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myboyfriendrecently dumped me, then the same night he told me he regretted it, so I told him, we'd have a weeks break, the morning after, he said he wasn't sure if we should get back together,but he still says he loves me, he also told me yesterday he just doesn't want to hurt me again, opinion?!<3

Speak to him about it properly as soon as possible, he can't play you about like that. Is he worth it? is he worth the risk of being hurt again if he does the same thing?
If you do get back with him, make sure you know the precautions with getting back with him.
He might just be confused and doesn't want to hurt you. Make sure you talk to him about both of your feelings <3

No it wasn't one of my friends, just a boy I know. I did just ignore him, and I do the same with the clever thing. Thank you so much, that really put a smile on my face xx

good! Keep strong, and no problem, it's lovely to help. xx

but i was thinking of leaving a note, not telling my family were i am, but just telling them ill be back in a few days! i was going to text them at the first sign of any trouble as well. i cant think of any good things... plus i would bring one friend with me!!

hmm just remember about all of the dangerous stuff which could go wrong,
I obviously can't stop you, and I'm not going to stop you
but please, just think this through carefully and be safe x

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I got this issue with my penis and whenever I wee I get a boner. Then I rub it and some white stuff comes out :/ help me? I'm 7 from London

I don't think a 7 year old could type that perfectly lmfao

I have allots of problems , at school , at home , at work.. I wanna let the problems flush away , But I just can't can you help me? xo.

try and forget your problems. I know it's hard, but it will make you feel better. Ignore everything which is happening at school- home- work. Focus on something different, hobbies? If it's people who you're around which is the problem. Hang around with different people?
Try something new?
Just do whatever you can to make the problems go away, even if it's for a little bit.
Whatever you do, stay strong. If you ever feel like you're going to break down, turn off your telly, your computer or whatever and listen to music. Think about all of the good things in your life, and not all of the bad things.
Good luck, it will get better after time- talk to me whenever x

I'm about to get glasses, and I'm really afraid that everyone will tease me. People in my school do that - lots. Even my sister is already making fun of me. Do you have any advice? x

Having glasses is nothing to worry about, my friend has glasses and she doesn't get teased. Over the years you might get called one or two names but that's just from all of the haters who have nothing better to do with their life. Just ignore them, and get on with you life. Don't worry about them. Also ignore your sister, family is family and they're there for teasing haha
so just try and ignore it and have fun with glasses x

i want to run away for a few days, not very long just a few days! like 4 days, just to get a break from everything!! what do you think

Running away is not the answer to any problems your having. Running away is going to cause you alot more problems, 'When a person ((you)) feels sad/depressed/angry then everything around them seems way worse than they already are.' Try to take your mind of those bad things which are making you want to run away, and think of all those good things. I know you only say 'a few days' but what if something went wrong? It would be terrible for all of your family and friends x

Today at school someone called me fat. I got really upset because I am quite insecure about my weight. What should I do if they say it again? They are the type of people that would keep saying that to me, and I am also made fun of for being clever. Can you give me some advice? thank you x

Can I ask, is it your 'friends' saying that? or is it just people you know? Ignore them totally, tell someone you trust about it. It will get better, if they say it again. Just stand up for yourself, they want to see you weak. Smile, and pretend it doesn't hurt. And about the clever thing, being clever is a good thing. They're just jealous because they know how far you are going to get in life x
Liked by: Dana

I like this guy; but I'm gay, and he's still in the closet to 99.9% of the earth, I'm sick of him hiding it from everyone, how do i tell him?

Does he know you like him? Talk to him about how you feel. He must be feeling anxious. Scared about what other people think? He might just need someone to talk to about it.
Don't presure him though, he will do it in time when he's ready. My friend recently came out as bi to everyone and she took it quite hard at first but now she's fine with it. People found it a little bit hard to get used to, but her true friends stook around. Make sure he's ready and he's happy.x

Iv wanted to kill myself many a times, one time I was close to doing it but someone seen me so I ran, my life is absolute shit and I'm extremely depressed

it will get better I promise you. Our lifes all have ups and downs, sometimes it will be amazing and you'll love it then all of a sudden it can go rubbish. Think of all of the good things you have in life don't focus on the bad things- it won't help. Remember, that people are here for you to talk to, even if it doesn't seem like it. Please don't give up, you are needed. You are wanted. You are important. You are loved, and you are beautiful. I know sometimes it may feel like the whole word is on to you, but it will get better soon. Just please, you don't have to do this. x

I told her all of that but she thinks i'm too young for a boyfriend and doesn't agree with it

My mum was exactly the same. Some parents are harder to get round than others, is your relationship worth the risk? All relationships are.
'don't spend today fighting for tomorrow' You still have your whole life ahead of you remember.
Can I ask how old you are? x
Liked by: Dana

how do I tell my parents I have a boyfriend?

If you're close to your parents it's better to say it as soon as possible. If not, then try and get in a closer 'relationship' with your parents, and speak to them with topics such as 'relationships' and 'love'.. etc
If you think they might get mad, like proper mad then maybe keep it for awhile until the relationship between you and your boyfriend gets stronger before trying to open up with your parents again.
It's better not to loose the one you really like (your boyfriend) so just be careful, I know it's hard but it can be done. Your parents are your family, they won't leave you no matter the 'mistakes' you make in the past or present. It will only take time to accept the changes going on.
To do it- take it slowly. Tell them when they are in a 'good' mood. Go for it, relationships are a risk.
If they see that he makes you happy then they should be happy for you. Some parents are better at taking it then others, good luck x

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how can i stop being shy of my bf?

I'm guessing this is your boyfriend right?- How long have you been with him? How did you meet?
Talk to him about both of your intrests. Get to know him abit more. If you keep up with the shyness he might assume you don't like him anymore. Make sure you tell him if he's making you feel abit awkward, or insecure. All you have to do is just comunicate with him a bit more. Being in a relationship is all about the risk. Your shyness with go after time, trust me it will improve with time. Just make sure you talk to him about it and I'm sure he will understand and help you work on it x
Liked by: bobbie

Best way to kill myself?

Please don't, you're valuable to the world. We all have a purpose in this world. You are loved and cared about by many people even though you might not see that. Don't think all of all of the bad things in life and think of all of the good things. Ending your life whatever the situation, will not make the situation any better. It's like the quote "life must be accepted or changed, if its not accepted then it must be changed, if it can't be changed then it must be accepted"
If you want- watch this video, it's about a boy who is sucidal, one day he ends his life because his life was rubbish and no one cared about him. Always getting into fights and an alcholic mother. In the end his mother sees sense once she she see's him after he ended his life, she gets depressed. You see, you might of ended your pain but it doesn't help anyone else.
I'm sorry if I said it in a 'bad' way, but I need you to know that if you did end your life, you will be missed.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qLH34u1DrQaskmeadvicex’s Video 26977655701 -qLH34u1DrQaskmeadvicex’s Video 26977655701 -qLH34u1DrQ

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askmeadvicex’s Video 26977655701 -qLH34u1DrQaskmeadvicex’s Video 26977655701 -qLH34u1DrQ
Liked by: Dana

my mum found out I have a boyfriend and she want's me to break up with him but I really like him what do I do?

talk to your mum about this- tell her that you really like this guy, and that he makes you happy. She might just think that he's out to get something, but remember that she's your mother, she's supposed to worry about you. She cares about you. She only want's the best for you! Just remember that she is your mother forever, just tell your mother everything. She'll come round eventually, I'm sure of it x

ok so i like this guy but so does my friend does too, what do i do..

I know how you feel, I went through exactly the same thing a while back, but the thing is- I made a huge mistake. I let him go. It sounds mean and maybe a bit unusual but try and get there first!
Tell him how you feel? you don't know, he might like you back.
Tell your friends that you like him, and if she's a real friend she should understand. Talk it out to her if you have to.
But just make sure you don't loose a friend over a boy x
Liked by: Dana

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