
hijo de la luna ;

Ask @dovbts

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unsure if ur still doing this but if u r: 24 25 30 34/35 & 36 ouo

eee yeah i am i just ;_; have to answer from my desktop n not my phone rip
24. if you could meet one oc, who and why ;
i'd def. meet laird. just because unlike say, jack or august, he's not really based on anyone, his personality is literally just... made to be appealing to me. so that's why.
25. oc that resembles you the most ;
xey and crypt are tied since they represent two sides of me! xey is more me when i'm depressed and crypt is me when i'm manic aka my only two moods (well, numb would be the third mood, but i don't want another fursona). crypt and i are the saem height, but i'm usually xey's height bc i slouch. they both have my haircut but xey has my bad dye job, and i have more interests in common with crypt but xey is more like me humour/personality wise overall.
30. which oc has a secret stuffed animal collection ;
idk about secret but canyon def has one.
as for secret, aspen has one (1) stuffed animal he loves dearly and it's very VERY secret.
34. do you have any twin characters ;
lym aka crypt's s/o from later in the comic is a twin :)
35. any sibling characters ;
kale and canyon are siblings, uzura and tamagon are siblings, and jack and crypt are adoptive siblings!
also my unmentioned oc ace has an older brother who is unnamed and irrelevant tbh (ace is xey's roommate, for reference).
36. any ocs where they are owned by someone else ;
all my human ocs are equal access with my rp partner with the exception of erin who is mine hehe. but cyrus, holly, dallas and maxx can be used by her since she rps their partners! (albeit cyrus's partner is not her property; his best friend is her oc)
as for the furries --
aspen was partially owned by blake at one point but he's 100% mine now.
august is partially tobi's since august is their fursona lol
jack semi-belongs to a friend of mine who i don't want to namedrop,,, he can use jack but he's not rly a furry but he was the inspiration for jack's concept (scene sk8r boi)
chris can use ace if he wants but i don't think he would lol. but ace is inspired by him so. yee

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Liked by: alex
+4 answers in: “Do you feel annoyed about your parents' choices during elections? Do you even discuss it?”

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im rly sorry if this is stupid or anything i like. never do shit like this but do u have any advice/tips for a job interview, i have literally my very first one tomorrow afternoon and i just had a panic attack over it lmao im so fucking nervous asdndmsman

no dw ur fine angel <3
uhm i havent been 2 an interview in like . 2-3 years but
- make sure ur dressed well
- shake the interviewers hand, make eye contact when u say hello and ur name & all that
- when u sit for the interview make sure u have good posture. like a top :) just give off top energy
- answer all questions briefly & to the point - only choose SOME things to embellish
thats. all i can think of tbh
Liked by: alex

You have an opportunity to make one person absolutely happy, but not yourself. Who would it be?

kyle ?

ok but this anon makes it sound like tartar are stupid 14 yr old kids who cannot be "left unattended" because the last time they were they invited Those Sketchy Friends over and got drunk off their asses (also how stupid is that word fuckin "tartar" smh)

op anon is me talking to myself in the middle of a manic phase if i’m being honest
“wow kain you don’t clean your room? huh? did you know that if you have a messy room you’re more likely to get hives? yeah? 40% of americans live in messy rooms. you wanna be part of that 40% you dumb bitch?”
also yes tartar is a dumbass word and i’ve legit never heard a dental professional use it and i go to there once a month lmao
+5 answers in: “Does October have bad breath?”

Would you forgive, if your beloved one cheated on you?

endgame spoilers /
so like i’m glad we can all agree sam is a great captain and all but can we not say that bucky wasn’t a good choice either or try to call him an as*assin and shit like. bro he’s literally :-) a good boy :) otherwise he would’ve ended up like redskull and not steve :) he was literally t*rtured and brainwashed and you want to put “his” crimes against him?? uhmmmmm no thanks!
sam is the best choice because he doesn’t have all this baggage bucky has. bucky doesn’t mind helping the avengers because it gives him peace of mind, but, he wants to rest. give my mans some therapy & a break. sam on the other hand gets genuine enjoyment and fulfilment from helping the avengers, thus making him the best candidate for captain america.
bucky would do it out of guilt, whereas sam would do it out of honor. and that’s why sam is better — but don’t take bucky out of the running. jfc
i’m BIG mad about this discourse

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How do you feel about diets?

pls look @ how many colours it took to do crypt’s base for my art final
his clothes aren’t even coloured in yet and i still have to detail w coloured pencil too ,,, fuck
How do you feel about diets
Liked by: alex
+1 answer Read more

What’s your favorite public or state holiday of the year?

for my art final i drew what’s arguably one of the best scenes in nml and
i got the angle rly weird so . crypt looks like he lowkey thicc and it Haunts me so much
Liked by: alex

have you ever been to disneyland/world? how many times? what's your favorite thing about the park?

i go like once a year & have done that since 2017, prior to that i had been like 4 times (3x disneyland 1x disneyworld)
i just rly love the aesthetics úwù

Plaque can turn into tartar if it is left unattended and over half of Americans have it. Unsurprisingly, only 4 of 10 Americans floss regularly, and 20% of Americans do not floss at all. Flossing is an integral part of your daily brushing routine to prevent bad breath, as is tongue scraping.

thank you wikipedia
+5 answers in: “Does October have bad breath?”

Are you outgoing or shy?

neither. i’m introverted but i’m not shy. being social just takes a lot of my energy and quite frankly idgaf to waste it on strangers.
Liked by: L ~ (AMA)

Recently my city held their annual festival called Riverfest. What are some festivals held in your city, area or country?

urlsareshittbh’s Profile Photourlsareshittbh
i know we have a pretty decent pride
there’s also various chicano/latino/mexican festivals — personally my favourite is el grito (sept 15-16) which is basically just mexican independence day and, as the name implies you just. scream. beautiful 10/10 holiday

I saw others doing this so I thought I'd pass it on myself. Describe your day using emoji's only. Go! ?✌?

Liked by: moss


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