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HELP! i've slept with my teacher 3 times and he still teaches me!!!

I'm not really good at advice on this but this is illegal. He's your teacher, and you're his student. I'm sorry but you shouldn't be doing this - molly x

My boyfriend just broke up with me and I can't stop crying. I have a feeling this girl is behind it because they're always together and before she took it too far and made me cut. She really really likes him, but I can't do this anymore, I can't stay strong.

hiya, break ups are hard at first, but you can get through this- it will get better with time. Just focus on other things, friends? family? hobbies? Do other things to get your mind off the girl, and the breakup. I know it might sound harsh, but cut all communication off him for a while. It will help hurt less.
Write all your feelings down in a book, let your heart out. If you need to take your anger out on something/someone take it out on your pillow. Please stay strong, speak to someone about this to a close friend/family.. someone who you trust and you love. You shouldn't have to go through this all alone. And about the self harming. Have you heard about the 'butterfly project' it's meant to be very helpful. (picture_
Also, if you ever feel like self harming again or like you're just going to break down then just turn off your telly, laptop, computer, phone, shut everything out. Lie down/sit down and get comfy. Close your eyes, and relax. Take deep breathes and just try to calm down. Things will get better in time you just got to show that you're strong, good luck - molly x

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i slept with my teacher.. more than once addvice? he's not my teacher anymore

hiya well I'm not exactly good with this topic. But seing as he's not your teacher any more there's not much you can do? - Molly x

How to get you ex to like you ?

well you can't 'make' someone like you, you have to remember that but there are ways you could..
First of all, you can't pretend to be someone you're not. That won't help them or yourself.
Do not try too hard to impress them- Do not call/text/message etc them hundreds of times a day. This will just come across as 'clingy' and push them away further from you. Be yourself, and do not beg them. Like I said, you can't force someone to change feelings the way they feel. Just try your hardest, be careful and good luck- molly x

i have liked this boy for about a year but i havent done anything about it but we have grown to be really close friends should i leave it and just friends or should i ask him out? xx (m)

you should talk to one of his friends or ask one of your friends to ask him about you. Do you think that he likes you? If you know that he does then just go for it! But if you're not sure I think you should just take it slow, and flirt abit more - molly xx

all my friends have boyfriends but i dont is that bad?

no that's not bad at all! you just have to wait, my best friend has a boyfriend at the moment. It's nothing to worry about, the right guy will come soon. Just don't change for anyone - molly x

How to play a boy?

what do you mean 'play a boy'? if you mean by 'using' him, I personally don't think that's the best thing you do as it can hurt his feelings- molly x

my bff's really upset but i dont know how to cheer her up? xx

hello, make sure you're there for her. Make plans for both of you to do, go round hers etc
Talk about something funny ((inside jokes))) and compliment her. - molly xx

i want to ask this boy out but i think he will say no and i dont want to embarrass myself? (M) xxx

hello:-) do you know if he likes you or not? you could just go for it, and take the risk. Or you could wait, get one of your friends to ask him for you. And also you could see if he likes you from his body language. Does he get closer to you? try and be around you alot? smile at you and talk to you alot? does he make eye contact with you? etc these are just a few ways which he could like you. - molly x

There's this guy and I don't know if he likes me or not. He hints he has no one to go with to prom but I don't know !!

hiya, you should talk to him and ask him. There's a chance he could, if you're too worried/shy to ask him then just try and work it out. When you're around him does he tend to talk to you more? lean in closer to you? smile at you alot? look into yours eyes and at your mouth alot? these could be signs that he likes you. - molly x

hey:) i know ye are younger than me .. But could you tell me how to give my bf a hj please<3

well I have no idea how so just search it up on google or ask a friend- molly x

(m) I love this account so much u hav helped me through last night and today thank u so much for starting this account and helping me

thankyou so much that means alot, and I'm glad I helped! - molly x

How shud I talk to a lad who I like but don't know : o ?

it can be as easy as starting with a simple hello, you okay?/hows your day been? etc
eva xx

(m) Hey thanks for telling me not to cancel the plans because today was the best night of my life and it was so magical

hello:-) and I'm glad you didn't, that sounds great! - molly x


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