

Ask @MuhammadHassanKhan

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What's something you believe that most people don't?

ash096’s Profile Photoلائبہ
I believe that we shouldn't just accept others just the way they are. If there are zero toxic traits, then it's fine. But if there are some, we need to change them for the sake of our loved ones and that is perfectly okay. We can change ourselves for the people we love just like we break our rules for that particular one.

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anekpatel’s Profile Photocalmbeforethestorm
I like this fact about being human that things which used to make you cry hard, stop hurting you at some point of your life. It's like you stop feeling the pain because of it like you used to. You are just there discussing stuff without shedding a single tear or feeling a heartache because of it. I think all we need is time to heal. Literally, time plays the most important role when it comes to heal and I find it amusing that we don't feel the same towards something or someone after some time. Fascinating.


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