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I like this boy. He said he liked me to my friend but then the next day he said he didn't, I'm not sure if he just said that because my friend was teasing him or he meant it. We're ish close but I think he likes me too, but I'm not sure. Extra: Molly and Eva you two are very helpful!

I think that you should talk to him about it, notice his body language to see if he likes you/your friend, is he coming closer to you when he talks to you? does he try and spend alot of time with you? do you make eye contact? and thankyou so much xx

I'm 12 years old and started my period oct 2011. This month (feb) it was due on the 10th but it hasnt come yet and it's nearly the end of the month as today is 23rd/24th, I haven't had sex or even kissed a boy, what is this? Extra: I am healthy and eat my meals well, I'm not anorexic or fat.

it's nothing to worry about, when we're young it goes all around the place xx

Today I was sat in class and the boy I sit next to put one hand on my knee and the other around my back. When I looked up he was just staring and smiling at me. What does that mean?

talk to him, I think he likes you x

Turns out me moving in with him is working out very well. I love him to pieces. He is so sweet and he won't even let me do anything he says it will hurt the baby. He's so cute. I love it. Should I try to do some stuff instead of letting him do everything?

See how it goes for now - molly xx

Im in a long distance relantionship and i love her to bits bit she flirts with other guys can you help me?

you should tlalk to her and tell you how you feel. To be in a long distance relationship you need trust - molly xx

You girls are awesome. Thanks for helping me through knowing whether or not to tell him.

aw thankyou so much, and no problem! - molly xx

I told him. He said after I get out of class I have to go over to his place. I guess I'm living with him now. Thanks for the advice.

Night so I could have a place to sleep. I don't know if I should tell my baby's daddy about this or not. I don't want him to have to take care of me and the baby even though he is going to provide a lot of the baby stuff for me. What should I do?

you should really tell him! You need to be safe you and your baby - molly xx

I'm not listening to the haters, but my parents loved him and now they hate him because he got me pregnant. I'm scared and plus my parents kicked me out since he is so much older than me. I haven't told him I got kicked out yet because he will freak out. I stayed at my best friends house last...


im not sure what to do. for a few months now my friends have been convinced that i like this guy. eventually i just said i did to shut them up. now i actually think i do like another guy, but 1) he asked one of my friends out and 2)i wanna tell my friends but now i cant :( i need your help!!! xx

hiya and you should tell your friends, they can help you with this. Do you know if your friend likes him back? -- molly xx

I'm having some problems you know down there. I'll be near sex but my smaller jim bob doesn't work the way he use to

Go to the doctor if you're worried - molly xx

I was anorexic during the summer and it lasted untill november 2012, and then during christmas i started eating normally again and i gained 10 pounds and I feel extremely fat. I know i should seek help, but what do you suggest?i dont want to go back to starving myself. I just want to be skinny again

I'm sure you're not! just don't stop eating, if you're really worried than don't go on a diet but eat healthier meals, and excercise more! Don't worry about it too much- molly xx

I talked to him and he said he would never leave me especially since I'm having his kid. I truly love him and I want this child but isn't age gaps frowned upon?

no no if you love eacher, then age gaps doesn't matter, just don't listen to any haters - molly xx

May I just tell the cutters, that it achieves nothing positive, I used to cut, but I saw that it isn't the way out, find another way out, there always is, although it may not seem like there is at the time and good luck xx


I talk to her loads she's like my best friend, but I'm not sure if its love or not?

only you can decide that- molly xx

I have very strong feelings for a girl. I'm 13. We've never met and I feel like we've known each other our whole lives.I'm not sure if those feelings are lesbian or not, but I've told her I like her. How do I know for sure if I do?

well do you often find yourself thinking about her ALOT in a good way? do you talk to her as much as possible? these are some ways which you could like her - mollyxx

Well I told my best friend that I was pregnant with his kid. He said he was happy but I'm still scared that he is going to leave and find someone else because of the age gap between us. He truly seems happy but I'm completely and absolutely scared.

just wait for now until if anything happens but I'm sure nothing will if he was happy for you. Talk to him more if you're worried about it:-) - molly xx

but my urges for dudes gets stronger and stronger

well just have time to think, only you can decide if you're bisexual/gay/straight or not - molly xx


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