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I cut myself yesterday (don't worry, that's a recurring thing, I don't need help with that, I don't really want to stop anyway) and it was really deep. How deep does a cut have to be before you need stitches? or that tape to bring the cut together? Sorry i'm just worried about it. thanks x

Okay, just please stay safe, and I'm not totally sure how deep it is. But what I do know is that if it just doesnt stop bleeding and/or it's gaping you need to go see a doctor. Of course if after you're feeling terribly unwell after you might need to go.
It also depends on where you have cut, If you can not control the bleeding after 30 minutes that's when you are meant to go and get it checked out immediatly.
This is a website if you're still unsure http://www.psychforums.com/cutting-self-injury/topic54211.html

I've recently been suffering bad depression, how can I stop being depressed and stop it from happening in the future xx

Look at my past answers if you need anymore advice on it, basically all you need to do is focus on other things- hobbies, people, things that you love, try and focus on something different.
Tell someone that you trust, and that you love about how you feel- it will help to not be doing this all on your own.
Get a journal and write all of your feelings down, get it off your chest. It will make things better.
Get more involved in activities at school/home/work even if you don't feel like it, it makes you more happy and less depressed.
Think positive things about yourself, and nothing negative. Don't put yourself down, I'm sure you're a beautiful person inside and out.
I'm always here for you, talk to me whenever you want x

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Hi... I cut. On my foot. My left one... I cut here because its easier to hide, if you know what I mean. It also bleeds easier than on my stomach. I know I need help and I need to stop... I just don't know how to tell my mum...

hello, basically you need to tell someone. Someone you love, and someone you trust. If you tell someone you know, they can help you and you can stop.
Make sure you can tell your mum as soon as possible, tell her the truth which she needs to know.
Maybe set a time to talk to her? Tell her that is super important if she asks you what you want to speak about. If you are really nervous, then you can just write her a note. Although it is more better if you tell her face-to-face but it is up to you. She may be a bit upset, but of course any good parent would be because they care for you.
Also, don't feel guilty about not telling her about it before. It is very hard to tell them. The point is that you are making the effort to tell her now, and that is what matters.
I understand you must frightened and afraid to tell her, but I promise you it will get better as soon as you tell her.x

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How can I stop feeling so depressed? All I want is it to stop feeling like this or, I just want it to stop.

Talk to people you trust and love- friends and family. They can and will help you get over it, you must not do this alone. I know it will be diffulcult to tell them if they do not know already.
Try to keep up with activities and hobbies, even if you don't feel like it it will help alot more. When you're around other people it can make you feel much less depressed andupset and make you so much happier.:)
Find something or someone who can truly make you smile, I know you're strong I know you can get through this. Talk to me if you ever want too x

What should you do if you gay and in love with your best friend?

do you know if your best friend is gay or straight?
sorry it will help me much better if I knew x

i have every single one of those symptoms haha bollocks

You have more power over 'depression' than you think. If you really think you do have it, what you have to do to get over it, is to stay small and stay focused.
Make sure you talk to people you trust like friends, and family. They will help you get over it, you can't do this alone it will make it harder. Ask for the help and support you need.
Try to keep up with activities, even if you don't feel like it. Being around other people can make you feel less depressed and make you so much happier.
Find something which can really make you truly smile, do a hobby? or go talk to someone who makes you smile?
good luck, and I'm always here to talk x

My self esteem is so low :'( How can I feel better about myself? When people say I'm pretty, I either start crying or denie it :(

Remember- some days are better than others. On days where it doesn't go so well, that's when we can go hard on ourselves.
First of all you need to keep going- stay strong. Don't let anyone get you down no matter what.
You need to trust yourself! Try something new and different. Try something which makes you feel more good about yourself. Next you need to not let anyone tell you who you are. Don't let people boss you around, stand up yourself no matter what. Write a list of every good thing you have, the things that add value to your life- the important things, like friends, family.. etc
Believe in yourself abit more, don't put yourself down.
you're beautiful.
Look in the mirror, and just look at you. Look at every inch of your body and your face. Think positive, and soon enough you'll think better about yourself!

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how do you know if you have depression? i think i might

always sad/upset, feeling hopeless and useless, having no confidence, no enjoyment in life, no intrest in things feeling anxious or worried, having suicidal thoughts or self harming.
moving or speaking slower than usual, change in apetite or weight, constipation, unexplained aches or pain, lack of energy, disturbed sleep.
not doing well at work, taking part in not as many activites, avoiding contact with friends, neglecting hobbies and intrests, and having difuculties at home and family life.
You can speak to me whenever, stay strong- I'm here x

i'm fat :( help

Don't put yourself down, I'm sure that you are beautiful just the way you are.
Look in the mirror and think of something good about yourself, boost your confidence.
Remember that millions of people in the world are thinking the same as you, and most of them are not!
If you do decide to go on a diet- make sure you don't drop out on food completley, gradually change- not much though.
Eat more healthy and exercise abit more?
I'm sure you're perfect just the way you are :)

I have a huge nose and wear glasses, im 14 and I cant let anyone be at the side of me because im so insecure about it, it lowers my confidence constantly and is gradually depressing me, all my friends are stunning and then there's me, help:(

Please don't put yourself down, it will make you more and more upset. I'm sure you are beautiful!
Think of something good about yourself- You might have beautiful eyes. Every person has atleast one talent. Focus on it, Wear a special item that gives you hope. When you are feeling insecure, look at it.
Study yourself in the mirror, it will boost your confidence. Just look at yourself, you're a beautiful person.
Do something you love and feel confident even if you dont. It will get better, I promise you.
'A confident person isn't always someone who talks to everyone and is outgoing, you can be confident by just standing in a circle and not saying anything.'
Avoid feeling the need to impress other people, it's about YOU and only YOU, also realize that millions of other people are in the same position as you.
Stay strong, you're beautiful <3

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I have no boobs and thats all guys care about

we are all different going throw puberty- some people are as early as 8 and some people are late as 17! Don't worry about it, you're not the only one out there who has the same thing as you.
Don't yourself down in any way, the right guy will soon come round and not care about how big your boobs are, but care about your personality, you'll just have to wait x
Liked by: Blue

Sometimes i feel left out and my friends dont treat me like a friend what do i do?

we all go through this stage in life which we may feel left out or useless. It just happens. How about you go and talk to your friends and tell you how you're feeling?
They should understand, if not then they're not obviously true friends.
They could think of all of it as just a 'joke' but a joke can go too far and make you feel like rubbish.
Don't be afraid to speak out and tell them or anyone you trust how you feel about it at all, don't be alone in all of this because it won't make anything better..
Good luck x
Liked by: Deena

Right. I want to die. But the fact of death scares me leaving my family. My friends aren't there for me I'm killing my self by smoking anyway. I self harm everyday. I want to leave and nothing is stopping me but myself.

Please just don't give up. You are needed, you are important, you are wanted, you are loved and you are beautiful. I know it's hard but you need to stay strong, for your family and for yourself. You're valuable in this world, we all have a purpose to live.
Try not to think of all of the bad things in your life, and think of something good
focus on something different and try to take your mind of it.
Hobbies? try something new and different! Distract yourself- make food, or things like crafts. Watch a movie, or telly. Find something you can hook on to FAST. Please don't guide yourself to drugs. Draw and read, just get your mind off it.
And about your self harm.. Cut down on cutting- lets say you cut like 5 times a day make it four and so and so on, I know it might sound stupid but start off slow. Don't just all of a sudden stop,i will be unbelievably hard.
Try to write, write everything -all your feelings and yourpains in a journal or on a new tumblr just for you.. get all the things out from your heart and just spill them out, it will be best for you.
Suicide is defiantly NOT the answer,I know you can stay strong and you have a whole world out there and if no one is there I am.
Cutting can often become an addiction. It can be very difficult to stop. That’s why it’s important to go and seek help. You can’t do this alone.
Leave the past behind you, and look towards the future. You have your whole life in head of you x

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Liked by: Gemma Duffy

I'm like the shy one in my group and just for that reason I'll always be the 'weird' one... Or that's how it looks to me :/ x

I'm the same to you, don't worry your shyness will go away soon- trust me. You're not 'the weird one' at all. Don't put yourself down x
Liked by: Dana

I have friends, but sometimes i feel awkward and i feel like no one likes me or talks to me ... They all prefer my best friend and i feel like they only put up with me because of her...please help?

I used to feel the same way. Talk to your best friend about it? I'm sure she'll understand how you feel, and try to include you in more things. We all have times when we feel a little left out, or useless so I'm sure that it will get better with time. Stay friends with your friends but if they do purposerly ignore you then just either talk to them about what is going on, or just ignore them back
try not to worry about it too much, it will get better x


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