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I've been talking to this girl that lives on the other side of the world and I'm starting to fall for her. please help me :s

do you think she likes you back? keep talking to her, and soon drop in the questions 'would you ever do long distance relationships?' ...etc.
If she says yes- then there you go! It is hard to keep a long distance relationship going but it can be done you just need trust and love.
For the mean time you could focus on other things x

I like someone... but he doesnt really know who I am and I dont go to his school... but he is friends with some of my friends, how do I get him to have some interest in me, even as friends?

talk to him! you could get one of your friends to talk to him for you, get them to tell him about you. Talk to him on facebook/twitter- you could get one of your friends to give your number to him. Try and get talking to him and see where it goes x

there is this boy i like and he doesnt know because i havent told him but were close friends and he used to like me but i was a bitch towards him but now hes been in other relationships and spoken to other girls also i dont want to ruin the friendship , what do i do?

you need to tell him, but before you need to get closer to him again! flirt with him abit more, and just go for it. You never know he could still like you x

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I like this guy an I'm not sure but I think he likes me a tiny bit but he also likes this other girl who's way prettier than me what do I do?

don't put yourself down! I think you should talk to him about everything. You need to know what is going on and who he likes...etc you never know he could like you much more x

I like this guy have for ages but im totally not his type:( yet we talk all the time idk what to do should I give up or?xxxx

don't give up on someone you like! no one has a proper 'type' everyone can break their boundries. Just flirt more, and then talk to him- you never know he might like you back!xxxx

Ya pero esque ya he hablado mas con ella y se ha cabreado...y paso,porque siempre que se enfada una acaban todas y me dejan sola,no seria la primera vez,algún consejo?:(

usted debe dejarlo para abit, trate de hablar con ella de nuevo pronto x

I like this guy he's a 2 years older than me and were quite close friends but i don't think he'd go for me:(

there's nothing wrong with a 2 year diference, you can't help who you fall for. Get to know him abit more, flirt with him and then when you're even closer, and everything is going great. Talk to him about your feelings x

I've been out with a guy 3 times now but he keeps messing me about, I just want him back:(

this has happened to me okay this is what happened- I found this guy and I really liked him, about two months later he broke up with me and I was distraught. I found out he fancied me still abit after (I liked him aswel) and the next week we got back together, not long after he broke up with me again- once again I was upset but I didn't want to get messed about again- I still liked him terribly, and I still like him a little bit now after about 6 months. You probably won't get over him altogether, but if you leave it you will get over him alot. Go with whatever your heart says, but you might get hurt if he's messing about. It's up to you, good luck x


I'm sorry guys but I have to go to parents evening *sigh* just leave your questions and I'll answer them as soon as I get home x

I fancy this girl but I think she fancies someone else what can I do?

you have to ask her or ask one of your friends to ask her- it's better to know you never know she might like you back!x

Jo,estoy depre:( Mi mejor amiga de hace 10 años casi once ,llego hace tres años una chica y ahora esta mas con ella y aunque diga que yo tambien soy su mejor amiga nose,se lo demuestra mas a ella y me gustaría que no me importase pero esque pfff

asegúrese de hablar con ella y no la dejes ir! x

what do you do if your boyfriend tells you text him far too much and you cant stop texting him cause you wanna speak

okay I'm going to be totally honest with you- the same thing happened to me, and he broke up with me for the same reason, so you have to be careful. I'm not saying he will break up with you because of it, I'm just saying it is possible. Just listen to what he says, talk to him about it. Still talk to him, but not as much x

I have a bestfriend that I really like but I don't know what to do coz all my friend are saying he likes you and he is going to ask you out but don't know what to doo?

you have to talk to him! you need to find out that he likes you, if not you have to ask a friend to ask him for you so you defiantly know that he likes you. Keep talking to him, and just flirt! if you find out he likes you then ask him out!x

Well, i think i am pregnant. Oh yeah i'm 13.. Don't call me a slut. I know i am. I don't know who the farther is..

of course you're not a slut I'm not going to say that- have you told your parents? You should tell them as soon as possible so you can talk to them about it. They will be shocked about it but that's just because they care about you. As soon as you tell them they can help you, good luck x

You know how in every scholl people judge you on where you sit, what you wear, how you look. Well I'm known as unpopular becuase I'm not good in any of those things. What do you think I should do?

don't change for anyone, everyone is different in a way- don't let things like this get to you.
Carry on as normal, stay with all of your friends and just try to fit in! don't change for anyone because it's not nice for yourself to pretend someone you're not. You're perfect the way you are x

what should i do if my boy friend wanna kiss me ???

Menna Ayman
well, are you ready? in no way should your boyfriend make you feel like you have to do it. Don't feel forced in anyway, if you're not ready then tell him, I'm sure he'll understand and help you with it, if not then sorry but he's not worth it x
Liked by: Menna Ayman

i'm 15 and I still haven't kissed a boy. I'm afraid that I will mess up during my first kiss and I would be humiliated if people would start laughing at me. Help me what should i do ?

that's nothing to worry about at all, make sure you wait for the right person so you won't regret it- also don't be forced to do it on someone! http://www.wikihow.com/Kiss this is a website and it will teach you the basics, don't worry about it when the time comes let it come natrually, it will only mess up about if you worry about it way too much and you go all stiff when you kiss someone! good luck x

I don't know how to kiss :$

Don't worry about it, we all have that moment when we're scared or we just don't know how to do it.
Don't let anyone pressure you into doing it, take it slow.
This is a website if you want some detail how to- just don't worry about it, when it comes just go along with it!

It's really awkward though and idk what to start talking about

you will come round, talk about anything. Start off with little conversations then build up!

Hi. So I want to start going to this workout but I heard its REALLY tough. I'm extremely nervous to go but I really want to, any working out tips ? What to do and what not to do ?

well it's good if you challenge yourself abit, don't force it too much. Take it slow, don't put so much pressure on yourself. Maybe the first workout you could just go and watch and see if it's right for you? x

Well the thing is I fell on love with them at the same time. And guy number 1 fell in love with me before guy number 2 (that's what they told me) and I really love both but I don't want to hurt either one of them. these men and I have done things to see who I should choose but it hasn't worked.

it could be best to try and get other them, it's gonna be hard but it will soon come round. Focus on other things to not do with them, whenever you think of them try and think of other things. Don't ignore them completley if you're close with them.
Talk to them if you can and just tell them how you feel about all of it, ask other people you know and see what they think. Like I said before- go with your heart, it's your decision x
Liked by: Jes(u)s


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