@anonamouse89887#11 🇺🇸


Ask @anonamouse89887

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What made you smile today? ☺️

princessxbunnii_’s Profile PhotoBb Bunni
There were several things that made me smile today!
-I got some much needed sleep, and was able to combat some of the brain fog I’ve been struggling with. It made me smile to feel somewhat refreshed!
-I treated myself to some gelato, and it was beyond delicious!
-I have been organizing and putting my room together after moving into a new place, and I made some good progress on it. My room is really coming together, which makes me happy!
-I decided today, that I wanted to set a goal to read more books this year. I settled on twenty being the ultimate goal. And I just started reading book one, and I’m very much enjoying it so far. It makes me smile to set new and exciting goals for myself. ☺️
What made you smile today

Are you able to still be as productive when you are under a lot of stress/pressure or no?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Sort of. It depends on the type of pressure/stress I’m under, honestly.
Sometimes, the pressure of needing to get something done by a certain deadline is enough to inspire/motivate me to power through and a lot of times, I feel fairly satisfied with the end result. Though, if I don’t know where to start or if I feel confused by what I need to do, that can be very demotivating for me. 😅
But if it’s something external like life stress, or family issues, or illness, or anything like that, my productivity is bound to go way down, because I will be hyper-focused on what is going on around me and won’t have any desire nor motivation to work on other things.
So yeah, it’s hard to say definitively how pressure/stress impacts my productivity cause it switches on a dime. 😬
Are you able to still be as productive when you are under a lot of

If you had the opportunity to look through someone's email without them knowing, would you?

iWillSpamYouAsk’s Profile PhotoSpam Ask
No. I have absolutely no reason to, nor would I want to. Peoples emails, text messages, etc, are their business, unless they choose to share, and I would feel horrible violating someone’s space and privacy like that. And I know I wouldn’t want someone to do that to me either. It just feels highly unnecessary, and rude. 😅
If you had the opportunity to look through someones email without them knowing

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Does anyone use Discord?

J_A1996’s Profile PhotoJ
I do. I’m part of quite a few discord servers, most of them being gaming related. I’m not super, super active. But I still enjoy it! And occasionally, I’ll talk to people on Discord, but I mostly just lurk and read stuff in various gaming communities, etc… ☺️
Does anyone use Discord

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Liked by: anonstar17654 Tobbe

Describe the process behind one of your favorite meals to make? 👩‍🍳

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Take ricotta, mozzarella and parmesan cheese, a couple eggs, and a seasoning blend (basil, oregano, black pepper, garlic, parsley, thyme, sage, marjoram, and optional red pepper flakes, if you want spice), and mix them together in a bowl with a spatula. Then put in the fridge.
Then, take pasta shells, and boil them, but not to the point they’re done, undercook them by about 2-3 minutes. Drain them, and let them cool in a strainer or colander.
Once they cool, grab a casserole dish, and put a little marinara sauce at the bottom of it. Then, grab your cheese mixture out of the fridge, and with a spoon, fill each of the noodles one by one with a good dollop. Once all the noodles are filled, place them in the dish on top of the marinara sauce.
Cover the noodles with more sauce, so they don’t dry out and burn in the oven. Should be enough to where you really can’t see them anymore. Then add mozzarella and/or parmesan cheese on top, and put it in the oven for around 40 minutes. And there you have it… Stuffed noodles! 🤤😋
(Not my picture)

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Describe the process behind one of your favorite meals to make

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If you truly love someone but things get hard and complicated do you stay or run for the hills?

Stacey L Shade
I’d absolutely stay. If I truly loved someone, I’d wanna do whatever I could to support and help them through their complicated/tough situation. I’d hope they would do the same if they knew I was struggling. That’s what you’re supposed to do for those you care for and hold closest to your heart. You let them know they aren’t alone. And you show up for them when they need you.
It’s hard to form a stable, reliable relationship if you run at the first sign of a problem. A relationship should be about trust, open communication, leaning on each other, picking each other up, and encouraging growth. It can’t just be that you only stick together in good times but abandon ship the moment things go a little sideways. In my opinion, that’s not what true love or a true relationship is…
Now, of course, there are exceptions. If things getting “hard and complicated” means that it’s getting harmful, toxic, etc to be in the relationship, then obviously, that is NOT true love, and not something you should stick around for… But, I’m gonna assume you’re not referring to anything like that with this question.

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If you truly love someone but things get hard and complicated do you stay or run

Do you know some addicted to drugs or alcohol?? If so, did you try to help that person with their addiction or told them they need to get help? How did it work out for them?

I do, yes. Addiction, especially alcoholism, runs in my family unfortunately.
The sad part is, I personally, have never been able to help as a majority of the people I know of, have either passed away from said addiction or estranged themselves from the rest of the family to continue their habits.
Other members of my family have tried sending them to rehab, or do some kind of intervention and they have been semi-successful, but the outcomes are usually not as positive as you’d hope. Pretty much all of them have either relapsed and refuse more help, or they’ve not survived.
It’s truly, truly tragic. And it’s honestly not talked about enough, or when it is brought up, there’s a ton of negative stigma surrounding it. It’s horrible…
Do you know some addicted to drugs or alcohol If so did you try to help that

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To those who love playing video games. What got you into it? Share your story! What about the very first game you've played? Do you still play "old" games out of nostalgia?🎮

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
Honestly, I think my step-sister was really who got me into video games. She and I used to spend HOURS playing together when we were young. It was one our main forms of bonding together and our go-to way to have endless amounts of laughter and entertainment. And no one complained cause we were happy and it got us out of our parents hair for a while. 😂
I don’t actually know what the first ever video game I played was… 🤔 It was SO long ago. I wanna say it was a Mario game, like Super Mario Bro’s or something.
But I could be very wrong. I know for a fact though, that when I was little, I also played Super Mario Bro’s and Donkey Kong with my grandpa on this ancient TV he had. So that kinda also confirms my theory it was one of those kinds of games! 😄
But yes, I definitely do go back and play both old computer games online, and video games if I still can, for nostalgia, and just to see how much easier they are now versus when I was a kid and thought they were unbeatable. 😆

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To those who love playing video games What got you into it Share your story What

Would you take it personally or no if someone were to be blatantly disrespectful towards you when you yourself haven’t done anything to hurt them or disrespect them?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
I mean, yeah, I think I would definitely be hurt by someone overtly disrespecting me without any obvious reason. Being disrespected in most any context is hurtful, but especially when you know you have never treated that person in that way before. If I was in that situation, I’d definitely want to let them know that what they did wasn’t okay, and that it really upset me.
I’d also be asking them why they felt the need to be disrespectful like that out of the blue, and if they meant to lash out, or if it was an honest mistake. But either way, let them know I don’t appreciate it. Also, to please not take out their frustration/anger on me. It’s one thing to vent, it’s a whole other thing to hurt someone else in the process.
If you’re asking because you’re dealing with someone like this right now, I’m very sorry. You don’t deserve that type of treatment at all. ☹️

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Would you take it personally or no if someone were to be blatantly disrespectful

What was the best purchase you've made recently? 💵🤩

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Without a single doubt, my best purchase recently has to be my mobility aid…
I’ve contemplated getting one for almost 3 years and every time it became a serious thought, I’d put it off, or convince myself I wasn’t “disabled enough” to use one. But, after moving into a new place, and weighing my options, I finally took the leap and bought it.
The fact that it will give me my independence back, and allow me to move freely and I will no longer wind up trapped in my bed for days/weeks at a time makes it well worth the fairly hefty price tag. ☺️
What was the best purchase youve made recently

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Liked by: anonstar17654 Tobbe

What is your opinion on tattoos?

iWillSpamYouAsk’s Profile PhotoSpam Ask
I genuinely like them! I don’t know if I personally will ever get one, but I think there are many, many people that totally rock tattoos. I especially love tattoo sleeves, I think they look SO cool! 🤩
Plus, in my opinion, tattoos are a great outlet for creativity and self expression! Not just for the person receiving the tattoo, but also, for the incredible artists out there who make absolutely stunning pieces! It’s a really amazing art form. 😄
What is your opinion on tattoos
Liked by: anonstar17654 Tobbe

If you have your panda, show it 🤩

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
Sorry, it took me 2 months to finally post this, but here’s my panda! I found it! ☺️
My grandparents gave me this when they moved out of state like… 12 years ago? They’d had since probably before I was born and I also slept with it when I was a kid and would stay at their house on weekends. So it’s quite special to me. 🥰
If you have your panda show it

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How do you like to celebrate something big, like an accomplishment? Inspired by the fact that I handed in my bachelor's thesis today! 🥳

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
First and foremost, congratulations again on handing in your thesis!!! So excited and happy for you! 🥳
To be honest, I don’t usually do a whole lot to celebrate. Even for holidays and such, I usually just go out to lunch/dinner with my family, maybe have a drink or two… 😛 Occasionally, for family birthdays, we’ll go to the city or something, but that’s only if timing works out.
Only large celebration I’ve had, was when I graduated high school. I graduated at the same time as my cousin, and as a joint gift, we took a family vacation and just celebrated for like a week straight, which was suuuuper fun! It’s one celebration I’ll most certainly never forget. ☺️
How do you like to celebrate something big like an accomplishment Inspired by

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small talk or deep conversations ?

foooooodgasm24’s Profile Photochey
I mean, just to say I chose one, I’ll go with deep conversations, as they are very important and meaningful to me. But I definitely think a balance of both is important.
Like, I think there’s a lot of good that can come out of small talk as well. Especially in the context of getting to know someone. It’s not always about being super deep, sometimes it’s fun to lighten things up and have casual conversations as well. 😄
small talk or deep conversations

If someone apologizes to you for what they did would you forgive them or would you continue to carry that burden on your shoulders and continue to bring it up?

anonomously50503’s Profile PhotoSheye30
If they sincerely apologize, I’d try my best to forgive and move forward. No point in continuing to bring it up, or holding a grudge, in my opinion.
Like, when they do apologize, have a conversation about how what they did made you feel, and be honest with them that depending on the severity of what they did, that you’ll have to rebuild trust over time. Or, in some cases, that while you’re willing to forgive them, you don’t see a way to continue the relationship/friendship with them.
I think having one big conversation following the apology should be enough to figure out where you both stand in regards to the situation, and help you both move on. Whether that’s together, or if you go your separate ways… And also, this conversation should be a way to enforce new boundaries and better understand one another, so if you do stay in each other’s lives, the mistake/harm won’t keep happening.

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If someone apologizes to you    for what they did would you forgive them or
Liked by: anonstar17654 Tobbe

Out of all the places you've travelled to, where was your favourite place? And why did you pick it? 😊✈️

LouisaRHale’s Profile PhotoLou
My favorite has to be my 2015 trip to Ireland. I just had so much fun there, and it was also my first time traveling abroad, so it felt very special! I made many memories in the almost 2 weeks I spent in Dublin, Kilkenny, and in various little towns where I went on day trips. 🤩
There are many unforgettable experiences that I still reflect on and look back at fondly today! I’d love to go back and explore more of the country at some point. ☺️
Out of all the places youve travelled to where was your favourite place And why
Liked by: anonstar17654 Tobbe Lou

If you were gonna do a disguise so that no one would be able to guess it was you, how'd you make it? 🥸

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Oh gosh, I’d probably be very much over the top in trying to disguise myself, as I know how to do special effects makeup, and I’m just big into dressing up, as it is. 😆
I think, I’d use my FX and regular makeup abilities to change the look of certain facial features, namely, I’d wanna change the shape of my lips and nose. Maybe change the look of my chin/jaw as well. Ideally, I’d want to look different from any angle you saw me in, especially in profile, as I feel that could be a give away. Especially for someone who knows me well. 🤔
Other things I’d do is, buy colored contacts and change my eye color, buy a convincing looking wig in a totally different color and style than what people normally may expect to see me in, and then totally change my dress style. Wear colors, clothing patterns, and styles that I don’t usually. And maybe even give myself fake tattoos or piercings to heighten the new version of me. 🥸

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If you were gonna do a disguise so that no one would be able to guess it was you
Liked by: anonstar17654 Tobbe

What are your top 5 favourite Christmas movies? (If you can't list 5, list as many as you like) ❄️

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
I would say these are my favorites! In no particular order…
-Polar Express
-Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town
-The Grinch
-Frosty the Snowman
-The Santa Claus 3: The Escape Claus
What are your top 5 favourite Christmas movies If you cant list 5 list as many

Do you feel like you’ve let your younger self down in terms of where you are in life, or do you think you’re where you’re meant to be?

J_A1996’s Profile PhotoJ
I mean, yes, I have my moments where I feel I’ve let younger myself down, however, it’s usually it’s on the days where I’m being overly harsh and critical of myself. But ultimately, I tend to be of the mindset that things happen the way should, when they should, and I’m exactly where I need to be right now, even if it’s not where I’d ideally like to be, if that makes sense.
I also try my hardest to be understanding and compassionate for all the times I’ve fallen short, or not accomplished what I thought I would’ve by now, as I would for a family member, friend, etc if they were feeling discouraged by their progress.
Because when I really think about it, where I am now is honestly farther than I ever imagined I’d get. So, in a lot of ways, I know my younger self would so amazed and so proud of the woman I’ve become. ☺️

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Do you feel like youve let your younger self down in terms of where you are in

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Liked by: anonstar17654 Tobbe

Do you hold grudges?

respectfullyme1’s Profile PhotoThinker
No, I don’t. I’m a big believer in forgiveness and maintaining my peace. Holding grudges feels like a waste of time, and it disrupts my ability to move forward, because all I’m thinking about is how angry I am at someone.
Grudges don’t allow for healing, or grieving, or growth. They just continue to manifest anger and resentment, and ultimately harm your mental health. Cause if you think about it, the person who will suffer most from holding a grudge is you, not the person you’re angry at. It just isn’t worth the unhappiness, in my opinion. 😅
Do you hold grudges
Liked by: anonstar17654 Tobbe

im just curious what made you come out as asexual?

To be honest, this answer is tricky because I’m not “out” in the way people may think. Like, maybe one family member knows I kinda lean that way, but doesn’t know that I actually am, and two close friends know. But overall, I’m not open about it. With the exception of being on here, I don’t post about my asexuality online at all, nor do I talk about it in person.
I guess the main thing is, I’ve never experienced sexual attraction to another person, regardless of gender. I’ve had crushes, and I have always been romantically attracted to men. I’ve even loosely dated before. But even in those situations where I fall for someone, it is never in a sexual way… Also, I hate engaging in or thinking of engaging in sexual things. Always have. Like, the whole thing just makes me insanely uncomfortable. 😬
Now, I held off on calling myself asexual for a LONG time because all through my teen years, I thought I would have a “revelation” as everyone said I would, and all of a sudden I would experience sexual attraction and all the desires and things that people say “comes to you” as you get older. But I never, ever experienced that. And still haven’t… So, once I got into my 20’s, I figured that there was no point in continuing to deny it, and just embrace it. Though, my “embracing it” has been very internal, because again, I rarely speak of it.
Hope I explained that okay, and that it makes some sense! It’s hard to summarize. But, thank you for asking! 😄

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im just curious what made you come out as asexual

Are you scared of airplanes ✈️?

I’m not afraid of them, no. I love them actually! I find traveling on airplanes to be so exciting and I look forward to it every time I do it! One of my favorite ways to travel, to be honest. 😁
Are you scared of airplanes
Liked by: anonstar17654 Tobbe

What were some of your best moments of 2022?🎆

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Ooo, good question! I have a few! ☺️
-Reuniting with my dad this summer after not seeing each other in several months. We had such a wonderful time together.
-Finishing all my required continuing education hours and getting approved to renew my Cosmetology license!
-Moving into a new home that I absolutely LOVE.
-Joining Ask where I got the opportunity to meet and talk to many lovely people, such as yourself.
-No longer being bedridden/on bed rest and getting to experience all the little (and big) things I’d been missing in life, again.
-My Chicago trip with my family.
-Officially reaching the 10 year milestone since my last hospitalization and celebrating how far I’ve come!
There’s probably more, but those are some of the big ones! 😁
What were some of your best moments of 2022
Liked by: anonstar17654 Tobbe

Post a photo, or anything that was from this year, that makes you smile. Can be a photo you took at some point, something you made, or something you saw elsewhere that you have a good memory of from this year.

LouisaRHale’s Profile PhotoLou
Took this while I was on a family trip to Chicago this summer! I had such a blast there, and it was the first time I’d really travelled in a couple years. This picture just represents happy memories, and also, I’m very proud of how this picture turned out. 😁
Post a photo or anything that was from this year that makes you smile Can be a
Liked by: anonstar17654 Tobbe Lou

What are your local rules when it comes to fireworks? Are you happy with those? Every year there's a big debate where I live regarding whether people should set them off on New Year's Eve or not 🎇🚫

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Well, on paper, they are very much illegal where I live, with the exception of sparklers. Yes, even public firework displays are technically illegal and you can be fined and even spend a year in prison for it. 😬
But, as intense as it sounds, it’s not that heavily enforced. Like, people very openly and obviously set them off, and nothing is done about it. It feels like a useless law, especially when nobody seems to care about it routinely being “broken.” They’d be better off just making them legal… Most of the country already has. The state I live in is one of very few that still technically prohibits them to that level. 😅
I know there’s controversy about whether or not they are okay to set off even publicly, as it scares pets, and can trigger people with PTSD and such, as it is very loud. Also, just generally that it’s dangerous. Which I do understand to some level, but I feel like, if anything, the official public displays are the best type to have if you’re going to. They are controlled, they don’t disturb people/pets as much, and they just look a lot nicer, in my opinion. 😄

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What are your local rules when it comes to fireworks Are you happy with those
Liked by: anonstar17654 Tobbe


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