming before it could get really serious and you could really hurt yourself. Next you need to think positive, don't put yourself down. Change your way of thinking, it will change slowly. But it will change, if you try. First of all you need to start off with the small things, so for example. You think of a negative in your live, but replace that with the positive things to do with that negative. If you do something simple like stand in front of your mirror every morning and say to yourself "I'm beautiful" it will help you think positive. You should really tell someone, a trusted family member or friend. You can't go through this alone, it won't help no one. It will just make things harder for yourself. Find ways to cope, so like self harming yourself you should replace it to listening to music, drawing, writing, reading, taking a shower/bath, hugging a teddy/blanket, playing a game, and talking to people. This will distract you and take your mind of self harming. Remember to believe in yourself! Don't put yourself down. Think that you CAN do things then you CAN'T.
If you ever get really angry again take your anger out on your pillow, a bit weird I know but it helps and it doesn't hurt anyone. Take things slow, good luck and talk to me and Eva whenever you want. Also if you want you an always kik me - MollyRoseV
(picture) the butterfly project if you want to try it! it helps alot
- molly x

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okay,my gf left me(were in a long distance,nvr met, fr like 7mths,got back together 6times after breaking up).well she left cz she loved me and due to long distance we werent working,so she cldnt stay friends cz it hurt her.I loved her alot, like literally..m devastated now, hw to frget her,its end.

Well it's always hard to get over breakups eventually you will get over her. It might sound harsh, but if you're not already you need to not make any communication with her at all. It's for the best.
Next, if you're ready put yourself out there. Get your mind off her and just think of other things in your life. Spend more time with mates. You don't need a girl in your life, and don't worry there are hundred of other people in your situation so you're not the only one out there. Good luck and I hope it gets better - molly x

there's this boy i've been talking to for ages now, we felt the same about eachother but now he doesn't talk to me and he says all the things he used to say to me to other girls? he's really confuesed me and i can't get over him:( what the hell can i do?:( x x

I've been in the same position trust me. Do you have kik/facebook? I could help you abit more in private. If not it's fine and I'll help you on here, just say! - molly xx

I've just started self harming and I feel horrible all the time, I don't eat until my mum makes me and before I tried to make myself sick after eating a sandwich. What do I do? :'(

hiya, you should focus on other things such as your friends/family. Do things to get your mind off self harming. Do you have any hobbies which you enjoy? Even if you don't feel like doing them, you should. Challenge yourself! Write all your feelings down in a book, let your heart out. If you need to take your anger out on something/someone take it out on your pillow. Please stay strong, you should speak to someone you trust and love like your family or close friends. You shouldn't have to go through this all alone. Also, have you heard about the 'butterfly project' it's meant to be very helpful. (picture)
If you ever feel like self harming or like you're just going to break down then just turn off your laptop, computer, telly, phone etc and shut everything out. Sit/lie down and get comfortable. Close your eyes, and relax. Take deep breathes and just try to calm down. You are wanted, loved, and beautiful. Things will get better in time you just got to show everyone that you're strong and you can get through this, good luck- remember that me and eva are always here for you to talk to, and if you ever want to talk to us not on anon feel free to add me on kik- MollyRoseV -- also try your hardest to eat things, if you don't this could get more serious and you could end up ill. We believe in you!
- molly x

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