@anonamouse89887#7 🇺🇸


Ask @anonamouse89887

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How do you feel about public speaking? What do you do to make sure your speech, presentation etc. is gonna go well? 🎤

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Public speaking terrifies me… Always has. I’m really anxious being in the spotlight like that, and I feel like I’m never prepared enough to give a well executed speech, presentation, etc, no matter how much I do to get ready or rehearse beforehand. In the moment, I always get super flustered and can barely get words out. Not to mention that everyone can tell I’m nervous from the get go, cause I shake like a leaf and get red in the face. 😳😅
What I try to do in advance to make it go well, even though it rarely works, is give myself very clear talking points, remember as much of what I want to say as possible, and also try to rehearse so I speak as clearly and “normal” sounding as possible. But, almost always, I go blank when I’m actually standing up there trying to talk, and I end up mumbling or talking too fast. 😩

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How do you feel about public speaking What do you do to make sure your speech
Liked by: Nahed M. Haeba Tobbe

Who always makes you laugh?

My step-sister! She has always made me laugh so hard, ever since we were little. Like growing up, we shared a room for quite a few years, and we’d stay up super late and just spend the whole night laughing until our stomachs hurt. It was to the point where our parents would come in repeatedly, telling us to be quiet and go to bed. 😂
I’m not kidding, the majority of my fondest memories from my childhood, were the two of us basically just crying from laughing so hard. And most times, there wasn’t one specific thing we were laughing at, it was just like an endless cycle of a bunch of random things. We just fit each others sense of humor to a T. 😁
Who always makes you laugh
Liked by: Nahed M. Haeba Tobbe

What's your "dinner time" routine? For example, I always eat and watch movies/tv series in the living room.

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
My dinner time routine changes a lot… Since my eating schedule is super unpredictable, as well as my energy level and what I feel like making. But what the average dinner time looks like for me is:
Around 6:30-7pm, I decide that I should probably eat and clean up the kitchen before I get too fatigued and don’t feel up for it anymore. Then, I either make something by myself or if I’m with my mom or other family, we’ll make food together. ☺️
And once everything is done, I usually sit at the table and eat while watching either a documentary, or Youtube videos, or on rare occasions a movie.
And of course, I sit and watch stuff for way too long and then procrastinate cleaning up. 😂 But that’s pretty much all I do! And on nights where I’m way too lazy to cook, I’ll just throw a frozen meal in the oven or microwave and eat that while watching something. 😅

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Whats your dinner time routine For example I always eat and watch moviestv

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What game would you say you're the best at? Can be any kind of game! 🎮🎲🎳

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Sims 4, without a doubt! I’ve got almost 8000 hours in that game and have been playing since it came out in 2014. It’s basically the only game I’ve ever played (outside of Sims 3 but that doesn’t count cause… basically the same thing lol) since my previous computer wasn’t compatible with other games. I was lucky it even handled Sims honestly. 😂
My favorite type of gameplay is the actual simulation since I literally cannot build to save my life. 😅 I love doing all sorts of different family dynamics, and sometimes for the fun of it, I’ll do different challenges I find online.
And those can be really fun!
The other thing I enjoy if I get tired of all those things, is decorating small homes and apartments. I’m able to go crazy with details and really take my time. But, anything bigger than a small home, and I just have no idea how to design it. 😆

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What game would you say youre the best at Can be any kind of game

Do you have any Easter plans? 🐣🐰

I sort of have plans, yes! I’m going to spend Easter with a couple of my immediate family members, and we’re gonna have a nice lunch, and dessert. I’m not sure what else we’ll be doing, besides just hanging out and catching up. But it should be nice!
You have any plans? ☺️
Do you have any Easter plans

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Liked by: Tobbe

What's your favourite cereal or if you don't have cereal, what's your favourite thing to have for breakfast?

LouisaRHale’s Profile PhotoLou
My current favorite cereal is actually… cinnamon apple granola. But it’s SO good! 😂
I eat it pretty much everyday lately, and since I can’t eat oats/oatmeal really at all, this makes me feel like I’m eating something close to that. 😋
(Not my picture)
Whats your favourite cereal or if you dont have cereal whats your favourite

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Do you, or did you in the past, have any strange habits?

NoraKitties’s Profile PhotoNora May
Here’s two things I still do to this day… I don’t know if they’re considered strange or not, but they are things I do very regularly.
-Wearing headphones but not actually listening to anything.
I will be like listening to music or a podcast initially, and then I’ll get distracted and completely forget to turn on something else. Sometimes I’ll just be walking around with headphones in for like an hour or more before I notice I’m not actually listening to anything. I’ve done this since I was a teenager. 🤔
-Twirling my hair around my fingers. I play with my hair constantly without even thinking about it. Like if I’m not using my hands for anything and just sitting around, you can be almost certain I’m gonna be twirling my hair, or randomly running my hands through it, or simply touching it, or something. It’s like soothing to me I guess. Most times, I don’t even realize I’m doing it unless someone points it out. 😂

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Do you or did you in the past have any strange habits

How good would you say you are at drawing, painting etc.? If you have made something you're willing to share I'd be glad to take a look! ✏️🎨

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I’d say I’m okay at both! I’m certainly ambitious when it comes to my ideas, but usually I’m bad at executing them, as I’m not experienced enough. 🙈
Here’s a couple drawings and a painting I’m pretty happy with though!
And yes… Around 2019- 2020, I was really feeling the Bob Ross vibes if you couldn’t tell by the painting. 😝
How good would you say you are at drawing painting etc If you have made
Liked by: Tobbe Allison Marie

Just so you know, an alter ego isn't something that's opposite of you exactly. It's an entirely separate personality, and a symptom is Multiple Personality Disorder which is really serious. Or it's a superhero thing, where it's your everyday persona. Not quite how you meant it in your question 😊

Emmagine_This’s Profile PhotoEmmagine_This
Thank you so much for telling me this! I really appreciate it. I didn’t realize the implications of my question, nor that an alter ego was a symptom of Multiple Personality Disorder. I do realize how harmful that is, and sincerely apologize for it. Won’t happen again.

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Happy International Women's Day! Since you are one of the amazing women I follow on here, this is dedicated to you! ♀️💪

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Thank you so much, Tobbe!! 🤗
Happy International Womens Day Since you are one of the amazing women I follow
Liked by: Tobbe

Say you're about to fall asleep and you hear the faint buzzing of a mosquito somewhere near you, what do you do? Do you often have issues with mosquito bites? 🦟

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Well, one thing is for sure, I’m most likely gonna be wide awake until I get that thing. Unless I can’t find it or something for some reason… But I’m a mosquito magnet, I get numerous bites, so I want it to be gone before I’m sleeping and have it feasting away. 😆
Great example, last summer, there were 2-3 mosquitos that got into the house, and no matter I did, I couldn’t find them, so I just had to sleep knowing they were somewhere in the house. And over the course of 3 days until I found them, I had roughly 20 mosquito bites, most of which were on my legs, and the back of my arms. Everyday I’d wake up to more. Sooo yeah, I do not like mosquitos, but they really like me! 🥴
Say youre about to fall asleep and you hear the faint buzzing of a mosquito

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Show us a photo of the neighbourhood that you live in. *That you've taken* 📸 I'll post mine, too.

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
Well, that would be hard, as I don’t exactly live in a neighborhood. I live in an apartment building, and outside is just a busy street. However, I did just move from a neighborhood a couple months ago, so I’ll show a picture of that area instead! 😄
Show us a photo of the neighbourhood that you live in That youve taken  Ill post

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When does time pass the fastest for you? 🏎️ 🕒 👍 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ тєηα¢ισυѕ тσммαу™ ▩ ♚ ☻
There’s a couple things that never fails to make time fly for me!
When I’m working as a Cosmetologist, or practicing my skills, in general. Nothing makes me lose track of time more than doing what I love most, and fulfilling my lifelong passion to make other people feel good about themselves! 🥰
When I’m with my friends, regardless of what we’re doing. I lose track of time just being with them. Whether that’s sitting and talking, gaming, going out to eat, or going out to do something physical together, several hours still feels like five minutes. Nothing beats quality time with some of the people that mean most to me. 😁
When does time pass the fastest for you

Say someone were to be your roommate etc., what'd be some of the upsides or maybe even downsides of living with you? 🍲⏰

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
-I’m very neat and tidy so they wouldn’t have to worry about a lot of mess from my side.
-I’m quiet and tend to keep to myself, so if they needed space, or were working from home, studying, etc. There wouldn’t be much distraction.
-I love animals, so I’d be happy to help look after/take care of a pet, if need be. 🥰
-If they needed me, or they had something going on, I’d be more than willing to listen/help in any way I could.
-I absolutely love to cook/bake, so I’d probably be the type to make food for the both of us a lot. Assuming we had the same tastes. ☺️
-I don’t enjoy parties/large gatherings. So I wouldn’t be the best roommate for someone who liked to party, drink, have a lot of people over, etc.
-I tend to be unreliable when it comes to going through with plans, in general, because I often don’t feel well enough to go. 😬
-I’m not super spontaneous, so I’m not known for going along with last minute decisions to do something/go somewhere. Mostly cause how I feel can change on a dime, and I like to know what I’m doing in advance.
-I don’t know how to insert myself in groups of people, so if they had friends over, I wouldn’t get involved unless they said they wanted me there. And even then, I’d be pretty shy unless I felt like I could let loose with them.
-When I have illness flares, I lose the ability to care for myself, and there’s a high possibility I’d need help with many everyday things. So during that time, much of the housework/responsibilities would be solely on them. 😅

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Say someone were to be your roommate etc whatd be some of the upsides or maybe

How did you find out you're asexual? (I'm asexual too by the way 😊)

NoraKitties’s Profile PhotoNora May
Ooo, I’m happy to see a fellow ace on here! ☺️
I honestly figured it out over the span of many years. Like, I grew up in super small, rural towns, kind of in my own bubble, and didn’t really even know asexuality was a thing until my late teens when I started researching it. All I knew when I was younger, was that I didn’t experience sexual desire or attraction to anyone of any gender, and the idea of anything sexual involving me, made me insanely uncomfortable.
And despite people constantly telling me it would happen, and I would have “revelation” one day or that I just “hadn’t met the right person,” I never had any desire for it. And even as I began loosely dating (I’m romantically attracted to men), I still had no interest whatsoever, and sexual things didn’t cross my mind. Even when I was with someone romantically.
But I still waited a very long time to actually accept that I was, in fact, asexual, and have only embraced it in the last 3-4 years or so. I’m not exactly “out” though, as essentially none of my family know, and only a couple of very close friends know. And of course, the people on Ask too, cause it’s not like social media where all the people I know IRL are on here. So I feel I can talk about it freely. 😁

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How did you find out youre asexual Im asexual too by the way

do you use a laptop and, if so, what kind?

toddsby’s Profile PhotoTodd
I do! I have a TUF gaming laptop. I actually just got it a couple months ago, after having my old laptop for over 9 years! And let’s just say, it’s a massive improvement, and I absolutely love it. It’s nice to have a computer that actually functions, and doesn’t freeze just trying to play a Youtube video. 😂
(Not my picture)
do you use a laptop and if so what kind

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Do you ever wish your family raised you differently? If so, why? 👍 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ тєηα¢ισυѕ тσммαу™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Yes and no…
I wish my family had let me be a child more often. My family really had no filter, and tended to treat me like I was a lot more mature than I actually was. So I was often roped in to, and expected to deal with things I wasn’t even old enough to understand. And given I was an extremely anxious child already, it didn’t help to have adult responsibilities/worries put on me. 😬
But on the other hand, I think my family did a good job teaching me how to be a decent person, how to stand up for the things and people you care about, and for always encouraging me to follow my dreams and do what I’m most passionate about. They also raised me to extend my generosity wherever I could, by donating to charities, volunteering to help people in need, and just overall, being a good, loving person. ☺️

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Do you ever wish your family raised you differently If so why

Do you have any dietary restrictions?

J_A1996’s Profile PhotoJ
I do, indeed. Due to my chronic illness (autoimmune disease), I have quite an extensive list of them. Here’s a summarized (but still lengthy) version of all the things I’m not allowed to eat/drink:
-Energy Drinks
-Raw fruits (exceptions being tomatoes, bananas, and avocados)
-Peanuts/tree nuts (exception is peanut/nut butter)
-Seeds of any kind
-Vegetables (exception being peas and/or carrots, if they are very well cooked)
-Soy products
-Corn products (including popcorn)
-Grains (exceptions being certain cereals, breads, and white rice)
-Raisins, dates, figs… Or basically any dried fruit
There’s probably more I’m forgetting, but those are the main things. 😅
Do you have any dietary restrictions

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Liked by: anonstar17654 Tobbe

What was something clumsy you did recently? Inspired by the fact I dropped a newly bought bottle of soy sauce earlier today. Wasn't exactly the easiest to clean up 🥴

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Last night, I went downstairs in the apartment building I live in, and got a hot chocolate from the coffee machine they have, like I do fairly often. And they provide paper cups, and those cardboard sleeves to go over them. So, I get my drink, go back upstairs to my apartment, and then bring it over by the sink to have after I wash my hands.
Once I dried my hands, I picked it up to take a sip… And when I did, the cardboard sleeve that already didn’t fit right, slipped, causing me to miss my mouth all together and spill it all over my shirt. And because I was so startled by the hot drink soaking my shirt, I dropped the entire cup upside down directly into the sink. 🙈
But because my sink is fairly shallow, it splashed EVERYWHERE. All over the counters, on the floors, the stovetop, on the walls, etc… Which, as you may imagine, was very fun to clean up. 🥴😂
There’s a happy ending though, as I was able to go back down and get a new cup of hot chocolate, and that one, I was very careful with, and got to enjoy the whole thing. 🥳

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What was something clumsy you did recently Inspired by the fact I dropped a

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Liked by: anonstar17654 Tobbe

Is there something you're self conscious of or would like to improve on? (Doesn't mean just looks btw, can be anything)

LouisaRHale’s Profile PhotoLou
I’m self conscious about my lack of work experience. 😅 I don’t have nearly as much as I want at this point in my life, as I have various medical issues that have prevented me from working.
I have what I describe as a “bug on a trap” feeling, a lot. Where I just feel totally stuck and like I haven’t made much progress in my career. And it’s definitely a sore spot for me, especially since I have so many dreams and ambitions that I want to work on, but just can’t seem to be well enough to achieve really any of them. 🥲
Is there something youre self conscious of or would like to improve on Doesnt

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What emojis do you use most often?

Oof, I use so many emojis on a regular basis! So I guess the best way to show all of them is just to post a photo of the ‘frequently used’ section on my phone. As you can tell, I have a nice… variety. Haha 😂
What emojis do you use most often
Liked by: anonstar17654 Tobbe

What role do you usually play when you're part of a team? 🤝

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I’d describe myself as a passive follower, for the most part. I really don’t trust myself to know how to lead people, and I’m always worried that if I lead, I’m gonna mess things up for everyone relying on me. 😬
It’s not exactly fun or interesting, I know, but I’ve just always been that way. Unless I feel very confident in my ability to lead, for something specific, or I don’t have another choice but to lead, I just prefer stay back and go with the flow of what other people do.
Being on a team is also somewhat challenging for me, because as I’ve mentioned before, I don’t process things fast. Nor am I very good at thinking on my feet/improvising. So when a lot is happening at once, and I know people are looking to me, I get super overwhelmed and can’t think straight. 😩
One thing I will say though, is that when it comes to actually contributing to projects, like doing physical work and such, I do take a significant part in that and am fairly good at being creative, polishing, and editing things to look well rounded and complete. So, in certain situations, my contributions can kinda make up for my quite passive/quiet nature, and lack of leadership skills. But, I often do wish I was more assertive.

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What role do you usually play when youre part of a team
Liked by: anonstar17654 Tobbe

If you could go through life without feeling pain (whether it be emotional or physical), would you?

J_A1996’s Profile PhotoJ
As someone who deals with, at times, debilitating chronic pain, there are certainly times I wish I didn’t have to feel physical pain anymore. But… I’m conflicted because pain is also how I determine how serious my symptoms are, and can be an indicative of further issues that I otherwise, wouldn’t be aware of. And I’d imagine not feeling pain would be quite dangerous. So, I guess, I’m leaning towards no, I’d rather just live with it.
And honestly, I think the same goes for emotional pain. I’d prefer to live with it. As hard as it is at times, it’s also got the potential to be very rewarding. If you didn’t experience emotional pain, you wouldn’t understand what true happiness or good feelings were, because you’ve never been without them. If you’re devoid of negative feelings, you can’t really appreciate the positive feelings, and they won’t feel nearly as powerful or fulfilling. At least, that’s my view on it.

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If you could go through life without feeling pain whether it be emotional or

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Liked by: anonstar17654 Tobbe

If you could only drink one drink for the rest of your life (other than water) what would it be? I don't mean alcoholic drinks, but you can say one if you like.

LouisaRHale’s Profile PhotoLou
Ooo that would have to be iced tea! Specifically peach tea. It’s just so good! I drink it so often, in my daily life, it’s already like my water alternative. 🤤😂
If you could only drink one drink for the rest of your life other than water


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