@Lady_Eloquent#46 🇬🇧

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Ask @Lady_Eloquent

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yea it really pissed me off too. Idk why they think it's a good idea, other than maybe force users to use the app because of the amount of nonsense we see when using the website. I don't know, the shout-out feature is just really shitty in itself :"

mennatallahzain’s Profile PhotoMooncholy
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Well, it would be good if the questions would be somewhat original or not weeks or months old after an actual event. Because I still receive shoutouts like... are you excited for Christmas and such... xD
+2 answers in: “What do you think Ask.fm should do next in their next update? Any suggestions you'd like to yeet their way?”

You can't stop receiving shoutouts anymore which's the dumbest thing the moderators did. All you can do now is prevent them from appearing in your questions section through the toggle button on the top right of the screen if you're using the app but they'll still appear in your notifs on the website

mennatallahzain’s Profile PhotoMooncholy
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Gosh. What kind of improvement should this be? It's only nerve-wracking. Urgh. But thank you for telling me so. So this was made intentionally...
+2 answers in: “What do you think Ask.fm should do next in their next update? Any suggestions you'd like to yeet their way?”

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What do you think Ask.fm should do next in their next update? Any suggestions you'd like to yeet their way?

JoeeeMason’s Profile PhotoJoe Edward Mason
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◾ First of all the blocking system is crap. It needs a huuuuge update. Because it does not what it should for years.
◾ The second thing is I can't turn off the shoutouts and most of them are crap as well. I can do it neither through my mobile nor through my computer when I look up the configurations, there is literally no option to turn it off.
the actual.
is this????
+2 answers Read more

Do you know what song those lyrics are from?

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No, I don't but I studied American Dream/American Nightmare in my A-Levels and therefore found it interesting. From what artist does this song come from?


rawankoa’s Profile Photorere
❝The crowd began to murmur, but then a firm voice stilled it. Giovanni Auditore was speaking.'It is you who is the traitor, Uberto. You, one of my closest associates and friends, in whom I entrusted my life! And I am a fool. I did not see that you are one of them!' Here he raised his voice to a great cry of anguish and of rage.'You may take our lives today, but mark this - we will have yours in return!❞
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Assassines Creed · Giovanni Auditore
The crowd began to murmur but then a firm voice stilled it Giovanni Auditore

Am I the only one who thinks that people are nowadays lazy to think?

AhmadBakheitMndo’s Profile Photo∆HMED
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Of Course. People use always the path of least resistance. I count myself in. E.g. if I could spare myself some time which I could use not for learning specific topics I'm not so keen on learning about, I definitely would and use it for something of my personal interest.

Why should we waste our time thinking about people who don't value us?

AhmadBakheitMndo’s Profile Photo∆HMED
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'Cause even though they mistreated us or behaved in a hurtful manner around us, there was a reason we liked them in the beginning. It can't be erased. That's why we can't forget. And somehow we're attached to their idea of what we thought they were, but in the end, proofed they weren't exactly that image in our head. Which is okay. We have to get to know people to their very core. And sometimes we can accept what we find out about them, sometimes not.

What is a relationship deal breaker for you?

liquid_sinn’s Profile PhotoSinn
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➡ they shut down when you try to communicate in a healthy way.
➡ every idea you try to come up with sounds like an insult to them, they treat you like their enemy, not like their friend, they always try to defend themselves rather than admitting that you worry about them.
➡ they rarely show the same level of affection, what you give out seems natural to them,(they take you for granted) as if your whole time and affection belong to them anyways, while they remind you constantly that they have no time to spare to show you the same level of affection, they always have better things to do and even lie about it - but if some kind of 7th world wonder happens and they show you basic respect or kindness...they're like....waw. best of friends.
➡ you end up always feeling confused because they don't communicate properly, so you're constantly left with the feeling if you did something wrong and you can't guess what they want or need, because that's also something which is not communicated properly.
➡ you always feel like you're asking for too much, when in fact you just want to be treated with the basic respect for each other - and not like an option they can talk to when they feel bored.
➡ giving them chance after chance, because you cling to old feelings and memories, while nothing changes, rather the opposite.
➡ when you try to speak openly about your emotions they try to convince you like everything is your fault and have a perfect explanation for everything that cannot be their fault.
➡ being rude and disrespectful and afterwards telling you that you deserve such kind of behaviour to be treated with

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Sem061’s Profile PhotoSemra
❝ Have you ever had someone take your brain and play? Pull you out and stuff something else in? Do you know what it's like to be unmade?❞
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Avengers · Hawkeye/Clint Barton
Have you ever had someone take your brain and play Pull you out and stuff
Liked by: Esha Layla

What causes happiness in your heart, or a smile on your face? Mine is seeing friends healthy and happy. I'm easy to please.

Robin Hood
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➦ sincere empathy.
➦ sincere effort
➦ empathized honesty
➦ animals
➦ seeing people who treat each other with respect and kindness - makes me feel warm and proud of being a human as well, but also I heard or witnessed many situations in which I wish myself to transform into a stone. xD
E.g. an old friend of mine wrote something to Christmas for me. It was just words, how he sees me. And his words and perspective were so kind to me I nearly cried because I didn't expect that he prepared something like this for me. It's really precious to tell each other how we see them. Even tho, they don't believe it at first or don't tend to think like this of themselves.
Liked by: Layla Robin Hood

What is the most challenging part for you about communicating with others?

AhmadBakheitMndo’s Profile Photo∆HMED
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I tend to have difficulties with believing or specifically trusting in what other people tell me. I always take it with a sip of sceptic.
Of course, I can't know if someone's lying or not, so I often let people prove it. Or analyse it through their actions. Funny thing is when your ego is huge you can lie to yourself without even knowing.


Mell_Rh’s Profile PhotoMell.Rh
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"If I need warmth I just turn on the radiator" - yesterday in a lecture about emotions and about relationships I heard this quote from a fellow student. It cracked me up because what I immediatly thought of was a roboter/android who tells me things like this. X'DDD (INTJ's will probably relate to this as well. lol. XD)

Will you stand by truth if situation goes against you?

ghulamefatimah’s Profile PhotoFATIMAH :"))
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I always stick to my beliefs. I'm pretty headstrong in this - and I don't mind standing alone for what I believe in, actual had several moments where I did stand alone for it.

Anything on your mind recently that you'd like to share?

JoeeeMason’s Profile PhotoJoe Edward Mason
❝When you say I love you to someone or if you break their heart ... in both situations there is no shortcut ❞
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Befikre · Shira Gill
Anything on your mind recently that youd like to share


ask me
❝The guilty will always lie, to avoid being found out. There's no way to tell who is guilty and who is innocent! All that I can hope to do is get every defendant declared "guilty"! So I make that my policy. ❞
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Ace Attorney
The guilty will always lie to avoid being found out Theres no way to tell

Are people too dependent on technology? Are you?

liquid_sinn’s Profile PhotoSinn
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Well yes. Our daily life is dependent on our daily routines or would you go to a river to clean-up your clothes and wash it for like...hours and hours? Or go hunting so you can survive? We don't need to do this kind of things instead of this we can focus on improving our technology and our culture as well - of course, we became somewhat lazy in certain fields because it saves a lot of time, we would usually spend on the things I've listed.

Do you feel like January is going by quick or reeally slow? And then how's the year going so far for ya?

Ice_Frozen_Vocals’s Profile PhotoŞωεεT† ɮȩ̷̠̝͙̎̑̆ℓℓล ♡♪
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It's rather slow because I spend most of my days learning for exams currently. But I am not sick and therefore that's good. I feel lucky to be healthy by now.


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