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he doesnt like perfume or clothes ! he lieks gaming and i bought him 2 games idk what now?

That will be fine! Get him some chocolate or take him out or give him a photo frame of a photo with you and him inside x

My friend is turning 14 soon. Me and this other girl are doing a joint present and we're both putting in £20 ($32). We're very close friends with her. What should we get her?

What I would do is to get a box and decorate it then fill it up with all of her favourite things- sweets, chocolate, makeup etc it all depends on who you are making it for x

advice on how to get over your first ever love?

You have to realise that you have reached the point of wanting to get over your ex- at first this will hurt but it will get better :) make sure you cut off all communication with him/her. If you speak to them it will just get worst and you won't be able to get over then any quicker. Do not go back to them this wil just make it harder if you want to get over them again. Also take care of yourself an focus on other things in your life x

I dont think my fiends lik eme anymore, i never get ivited out and can tell they all talk about me? why is this?

They're not true friends. I know this will be hard but you need to talk to them and tell them that they are upsetting you etc
If they carry on talking about you and ignoring you then you need to ignore them and try to hang around with other people. It is not worth it x

What do I get my bf for our one year anniversary!!! Help!!

Get him some chocolate or make him a book with memories photos quotes in. Get him his favourite perfume or whatever he likes x

im 16 and 17 in november, and ive done everything but sex. is being a virgin still bad at this age?

It's absolutely fine to be a virgin at this age. You don't need to rush anything. Do what you want, not what society wants. X

So the boy I know has got a girlfriend and don't get me wrong I like her, but I can't help thinking she's not good for him. :L I know she's cheated on him twice but should I tell him or not?

I don't think you should honestly. It might just make it worst. I think you should when she does something bad again. X

I really like this guy, and we were really close, but since he's got a girlfriend we seem to be drifting apart. What do I do? I don't want to fall out with him, but I'm scared that if I don't do anything we'll stop talking. Please help me :/

Read my answer below and just try and be close again but just as close friends for now. Don't give up on the one you like. Just keep talking to him x.

In love with a boy who has a girlfriend, help

You need to wait till he's single I'm sorry but it would be unfair to break up their relationship. Like i said try and wait till he's free then get close to him x

boys just like me for my looks and only want sex from me, ive had my heartbroken on too many occasions where they've taken what they want and left me :/ how can i make a guy like me for who i am on the inside?

First of all you can't make someone fall in love with you but the next time you find the right guy take it slow. Don't play hard to get but make sure you don't make the relationship go too fast. And don't pretend to be someone you're not x


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