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Right im in year 10 and went out with this girl for 4 months in year 7, i still like her but we can't talk without everyone saying things like 'go on son' etc, advice?

just ignore them, keep talking to her and get closer to her. Then talk to her, you still like her and you have for this long so just don't give up yet. You need to carry on and try and win her back, I believe in you- good luck x

i have a group of friends ( the sexy six) but everyone in it has had a boyfriend and tounged them and stuff i and im so ugly and will never get a bf for ages and i just feel so left out people say just wait untill someone right comes along but i cant wait im so lonely :(

please don't put yourself down, you're beautiful. We all have to wait, and yeah like what they said the right guy will come it just takes time! One day you will find the perfect guy, sometimes it's better to wait until you're older. Talk to me whenever and please stay strong x

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I really like this girl but it's like she's really shy and stuff, I think she likes me back though, how do I take it slow but still let her know I like her more than just friends?

you could do those little things with her- take her out, buy her small things. If you don't want to use money then you can make her something, write her anything. or you could just text her/talk to her as much as possible, don't seem too clingy. Get close then ask her about her feelings. Good luck, talk to me whenever!x
Liked by: Dana

hey hey, I'm ridiciously in love and idk I hope he likes me too, but idk his friends are all players ugH but he s so kind and his friends told him to go and swin with me but I'm insecure about my body and heighth (bc he's really small he could even be my little brother) please help me out .. xx

hello:-) and you should talk to him and see if he likes you back! you don't know- he might like/love you back. Talk to him abit more, and ignore his friends and about the swimming thing, if you really don't want to do it, then don't, don't get forced into anything you don't want to do! talk to me whenenver you want x

Im really falling for this guy were really close we talk ALL the time in school out school texting whatever but he just wants to be friends and he's a bit older than me im a couple months older than his brother so it's a bit weird and he's defiantly not the best looking guy with the best body but yh

it doesn't matter about if he's not the best looking guy or whatever, it's about his personality. You can't force him to return your feelings but you can help them. Flirt abit more, and just be yourself. Don't change just for him to like you the person you're not x

I'm always Horny like ALWAYS and my GF isn't Ever sexual ... So I have this major porn addiction...

you can't force anyone to do anything that they don't want to do, you'll just have to wait till your girlfriend is ready x

well yeah cause it is legal

oh right, well I'm not good with that topic but just don't force it, if the other person doesn't want to do it you have to understand- take it sloow

um so i dont know if you can aunswer this but um how do i grow away from a friend and still be nice to them without them realising ?x

do you have any reason why you want to do that? It will help me answer it abit more x

Even though he said out loud when i was with him, well we were hugging like usual ay someone said are you two going out he said god no she's 2 years younger than me:(

I know alot of people with a 2 year age gap, I'm sure one day he'll come round he might be finding it a bit diffulcult x

There's this lad that I like but the problem is is that he has a girlfriend but everyone keeps saying that he likes me and that he flirts with me! What should I do because I do flirt woth him but I'm single so yeah but his girlfriend alrealy hates me because of it!!! Plz help me I'm so confused :(!!

you need to talk to him and explain everything and he needs to explain everything. Talk to him abit more and see what's up with him, and ask the people who found out that he likes you how they found out...etc. talk to me whenever you need me x

okay me and my ex kinda still have feelings for each other but he says he just wants sex and he wouldn't kiss me but today he did and I think his falling for me again?What do you think?but our families hate each other so some romeo and juliet shit is going on:LWhat shall I do?start again or move on?

okay so you are obviously in a kind of a hard position- you can get with him, but are you really going to be happy? make sure that you are really happy if you do. Also, make sure you don't get forced into doing anything you don't want to do! and remember that family will be there 100% no matter what you do, but boyfriends come and go. In my opinion I would try and move on, he's not worth it and I know it will be difulcult for you but it's your decision, go with your heart. Talk to me whenever you need, good luck x

My ex dumped me on New Years, and now is spreading shit about me... What do it do

are they true or false rumours? it will help alot because I've been in the same situation as you x

I've liked this boy for ages, like 5 years, well always had a soft spot for him atleast, but he's been on drugs such as Meow LSD Weed, etc, and he's changed so much, he's always on and off with me, what do i do?

there's two things you can do- ignore him and focus on other things in your life like much important things, move on with your life.
or there's to go back with and get hurt. I'm sorry but it's true, he's a bad influence on you and he's not worth it. If he's going to treat you badly then there's no point. I know moving on is hard, but just try and block him out and it willl soon get much easier for you. Stand up for yourself, and spend more time with your other friends and your family. The choice is yours- talk to me whenenever you want, good luck x

so I like this boy, he doesn't like me back? what do I do?

We can not control our feelings for someone but what we can control is what we do with them. There is no way you can force someones feelings to be returned.
Don't let go for some time, and just be yourself. Don't pretend to be someone you're not just for him to like you back. Keep a connection between you two, make sure you carry on talking (if you do) and if you don't talk to him already, start talking to him.

http://ask.fm/askmeadvicex/answer/27187040149 - focus on other things like what? Right now only other thing I can focus on is studying cause got exams soon and parents don't let me have a lot of fun :/

yeah, you could focus on school work but you could also do other things, go out with friends, spend more time with family- do whatever you need to try and not get her on your mind x

There's this boy and he keeps going will u go with me bu the way he says it he sound like he's joking but I donno what to do xxxxxxx

does he say it in real life or on the computer/phone?
If he is joking about these things then he shouldn't because it can be confusing for a girl!
talk to him abit more to make sure it his him and he's not joking- and then if you like him and it is defiantly true then you could get together! good luck.xxxxx


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