

Ask @ugottafriend

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What is your favorite candy?

This is not an easy question, for I am a great lover of many candies.
Chocolate or anything fruity...Hershey's, Skittles, Gummy Worms...I freakin' love candy, man. Too much! But I have to behave myself for health reasons.

Under what circumstances do you block people on social media?

Too many reasons to name. I have little shame in blocking people these days. If they say or post something unacceptable, make me uncomfortable, or simply annoy me, they can get blocked.

favorite desserts?

Nice question!
Lemon or chocolate anything!
Key Lime Pie
Milkshakes and Malts
As long as there is no coconut or alcohol, I'm usually good. I don't care for cake, though. I do like brownies a lot, but almost never eat them due to sugar content (muscular dystrophy problems). I'm super easy to please...a $1.00 bag of Hershey Kisses works for me. If you can find Fair Trade chocolate, that's even better.

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are you usually afraid of the dark?

Nah, but I do keep a light on somewhere in the apartment so I can see how to get to the bathroom in the middle of the night without injuring myself. Usually it's just a closet light or the light above the stove.

You belong to that part of population which.............?

...is female
...identifies as introverted
...doesn't have children
...has a disability
...lives alone

how often do you look back on your life?

It's usually an every day thing, which is to say too often. I have a hard time turning off my brain. It likes to rewind and replay.

Would you rather be an astronaut, philosopher or treasure hunter?

That's a tough decision! I love following NASA and other space-related content, but I don't see myself being an astronaut. I'm a behind the scenes kind of girl. Treasure hunting may allow me to see the world, which is something I'd love to do, but I'm not one to care much about material possessions. I'm probably more likely to be a philosopher out of the three. If I had the health and the opportunity to travel on land to see the world AND be a philosopher, I'd do that!

What items do you always carry to your bag ?

If I carry a bag, it has my phone, driver's license, and debit card in it. Occasionally, I carry medication. I try not to carry a bag everywhere, and often have only my phone and money in my pocket.

Have you ever done something crazy to show you are attracted to someone?

Not unless writing a letter counts. I was a depressed kid who wrote long, sad love letters to boys that I liked. Thankfully, I only did that three times, but it was three times too many. If I'm attracted to someone nowadays, I don't do anything at all other than suffer internally until I can get away from them, haha. I'm pathetic.

That situation laughter turns into tears ?

It usually involves recalling a funny memory from years ago. Nostalgia has been known to make me laugh till I cry.

Is it possible to cross a bear with a cow? ???

It may be possible with the help of science, but why would it be attempted?

Why is there a life jacket under the seat on an airplane, but not a parachute?

Because a passenger plane, which holds dozens if not hundreds of passengers, is not designed to safely jump out of. Do some research and you will learn that if a passenger plane door or window is opened, the pressure is going to cause you to lose consciousness, and there's a good chance you're going to get sucked out. If you're unconscious, you're dead regardless of a parachute! Now imagine that there are 60-200 people to consider, the vast majority of which don't know how to put on or operate a parachute. If the plane is going down, which normally happens quickly, you're not going to have time to get one person out safely, much less dozens of uneducated people. A life jacket doesn't require knowledge, which is why even babies have them! So if the plane manages to land on water, with survivors, those people can float until help arrives (see: Hudson River plane rescue).

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What was the first novel on which you spent your money on??

And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie

How do you get rid of stress and negative energy?

Oh, how I would love to know. You got any suggestions? Because lemme tell ya, my sanity is hanging by a thread, my friend. A thread!

if you could ask your soulmate anything, you would ask...

I don't believe in soulmates. I believe people make conscious decisions to do life together, and some of those people are both mature and fortunate enough to excel at it. I also believe some people are, by nature, not mate material and should remain single. Assuming everyone has a destined partner out there is faulty idealism.

Bikini or a one-piece swimsuit?

I haven't owned a swimsuit since I was 16, but it was the most modest possible one-piece. I usually wore a shirt over it, too.

Who do u tell a lot to?

I tell some things to my little brother, and other things to my friends. Mostly, I just tell things to my blog. I don't have a confidant these days.

If you could take some special skill from any animal, which animal and which skill would you choose?

That's an easy answer. I would fly. I don't have a preference on the animal. Does it have the ability to fly all over the world? Great. I choose that.

What games do you have installed on your phone?

I have one game installed. It's called That's You and it connects to a Playstation. It's an interactive co-op game of 3 to 6 players that's pretty funny if you have goofy relatives like I do. I only play it at my brother's house, because he has the equipment to support it. I always end up laughing till I hurt.

Who will be the next person you will kiss?

I assume one of my nieces, which will probably be around the holidays.

What are your memories from this winter? Tell me, please :з

My winter was difficult. A couple of loved ones died, I lost my vehicle, I had debilitating muscle weakness and myotonia triggered by colder temperatures. I did a lot of reading. My nieces had their birthdays (which I wasn't present for due to illness). Winter is rarely an easy time, but this last one was especially challenging.

What do you consider to be a healthy relationship?

This is an excellent question. It has been on my mind a lot lately, because I've never had a healthy relationship. That doesn't mean I'm clueless, but definitely inexperienced. At any rate, I do a lot of reading, listening to others, observing others, and critical thinking about these things, and it appears that the number one priority is mutual respect. To be much more specific, here is what I believe in my heart a healthy relationship would entail:
- Friendship first. If you're not willing to be a genuine friend to each other, with no ulterior motives, you really have no business being lovers or life partners.
- Open and empathic communication is vital. Don't make assumptions. Give and receive honesty calmly. Listen with the intention of caring, not correcting. Be available within reason, be rational, and be considerate.
- There must be CLEAR and ABSOLUTE acknowledgement of consent in all things. We are people, not property. Period.
- Boundaries are allowed, encouraged, and enforced without negative consequences.
- No scapegoating, superiority complexes, or accusations based on assumptions.
- Remember that doing something for someone or offering provision does not give you any right to control them.
- Bad days are inevitable, but try not to go to bed angry. At the very least, attempt to resolve any misunderstandings. If the end result is still anger, strive to get adequate sleep and start over tomorrow.
- It doesn't matter who makes more money or who is more successful. It's a partnership, not a competition.
- Nobody likes being micromanaged. Nobody.
- Decisions that affect both parties should be addressed and executed as a team.
- Everyone should be free to feel the full range of emotion without judgment, but it's important to remain self-aware and keep your actions in check. Ex. - It's ok to feel angry. It's not ok to scream and throw things because you're angry.
- Take responsibility for your words and actions. If you said it or did it, you own it. Lying, blaming, sabotaging, and manipulating is for sociopaths.
- No one is right and good all the time, including you. Accept it. Learn something from it.
- As a general rule, it's best to think before you speak.
- If both are humble and willing, almost anything can be talked out.
A healthy couple can be equal companions without losing themselves in the process. It's not 50/50 and you're not a half. You are two already-complete people who are making a conscious decision to share two already-complete lives with each other.
In summary: respect, respect, and more respect. It's the golden ticket. Thank you for asking this question.

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