@anonamouse89887#8 🇺🇸


Ask @anonamouse89887

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Currently looking for a new ceiling lamp, so am curious, what does the one(s) you have look like? 💡

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Mine looks like this! There are also can lights, but these are in the bedrooms.
It’s pretty basic, but it’s BRIGHT. Like, I so badly wish I had a dimmer for it, cause it just means I don’t use it often. I prefer softer lighting, or mood lighting. Bright lights tend to irritate me. 😅😂
Currently looking for a new ceiling lamp so am curious what does the ones you

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Shout-out: Since January is almost over, how has the first month of 2024 been for you?

J_A1996’s Profile PhotoJ
It’s been… a bit stressful. I’ve been battling to get my meds for most of the month, cause of insurance issues, etc. So I haven’t taken my meds in quite some time. And since I’m currently in an illness flare, it hasn’t done well. 😬 Luckily, I am getting my meds in a couple days, so I can get back on track, but most of the month has been a lot of phone calls trying to figure things out.
Also, had several snow/ice storms this month which has meant I’ve not gone many places. 😅 But I’m hopeful things will be turning around in February, as these coming couple of weeks will be considerably warmer. ☺️
Shoutout Since January is almost over how has the first month of 2024 been for

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What sounds do you find relaxing? 😌👂

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Nature sounds, namely water flowing, rain, leaves rustling, and birds chirping. I love white noise, probably more than the average person. Like, multiple fans blowing, an AC unit running, etc, I get SO relaxed. 🤣 I also find street noise oddly relaxing, like especially late at night, when it’s not super busy and you hear the odd cars and trucks going by. 😌
What sounds do you find relaxing

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Do you consider yourself an easy person to get to know or is it harder for people to get information out of you?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
I’d say, once I’m comfortable with you, I’m generally an easy person to get to know. Like, of course, people get to know me over time, but I don’t think it’s hard to get information out of me when I truly trust you. 😄
Do you consider yourself an easy person to get to know or is it harder for

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What is a food (to you) that tastes good... burnt? Or what my family and I like to call "just a little frosting" ...🔥🤏🤪😝

… Grilled cheese. 🤔😂 I don’t know why, but something about the bread being slightly burnt, especially around the crust, just is SO good to me. Maybe it’s cause then the bread is super crispy and cheese is gooey and gets kinda burnt on the sides as well? Cause burnt cheese is quite delicious as well, in my opinion. But whatever the reason, I just love everything about it! 🤤
What is a food to you that tastes good burnt Or what my family and I like to

Which is your favorite Pixar movie? What makes it good according to you? 🐠🦸🐀🦕🤠

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Ooof, difficult choice!! Gotta be The Incredibles or Finding Nemo. Like, I’ve long said that Finding Nemo is the most impactful to me, like emotionally. I relate so much to Marlin’s inner conflict, and “Just Keep Swimming” is quite possibly my favorite motto, ever. Also, I just think that movie has so much charm and wit. 🥹🥰
But there is so much nostalgia when it comes to the Incredibles though. Like, the music is epic, the way they portray family dynamics has always been really interesting to me, and it doesn’t matter how many times I watch it, some scenes just NEVER disappoint. And you really can’t deny how seriously well made it is, overall. Like, I gotta revisit that movie at least once a year. 🤩
It really is so hard to choose! Maybe it’ll change back to Finding Nemo at some point… But I feel like it might be the Incredibles right now? I also just watched that movie again, so that could be why as well. 😂

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Which is your favorite Pixar movie What makes it good according to you

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Do you ever feel like you’re not as interested in “intimacy” as you’re supposed to be?

Depends on what form of intimacy you mean… If we’re talking just s*x? Yes. As someone who is asexual and doesn’t really like “intimacy” in the traditional sense, I don’t have interest in that at all. EVER. 😅😂
But intimacy as a whole, like beyond s*x, I feel like I’m a little more interested. I do like things such as cuddling, holding hands, etc, just maybe not as much as others might, it really depends on how I’m feeling though. 🤔
One type of intimacy I’m always interested in, however is emotional intimacy. I find it quite fulfilling with the right people. To me, there’s something so heartwarming and warm about feeling a strong emotional connection with someone. 🥰
Do you ever feel like youre not as interested in intimacy as youre supposed to

What's something you've learned this year? Whether it be a life lesson, about yourself, about others, ect. 😋🤓💭🧘‍♀️

A bit late, but this past year, I’ve learned a lot about vulnerability and being myself unapologetically.
I’m someone who is quite shy and anxious, not to mention easily embarrassed. So anytime I am with someone or a group of people, and I am being loud or acting in a way I don’t normally (aka not shy), and I see someone giving me a look or they say something about my behavior, I am instantly embarrassed. And for the longest time, in my brain, I’d perceive these looks or people saying something as them thinking I’m weird, or annoying, and I’d be like “Okay I’m NEVER doing/acting like this again.” 😳
However, this past year, I’ve become much more willing to be vulnerable, and take chances in being myself. Even if it’s small, it actually helps me to do things that typically embarrass me, and when others find it funny or interesting, it just makes me feel like “That wasn’t so bad, it’s okay to be yourself.” 😌
I think it’s been really good as well, because this has made me better at setting boundaries, because being assertive, even a little bit, in the past times was another “embarrassing” and anxiety inducing thing. But now, I push myself to do so, as it really does help people see and understand who I am and what I do/don’t like. ☺️

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Whats something youve learned this year Whether it be a life lesson about

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Do you almost always have the last word in conversations or does that not really not matter to you?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Nope… I do not care about having the last word. I also don’t have any desire to be in a “word battle” like that. A conversation, to me, is not about having the last word, it’s about listening to, and respecting each other.
It honestly frustrates me to converse with people who always feel it’s necessary to get the last word, because I get the impression that they never truly listen to anything you say… They just want to be right and have control, and that’s all a conversation ever is to them. 😅🤷🏼‍♀️
Do you almost always have the last word in conversations or does that not really

How often do you get a haircut? 💇‍♀️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I go about twice a year, like every 5-6 months. MAYBE I’ll go three times if I’m really on top of things (which trust me, I’m trying to be). For a while, I was only going once a year, and then decided that it felt/appeared very unprofessional as a licensed Cosmetologist not to take care of my hair. 🙈😂
How often do you get a haircut

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What'd be a typical outfit for you during this time of year? 🧥❄️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Oooo, usually a sweater or sweater dress, or maybe a turtle neck with a skirt and fleece lined tights (those are lovely this time of year). 😌 Unfortunately I don’t have full length pictures of me from recent times, like in skirts and such. I’d like to get some soon cause I quite like my current outfits!
Sometimes I’ll do layered looks, like a long sleeve shirt, leggings, and then a long, sort of oversized sweater on top + a jacket if I’m going out. But that’s only if it’s like… absolutely freezing cause I’ll get way too hot. 😂
But here’s some older photos of my wintery outfits! 😄
Whatd be a typical outfit for you during this time of year

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What do you feel that you take for granted? 🤔😓

I guess… security. Even though I don’t intentionally take it for granted, I do have a tendency to get very comfortable in situations and environments to the point where I feel super lost when things change. I also, don’t really plan for the future much (it’s kinda a coping mechanism) so when I’m in a place where I know I have no choice but to plan and think about it, I panic. 😬
I’m actually dealing with this problem currently, as there are various big things that will inevitably be changing for me this year and I really didn’t prepare. So now, I’m super overwhelmed and stressed out by it. I just feel like I don’t know what to do, or how to even begin navigating through it all. 😩
What do you feel that you take for granted

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What things make you angry? 😠 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ тєηα¢ισυѕ тσммαу™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Since October, Palestine. Everything about the situation, what they have endured and continue to endure, makes me beyond furious and heartbroken.
Other things are:
-Discrimination, injustice, bullying, ab*se, and just unprovoked rudeness in general.
-The various issues in America specifically that are total human rights violations, completely unethical, unnecessary, and disgusting. There’s too many to list.
-When people attempt to override/disrespect boundaries.
What things make you angry

What's the coldest temperature you've ever experienced? What was that like? 🥶

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
-50°F (-45.5°C) is the coldest temperature I’ve endured.
Back in 2018, there was like 3 consecutive days that it was cold like that. The weather channel even advised everyone to keep their heat up several degrees warmer than usual so that pipes and such didn’t freeze, it was so cold. At the time, I was living in a home with basement and literally, there was frost on the walls. 😳
And when you went outside, it was shocking. Like after just a couple minutes (from my experience) it felt like the air was sucked from your lungs. Also, I’d wear like 4 layers, doubled up on socks, wore leggings under my jeans, just to try and keep somewhat warm if I needed to be out there. 🥶
Whats the coldest temperature youve ever experienced What was that like

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What does Brie cheese taste like? When was the last time you’ve had it?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Well, I can’t really describe the taste too well… In my opinion, it’s a more mild, soft cheese, but it does have a specific flavor to it, especially when it’s aged. Way more so than say, mozzarella has, and it’s also much softer. When I’ve had it, it was rich and kinda almost buttery? But also not. Like, a bit earthy as well. I don’t eat it very often, simply because I only like certain ways (definitely not to eat straight 😬) so I’ll tell you the best Brie I’ve ever had, which was in Ireland several years ago.
There is this SUPER old pub called the Brazen Head, and they made baked brie that was breaded (kinda like a big mozzarella stick but instead, it was essentially a huge pie slice) and they served some kind of cranberry sauce or something with it? It was quite tart! But oh my, it was SO good. I’d love to have it again. 🤤😋
(Not my photo)

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What does Brie cheese taste like When was the last time youve had it


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