
31 people

50 posts


What have you accomplished in your life?

ahmadnather’s Profile PhotoAhmad Nather
During childhood I have gained friends for all life, university education, driving licence, good paid job, loving husband, 2 clever children (boy and girl), managing my kids to finish university too, being loved and appreciated by all my wide family, a lot of nice winter ski vacations and summer vacations spent either in Slovak nature or at Croatian, Italian, Bulgarian and Greece Sea <3 <3 <3 ...... I think I can die fully satisfied with my life :)))))

Wino? Jeśli tak to jakie?

na ogół rzadko piję wina i w ogóle dawno nie próbowałem ale jeśli już to np. z bułgarskich czerwonych primus melnik logodaj a z białych bulgarian heritage misket
z francuskich białych drouet freres sauvignion a z czerwonych château castera
dodam jeszcze że generalnie próbowałem win trochę tańszych w granicach do 150 ziko, a jeśli już wina były powyżej ceny to już nie ale kto wie, może jeszcze skorzystam z okazji
nigdy nie przytrafiła mi się sytuacja z degustacją win włoskich, portugalskich i serbskich a stwierdzam szczerze że bardzo chciałbym spróbować win z tych krajów

Hi. Good guess, but (although I wrote it that way) Svetoslavova isn't my last name, but my middle name. // About my first one- it's typically Bulgarian and, yes, it starts with V. Will you guess or should I say straight? haha

wenii313’s Profile PhotoВ. Светославова IYI
I was just about to put all the information I have about you in my supercomputer and have it being told to me, but since we both are online😁

I don't know why I've asked in Bulgarian. But I'm not surprised you answered. :D

wenii313’s Profile PhotoВ. Светославова IYI
You can ask in any language you please. I'm a very intelligent man🤪
Sometimes I also like to read a book or just working on a script.
+1 answer in: “Как прекарваш една типична твоя вечер вкъщи? 🛋”

As we're talking about big events, I've been to only 4 concerts (so far)- Skillet, Hollywood Undead, Armin van Buuren and Slavi Trifonov (great Bulgarian musician). But I'm happy this have happened.

wenii313’s Profile PhotoВ. Светославова IYI
Sounds fun😁 I hope you will attend many more in the future. Did you have any plans for this year before everything got closed down?
+4 answers in: “Followed. ✔ Which is your favourite musician and/or band? And have you been to their concert? 🙃”

Ever had or heard of an oreo cookie ball before? (If you've never heard of these.. You can look them up, they are easy to make. Yummy and a good food present for some folks.)

Ice_Frozen_Vocals’s Profile PhotoŞωεεT† ɮȩ̷̠̝͙̎̑̆ℓℓล ♡♪
Holy shit)) My bloody mouth's watering now !!!. Well, there's a Bulgarian woman where I fuckin live that owns a bakery shop and she makes these lil chocolate covered balls that she calls " форма " balls. She told me she uses a cream cheese and crushed Oreo mix, molds em into a fuckin ball,and covers em with chocolate ... Fuckin tasty !!!. ☆☆☆ ...

Heheheee 😂😂😂 i know it's impossible but I'm bored so yeah 😂😂 I'm good here ma'am ❤️ what about you?

I'm good too, dear. 😊 You really bored, right? Let me share you one story. 😬
So there was this man in Bulgaria who drove trains for a living. He loved his job. Driving a train had been his dream ever since he was a child. He loved to make the train go as fast as possible.
Unfortunately, one day he was a little too reckless and caused a crash. He made it out, but a single person died. Well, needless to say, he went to court over this incident. He was found guilty, and was sentenced to death by electrocution.
When the day of the execution came, he requested a single banana as his last meal. After eating the banana, he was strapped into the electric chair. The switch was flown, sparks flew, and smoke filled the air - but nothing happened. The man was perfectly fine.
Well, at the time, there was an old Bulgarian law that said a failed execution was a sign of divine intervention, so the man was allowed to go free. Somehow, he managed to get his old job back driving the train. Having not learned his lesson at all, he went right back to driving the train with reckless abandon. Once again, he caused a train to crash, this time killing two people. The trial went much the same as the first, resulting in a sentence of execution. For his final meal, the man requested two bananas. After eating the bananas, he was strapped into the electric chair. The switch was thrown, sparks flew, smoke filled the room - and the man was once again unharmed.
Well, this of course meant that he was free to go. And once again, he somehow managed to get his old job back. To what should have been the surprise of no one, he crashed yet another train and killed three people. And so he once again found himself being sentenced to death. On the day of his execution, he requested his final meal: three bananas.

"You know what? No," said the executioner.
"I've had it with you and your stupid bananas and walking out of here unharmed. I'm not giving you a thing to eat; we're strapping you in and doing this now."
Well, it was against protocol, but the man was strapped in to the electric chair without a last meal. The switch was pulled, sparks flew, smoke filled the room - and the man was still unharmed. The executioner was speechless.
The man looked at the executioner and said, "Oh, the bananas had nothing to do with it. I'm just a bad conductor."
Hope you like it. 😁

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+3 answers in: “Send me your kentut :^)”

No , you didnt get it :D it's a riddle i made , not several questions to ask at once ^^ енд за да назовеш нещо но не можеш да го разпознаеш е ( споменът ) използвам метафори , i hope you get it now .

PetrVlchanov’s Profile PhotoShadow Walker.
Плийс дууд, choose one language either Bulgarian or English and stick to it. Прекалено разсейващо ми действа да чета с български букви на английски, за да се фокусирам върху това което искаш да ми кажеш. Повечето от концентрацията ми отива във разшифроването и превода от бг на английски, отколкото върху смисъла. Не си падам по гатанки, затова не съм и търсила такъв смисъл във въпроса ;3

Heeii..i am new,this is a my new profile for the best Mona Gocheff - Bulgarian singer and actress..if you have a any questions you can ask me..I followed u, back? ❤️

monagocheff_team’s Profile Photoмoɴα's ᴛᴇᴀᴍ ☁
Thanks for the follow,
Following you back...
and my question is... why you guys make ask profiles for famous people instead of making profiles for yourselves??

I don't need to remember, I know. Because I'm Bulgarian I think it was like "Здраствуй, меня завут Кондтантин дай водка"

KokoJunior’s Profile PhotoTino
in Russian it will be like "Привет, меня зовут Константин, дай мне водку"
+2 answers in: “I studied Russian in school for a year but forgot it all”

You remind me of a character who's super obsessed with horoscopes, and keeps a different lucky item every day. He's a cancerian, and is shown to be very superstitious. He even believes in blood group compatibility. It's odd and I'm kind of curious. Does it have to do with the star?

Iamahomunculus’s Profile PhotoHawkeye
Pet, not only you compare me to a Cancer man but also you have the nerve to expect me to provide you info you can easily google after insulting me like that...
Anyway, here's a rant i had on the tip of my tongue for some time and will use your question for it
Some years i was pretty skeptical about astrology but also i didn't know much about it so i decided to learn more and see what i think then.
Now that i can finally say i've learned a lot about it, i must admit i haven't come across much that points in any direction different than "astrology is bullshit" lmao.
Only by a lot of self-reflecting and observing and sort of patching things up and coming up with very broooad definitions and grasping at straws i can claim that some of the things it states are actually accurate and useful.
However. This is hardly the point. Every new sphere of knowledge i engage into has its own language and that's the beauty and importance of it. By learning a new language you learn how to express and understand things you never knew existed before (i.e. in Bulgarian you don't have a word for "gender", it's only "sex", while in english you do). You know and create parts of yourself you never knew before; language shines a light on them. Language shapes thought, you know? All that Sapir-Whorf stuff, i'm definitely into it.
For me, the language of astrology is the language of self-awareness - just like French is the language of love and so on. I like where it has taken me. I'd say most ppl i know that understand this language are going down the same way of intense introspection which i've been taking & seeking a deeper understanding of others as well as of the connections between ppl. They are seeking patterns (recognizing archetypes) and what causes them - and what changes them, and tracking how all things in life are related.
My interest in astrology started as a way to prove to myself how irrational and desperate are people and how easy it is to reprogram their minds; i ended up realizing i'm a person myself and accepting that being irrational and desperate and constantly reprogrammed is a vital, fundamental part of the human condition. I ended up finding new means for communication, i expanded my set of ways to connect things and to understand ppl. I found an incredible tool for shining a light on a part of my mind that has remained unexplored before that.
Humans are on top of the system of life as we know it. We are the most powerful living creatures on Earth. Therefore, the more human you are, the more powerful you are. To become more human is to become more and more aware of yourself. So, self-awareness is the key - and the only way to obtain it is by obtaining knowledge about yourself and everything else.
In conclusion, astrology for me has a lot more to do with the human mind than with THE STAR. But the two might have a lot more in common than we think...
what a gemini rant was that tho, am i right lmao

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What is a saying or phrase or a slang word that is common in your country but would baffle a foreigner?

Oh, god, there are so many! Bulgarian is a wonderful language for little words, phrases and expressions that mean so much more than the literal, and mean different things based on the tone of voice. It's.... it's like a meme.
Bulgarian has meme-phrases. They go beyond the literal, they are difficult to explain in clear meaning, and simultaneously they are instantly recognisable to the familiar user. Bulgarian is a meme language! :D
Earlier today I was thinking about the word "аджеба", which sounds something like "adjeba", with the stress on the "e". We inherited this word from the Turkish. It means.... it can mean something like "finally", or "at last", but it's usually more informally used. It also tries to make a point - like "When are you FINALLY going to do that??".
Earlier I was also thinking about a short saying - "неродено бебе". It means "unborn baby", but it's used as a short reminder of an old folk tale. In the tale, a pregnant woman and her female relatives became so worried about what *might* happen to her unborn son that they ran through every possible horrible thing that could happen and created a (completely imaginary) scenario of ever-increasing dangers.
The lesson of the story is that you shouldn't imagine what *could* happen to something that hasn't started yet, and you shouldn't decide everything is going to be awful without even trying. However, as we often say just those two words "неродено бебе", without explaining the whole story, anybody who has never heard of it would be rather confused as to what it means and why it's dropped in the middle of nowhere, much like a surprise baby. :D

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+2 answers Read more

Is there something or someone that you can truly say you hate?What makes your hatred so strong for it or them?

There's a few people I wish I could hate (not saying my reasons) but no, I don't wholeheartedly hate them. There have been moments, though. I remember when my brothers and I were kids and we were on one of our skiing holidays with dad. We had lost dad so we navigated ourselves around the Bulgarian mountains for a few hours before coming across him. It was getting late and he said the weather was getting bad and that we'd have to hurry. But by this point I was tired, we had skied every day for a week already and my hands were in so much pain that I sat down in the snow and refused to go. I was looking at him when I cried out, he remained expressionless and continued to tell me to shut up and get up. We skied for a while and finally got to a familiar area and he told me there was one more steep bit. As he spoke, he reached out and caught hold of my waist, tugging me gently towards him. He was careful, almost tender, in the way he spun me round so that I was facing out from the slope when I came to a stop beside him. He directed my legs to footholds that he had hacked, unbuckled my boots, pulled my socks up high and tightened the buckles, took my hands in his and rubbed them together. I realised then that he had been fully aware of the pain he had been putting me through, and this concern was a quiet way of saying, it's all right. I wasn't being a bastard. It just had to be done.

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Liked by: tea. Andy? Blake Rankin

Playlist internacional ➖ monte uma playlist com uma música de cada língua diferente que você conhece.

(🎃) Korean — 완전미쳤네, https://bit.ly/1M8i6tB.
(🎃) English — I Wanna, https://bit.ly/1ziILce.
(🎃) Spanish — Te Quedarás, https://bit.ly/1QuqEeE.
(🎃) Japanese — もう1回, https://bit.ly/2gfHFOA.
(🎃) Bulgarian — мотив, https://bit.ly/2M8ywIz.
(🎃) Chinese — 好的, https://bit.ly/2y7CxSu.

Hi Mario, since Russia shares a border with China, I am curious if you have ever encountered a Russian who knows a Chinese dialect (Hokkien, Mandarin, Cantonese, etc) when you were studying abroad? What second languages do Russians in your university back then usually speak?

Actually, no. I don't know any Russian who even speaks Chinese in my then university. A lot of Chinese did go to my college, but none of the Russians knew any Chinese.
In a funny way, in my university back then, the second most spoken language was not English. There were some students who understood few English words, but almost none of them actually spoke English. I met a lot of Russians who also spoke French, and the reason why was due to their historical background. Apparently, the Russians love the French.
Most of them could understand other Slavic languages like we understand Malay, but almost none considered language such as Ukrainian or Bulgarian as their second language. There are others whose second language was Italian or German, but they were the minority. A pastor I know spoke Polish, and there was one guy who spoke Hungarian.
Interestingly, in my community, the second languages were very diverse, yet English speakers were countable.

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Bulgarian anon is not lost, you stopped talking to me :DDDDDDDD And yeah, technically is not a tale. Local legend.

NooooooI literally open up my ask twice a day to check if you sent something *hides face* So tell me a tale. And that anon too. Are you going to Bulgaria this summer? *-*
And do you have fav songs from their local language that I can listen to after Iftar?

Thank you for your kindness 😊🌻 , I'm a big fan of Eminem. I love orchestral music and soundtracks like this one : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wh655FeqbEQ .. I'm 23 years old and you?

Wow, it's so dramatic, sad and wonderful music))) i also lisening epic soundtracks and songs when i write my own stories))) My favorite singers it is bulgarian singer Azis, serbian singers Mile Kitic and In Vivo. The are sings romantic songs))) I like also Miracle of Sound, Zayde Wolf, Ruelle and Simon Curtis, maybe you hear about one of them))) that's my favorite serbian song https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=A28i_aNAvLUMaxvi4’s Video 148257610419 A28i_aNAvLUMaxvi4’s Video 148257610419 A28i_aNAvLU
russian and ukrainian singers i listened only in radio or Eurovision Song Contests))) I'm 19 years old😊
+2 answers Read more

That's nice 🌺 I agree that it is one of the most beautiful countries in the world 😊⭐ I can understand basic Russian language and I'm still learning it. Is Ukranian language same as Russian language? I noticed that they are kinda similar

Yes, there are similarities in some words, like in other slavic languages))) but our language is more beautiful and emotional and very similar with belarusian and polish languages, also with bulgarian and serbian languages. I can show our national song about cozacks, which fight against turkish and mongolian enemies. That song is very sad and beautiful))) ukrainian history was been hard, because our land captured, many our people died, defends free and glory of Ukraine. Which words in russian language do you know?))) Maybe we can speak in russian, that will be easy for me to express my mind)))
https://m.youtube.com/watch?list=LLXEcX19Mp4002asWtXUu0Uw&v=VDYtDfzOEkYMaxvi4’s Video 148243991219 VDYtDfzOEkYMaxvi4’s Video 148243991219 VDYtDfzOEkY
+5 answers in: “Hey, this page @danaw3 has nice posts. Follow her if you want ❤”

have you been studying English for a long time? Consider learning any other language besides this one?

"English is something I was born knowing, even though I did learn a little Bulgarian over the years. Especially after me and Marcus ran away, I was young and I had met a girl originally from Bulgaria so I taught her some English and she taught me some stuff from there; I'd still want to learn more languages though."
have you been studying English for a long time Consider learning any other

No i am not Lebanese but yes i love to experience new types of food , desserts ( exclusive) ! As far as i think Bulgarian dishes have Asian cum European touch in their dishes ... yoghurt is famous ..😊

Yes, that is true. Bulgaria spent 500 years in the Ottoman empire. That is why many Turkish dishes are now typical in Bulgaria as well (but the opposite is also true). Some dishes, like the tolumba, are spread through the Balkans, the Middle East and even Egypt. Others, like yogurt, come from the far east like India, but are also present all across the Russian lands and the Balkans. We all seem to have slightly different versions of some dishes and desserts. What are your favourites?
+14 answers in: “Whats the special in Bulgarian ?”

̶̶T̶̶h̶̶e̶̶ ̶̶g̶̶i̶̶r̶̶l̶̶ ̶̶t̶̶h̶̶a̶̶t̶̶ ̶̶w̶̶a̶̶s̶̶ ̶̶d̶̶i̶̶f̶̶f̶̶e̶̶r̶̶e̶̶n̶̶t̶̶ ̶̶f̶̶r̶̶o̶̶m̶̶ ̶̶o̶̶t̶̶h̶̶e̶̶r̶̶s̶̶

ᆤ ᆤᆤᆤ ᆤᆤᆤ ᆤᆤ b̲̲a̲̲s̲̲i̲̲c̲̲s̲̲:
original name ➳ Katrina Petrova
nickname ➳ Ania
born ➳ 4th June 1473
species ➳ human ( recently )
family ➳ Katerina Petrova ( twin sister )
earth ➳ 2

ᆤ ᆤᆤᆤ ᆤᆤᆤ ᆤᆤ s̲̲t̲̲o̲̲r̲̲y̲̲:

Born as Katrina Petrova, on 4th of June 1473 in Bulgaria at 24:56, she was the twin sister of Katherine Pierce. Growing up, both Katherine and Katrina were inseparable. Always playing around and protecting each other. At first, they used to play this game with her family, where they were switching places but in time Katrina got bored. At the age of 12, they discover that they have magic and the fight for the supreme witch in the family began.

This is where the story changes. This version of Katherine was not like others. She got pregnant and ran to England with her lover, so she can marry him and Katrina was sent to bring her back no matter what. in England, she lied to the Mikaelsons that she lost her baby and someone is after her.

Katrina found her sister and pretended to be Katherine, while her sister was gone with Elijah to meet the king, using a powerful spell that bounded the twins even more. When Katherine return, Katrina was already welcome into the originals house and their game began once again.

Katherine went to Bulgaria and killed her family, making the Bulgarian coven to turn against Katrina, Katrina turned herself into a vampire to curse Katherine too. The Bulgarian coven forgave Katrina but sent her away when she kept doing bad things for the simplest reason: REVENGE ON HER SISTER.

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̶̶T̶̶h̶̶e̶̶ ̶̶g̶̶i̶̶r̶̶l̶̶ ̶̶t̶̶h̶̶a̶̶t̶̶ ̶̶w̶̶a̶̶s̶̶ ̶̶d̶̶i̶̶f̶̶f̶̶e̶̶r̶̶e̶̶n̶̶t̶̶ ̶̶f̶̶r̶̶o̶̶m̶̶ ̶̶o̶̶t̶̶h̶̶e̶̶r̶̶s̶̶

ᆤ ᆤᆤᆤ ᆤᆤᆤ ᆤᆤ b̲̲a̲̲s̲̲i̲̲c̲̲s̲̲:
original name ➳ Katrina Petrova
nickname ➳ Ania
born ➳ 4th June 1473
species ➳ human ( recently )
family ➳ Katerina Petrova ( twin sister )
earth ➳ 2

ᆤ ᆤᆤᆤ ᆤᆤᆤ ᆤᆤ s̲̲t̲̲o̲̲r̲̲y̲̲:

Born as Katrina Petrova, on 4th of June 1473 in Bulgaria at 24:56, she was the twin sister of Katherine Pierce. Growing up, both Katherine and Katrina were inseparable. Always playing around and protecting each other. At first, they used to play this game with her family, where they were switching places but in time Katrina got bored. At the age of 12, they discover that they have magic and the fight for the supreme witch in the family began.

This is where the story changes. This version of Katherine was not like others. She got pregnant and ran to England with her lover, so she can marry him and Katrina was sent to bring her back no matter what. in England, she lied to the Mikaelsons that she lost her baby and someone is after her.

Katrina found her sister and pretended to be Katherine, while her sister was gone with Elijah to meet the king, using a powerful spell that bounded the twins even more. When Katherine return, Katrina was already welcome into the originals house and their game began once again.

Katherine went to Bulgaria and killed her family, making the Bulgarian coven to turn against Katrina, Katrina turned herself into a vampire to curse Katherine too. The Bulgarian coven forgave Katrina but sent her away when she kept doing bad things for the simplest reason: REVENGE ON HER SISTER.

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The girl that was different from others

Hey como estas?, necesito un favor urgente, esta es mi primera canción grabada y producida por mi y con mis propios medios. Te pido te suscribas y me dejes un like, ya que si llego a los 20.000 suscriptores me firmarán, muchas y un abrazote https://goo.gl/qJssRq @emiliodree

Hello there
another person not knowing that I only speak Bulgarian and English
Hey como estas necesito un favor urgente esta es mi primera canción grabada y

♚ ─ https://ask.fm/reddishpsycho/answers/144512656342 & https://ask.fm/reddishpsycho/answers/144624640726

reddishpsycho’s Profile Photo♚─ᴀᴜʀᴏʀᴀ ᴅᴇ ᴍᴀʀᴛᴇʟ
♔. ━━━━━━━ For the first time in her life Katherine has decided to think before acting ; by thinking she meant giving the woman in front of her a chance to survive. Being spied one was something Katherine always hated and the fact that this psycho red head has been after her for days was making her extremely annoyed—it reminded her of the time when she was on the run from Niklaus, always afraid that someone was watching her in order to give information to the hybrid himself. Yet the woman she trapped didn’t seem to be that dangerous; but if Katherine learned something in the past five hundred years was not to get fooled by an innocent face, especially when she was dressed just like Katherine was; both having leather jacket, and high heels, the same smirk and there was something about their eyes; she knew that look but from where ?
When the woman finally started to talk, it wasn’t quite the reactions she expected from someone being trapped—was that happiness in her voice ? But what shocked her the most was the fact that she called her by her original Bulgarian name; which not many people knew about. Certainly this encounter was going to be more interesting that she predicted. Hearing her speech, a sudden smirk played on her lips as she broke the spell around the woman named Aurora. “I know you…” She whispered as she came closer to her; now she remembered. Niklaus has told her about this particular woman; crazy for him, but apparently ended up destroying herself in a love that wasn’t returned. It sounded somehow too familiar for the brunette.
“Love, if you would even lift a finger, you’d already be without hand, so I know that you’re not here to play.” Katherine said as she tilted her head, observing the girl—that was indeed an interesting offer Aurora just made, but what she wanted to know was why would Aurora needed her ? Of course, just like Katherine she wanted revenge and they both been betrayed by the Mikaelson—oh and killed themselves as well, one with a rope, the other by jumping off a window. Yet, the thirst for revenge was way stronger than her questions. “What’s your plan ?” The brunette asked as a little spark appeared in her eyes; when it came to the Mikaeslon Katherine would do anything to get her revenge; after all that was all they deserved.

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Do you believe in astrology? Does your personality match your zodiac sign? And finally, what is your zodiac sign? Have a nice day!

All of that is bullshit excuses people use to justify being dumb cunts. Believing that your actions were influenced by something other than yourself is absurd. "Oh, my fucking Mars is in fucking Thanatos, guess I'm excused from the consequences of my actions now ayyoo, time to be a stupid bitch (applies to both genders, i'm not being sexist) and blame it on some fucking planet way up in the sky!"
While astrology may have some upsides or truths in it, at the end of the day it's just a pile of shit.
Also, i'm a Capricorn.
Also, if you're bulgarian I highly suggest you read fuckthenorm's post about astrology:

Let's go back in your beginning of vidder! 1. What year did you started editing? 2. When did you started to upload? 3. What were you using at first? 4. What do you use now? 5. What were the first fandoms you vidded? 6. Did you liked your first video? 7. How do you feel about your editing now?

• What year did you started editing? → december 2011.
• When did you started to upload? → december 2011.
• What were you using at first? → here comes the walk of shame 😂 ... i started with Windows Movie Maker, then ProShow Producer, AVS Editor, until i met my boyfriend - Sony Vegas Pro. We are still together by the way *wink*
• What do you use now? → my babe Sony Vegas.
• What were the first fandoms you vidded? → the vampire diaries & teen wolf.
• Did you liked your first video? → it's still on my old channel, in the Bulgarian video platform that i used to use ... let me tell you i want to throw my laptop from the window. That's how bad it is.
• How do you feel about your editing now? → slaying my life 😈👅💋
Lets go back in your beginning of vidder
1 What year did you started editing
Liked by: Warrior Loréleï.

If you were permitted to give your complaints about the school you went to when you were younger/go to, what would you say?

I'll answer for the schools I used to go to, and for my current university. I don't really have many personal complaints. I was always either a very good student or at least the one who gets along with students. But I've seen things that could be better.
For my school(s), they were in an Eastern European country. For anyone with experience there, that already says a lot. It's a system based on how much knowledge (e.g. words and formulas) can be stuffed in your mind. It's very theoretical, with almost no practical lessons. It's also quite demanding in the sense of material to be covered. There is little space for personal or social development, which I see from American and UK systems. Believe me, if you think they are "dry", you are wrong. The Bulgarian student is an information-learning machine. For me? That's perfectly cool. For most students, it can be stifling of anything else, including independent thoughts.
Aaaand.... while most teachers I've come in contact with have been incredible, wonderful individuals and I've had good relationships with them, a select few a different. Some seem to dislike students and begrudge them a little. Others seem condescending and magnanimous, seemingly establishing power and superiority, rather than informing, teaching.
I've personally had a couple of such experiences, such as having my accurate spelling corrected *with the wrong one* (??!) by a primary school teacher (thankfully temporary). Or one of my high-school teachers, who corrected my English, of all things. I'm sorry, Mrs., but I live in the UK and that is certainly NOT how you pronounce the word "woman"...... (I'm not even going to try explaining how she "corrected" me to pronounce it). So, occasional things like that, but... bear in mind I'm a good, easy student. If that bothered me, it could have had damaging effect on students with less self-confidence.
As for university... I mostly love(d) it. I mean, I'm doing a PhD, so I either love it, or I'm trying to inflict on myself an existential crisis. :D Still, there are a few unhelpful things. University teachers are so busy being supportive and polite, and providing equal and generalisable feedback to students, that they often give the most flat, clichéd comments. It sounds like talking to a telemarketer or one of those self-help gurus.I learned more through observation and trial-and-error than through direct, specific feedback.
Since then, I've proceeded to teach at the same university. I have to say, from the perspective of feedback-giver, it's about as bland and questionably proactive. It's correct, yes. But not the most clear, detailed, specific thing the student can hear. Not something the student can immediately learn from, without trying to imagine complex scenarios of what the marker means. And...I think we focus on some pretty petty details. Place more importance on truly unimportant things, and sometimes fail to see the things that form understanding, ability. That's all. :)

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