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How to keep the conversation going with him?:) xxx

just start off with the usual "Hey" ask how he is, what he is up to...etc.
and then just go onto whatever seems right xxx

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I'm too scared to talk to the boy I like, we had an argument the last time we spoke, I just want him back.

I think you should go for it and talk to him again, what is the worst thing what could happen? Yeah you could have another argument. But you could become friends, it's all about the risk. Just try and keep a conversation flowing and just act normally. Good luck x


sorry guys I really need to do some homework- leave your questions and I'll answer them all in about half an hour x

I'm tempted to cut but I'm trying to remain strong, how do I help stop the temptation?

You should talk to someone you love and trust, it will help and you can get through this with someone else, it's better not to be alone. When you feel like you want to cut just turn everything off, and just breathe slowly and calm down. Try out new hobbies, spend time with friends. Talk to someone who makes you laugh and smile, and you could even write out all of your feelings into a journal from your heart, it will make it better.
Also, have you heard of the butterfly project? I've heard it works really well- talk to me whenever you want! x

i slways start arguments with my boyfriend and i wish i didn't and i always feel bad because he gets upset but i have to start an argument and i dont know why i get annoyed and take it out on him :/

whenever you feel like you're getting angry take a break, and just try to calm down. If you're relaxed you won't take it out on anyone. Get more sleep, and you'll be happier. Do more hobbies, spend more time with friends/family. Also, you should talk to your boyfriend and tell him how much you mean to him and what you say you don't actually mean..etc. x

right, so i love this boy, so damn much.. but i don't really think he wants a relationship.. but i really like him, and i feel like such a mug for telling him. he gets loads of girls + idk if he gets that i really like him

try and drop the hint! flirt with him when you talk to him, how do you know he doesn't want a relationship? you never know, he could be waiting for the right girl- and it could be for you. Get to know him abit more, and get him to know you abit more and see where it goes. Good luck x

Me and my ex split up 8 months ago, we had sex a lot and recently we've stared talking again but he asked to meet me for no string attached sex and he knows I really love and miss him, what's he playing at:

he can't use you like that, tell him that you're not confortable he's not worth it if all he wants is that, talk to him about it x

Yeah I do have a phone babes I'm using it rite now, its a blackberry anyways I think I will do that but he's in the year above me year 11?

good, and there's nothing wrong with an age gap, just go on- take the risk!x

Me and this boy are so close,we do everything together and tell eachother everything,were bestfriends,well atleast I thought we was,but now he won't talk to me and its actaully killing me. He was the only thing keeping me alive</3

you need to stay strong, try and keep talking to him and get him to tell him what is wrong .You can't go on without knowing what you have done wrong if you have, don't beat your self up about it thoughx

I asked the last question about lads and u said tweetor facebOok but I don't have any of them? Wat shud I do then x

do you have a phone? you could get his number. Or like I said, talk to him privatly or get a friend to talk to him for you- but it is best for you to do it yourself x


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