@anonamouse89887#9 🇺🇸


Ask @anonamouse89887

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Did you have a good day? 💖✨

princessxbunnii_’s Profile PhotoBb Bunni
I did have a good day, yes! I’ve spent much of my day cleaning and moving stuff into my new place. A lot of progress has been made and I’m so excited! 😄 I also went by the river today and enjoyed the cool fall air, and of course, the ducks.
And then tonight, I tried on my Halloween costume, and it looks SO good! I absolutely cannot wait to test out some makeup looks, and see how the final look will turn out. 😱
Did you have a good day

On a scale of 1 to 10, how legible is your handwriting? 🤪 How bout cursive?

My handwriting is maybe a 6… and that’s when I’m trying to make it legible. I’ve often said that my hand can’t write fast enough to catch up with how many thoughts I have. And as a result, I just scribble much of the time to try and get it all out. 😂
As for cursive, I haven’t written in cursive outside of signing my name in forever! So, I’d say it’s probably a 1, in terms of legibility at this point. But even when I did write in cursive, in middle school and such, my teachers had SUCH a hard time reading my writing. 🙈
I do wish I had better handwriting though… Like, I see so many people who have amazing penmanship, and I’m always thinking “gosh, how I’d love to devote time to improving” but I never do it. 😅
On a scale of 1 to 10 how legible is your handwriting  How bout cursive

What do you typically do when you see someone you don't really like while out in public?

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Most of the time, I avoid them, or just continue whatever it is I was doing and ignore them. Usually that’s the easiest way to go about things. But on rare occasions, if we bump into each other I’ll acknowledge them like I would anyone else, and I’ve even had small talk with people a couple times.
I guess, I’ve been fairly lucky in the sense that the small handful of people who I’m generally not fond of, aren’t typically in my area, as I’ve moved towns a bunch… So, I almost never cross paths with them. And even if I happen to, I’m still cordial. 😄
This actually happened to me the other day at the grocery store with my family. We ran into a person we really aren’t fond of, and we had some small talk, and then we just continued on. It was admittedly awkward but still okay… But, chances are we won’t see them again, for a long while, so it’s all good.

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What do you typically do when you see someone you dont really like while out in

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Do you have any memories before the age of five?

iWillSpamYouAsk’s Profile PhotoSpam Ask
I have a lot of them, yes, mostly from ages of 3 and 4. I don’t really remember my toddler years. To make things easier, I’ll list a handful of things I remember from each of those ages. 😁
3 years old:
-Meeting and holding my cousin after they were born.
-Painting with chocolate pudding at my aunt and uncles house with my other cousin.
-My parents divorcing, and living with my grandparents.
-Playing in the mud with the kids in my neighborhood.
-Starting preschool.
4 years old:
-My grandparents bought me a little play swing for my baby dolls and it was my favorite thing ever.
-Playing house with my toy kitchen.
-My grandma making me the BEST waffles before I’d head off to school.
-Walking around the house with my little pink purse full of lip smackers lipgloss, a tiny fake tiara, and a hello kitty mirror.
-Learning to swim.
-Going to eat McDonald’s for breakfast with my dad while he played Fleetwood Mac the whole time, we’d often watch the sunrise together.

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Do you have any memories before the age of five

At what temperature do you no longer consider it to be "shorts weather"? Like when you start to transition to wearing warmer clothes 🧥👖

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I’d say somewhere between 65-68°F (18-20°C) is when I’d be good starting the transition into winter clothes. I mean, I’m pretty cold natured as it is, so wearing a sweater when it’s 18°C sounds lovely to me. 😌
But my absolute favorite time to wear a lot of comfy clothes layered on top each other, like a long sleeve dress with a sweater “jacket”, thicker tights, or a thin turtleneck with a sweater over top, etc, is when it gets to be like 50-55°F (10-12°C). Cause then it gets just chilly enough that I can almost guarantee I won’t be sweltering. 😅😂
At what temperature do you no longer consider it to be shorts weather Like when

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What was the last thing that truly disappointed you?

iWillSpamYouAsk’s Profile PhotoSpam Ask
That I injured my wrist badly enough to require a splint for a basically this entire month. 🥲
I’ve been looking forward to October for a variety of reasons, and still am… I’m moving, I’m planning for Halloween so I wanted to practice makeup, and just excited for fall in general, decorating the new place, pumpkin carving, etc.
But I’m disappointed that I either can’t participate at all now, or do things in the same way I wanted to since I can’t use my dominant wrist/hand. 😩
What was the last thing that truly disappointed you

What's the biggest crowd you've done something in front of? What were you doing? 🎤👥

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Hmm, maybe 50 people? In Cosmetology school, we had these creative demos, where we’d have a competition that’d demonstrate our skills, and the public could come see our work… In one of these competitions, we were put into groups where we would create a custom look based on one of the 7 d*adly sins. My group had Envy. And we would present our looks to whoever wanted to come. We made a fake runway and everything! It was lot of fun! 😁
We’d also have these demos where high school students who were interested in hair would come and we’d set up stations and teach them something specific. For me, it was braids of all kinds; Regular braids, Dutch, French, Indian, Fishtail, 4 strand, 5 strand, Waterfall, you name it. And it actually attracted quite the crowd. I think largely because people of varying skill sets could still learn something related to braids, or they could just learn to braid in general. It was a lot of fun, and many people said it was helpful! I felt quite proud of that, facing my fear of speaking to crowds and doing it anyways. ☺️
Here’s some fun braided hairstyles I did!

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Whats the biggest crowd youve done something in front of What were you doing

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What's a saying that annoys you?

“You can’t blame me for being curious.” -As a response to asking super intrusive/inappropriate questions.
I hate when people say it, cause it feels like an insinuation that they are entitled to whatever information they wanna know, simply because they are “curious.” It’s like a subtle way people try to override your boundaries, or guilt you into sharing more than you’re comfortable with. It frustrates me. 🥴
Whats a saying that annoys you

What's your experience when it comes to moving? I learnt yesterday that I'll be gaining access to my new place in two weeks time! 🏡📦

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I’ve always hated moving, for the most part. I’ve moved so many times in my life, that it just feels draining, and I’m usually like “welp, here we go again…” A lot of the places I’ve lived have just felt like blips in time where I stayed somewhere, and not like a true home. If that makes sense. Moving has always just felt like a chore, and not like an exciting change. This is probably because I knew I wasn’t gonna be “settling” there. I was just always waiting for the next time I’d be moving. 🥲
However, since I’ll be moving (again 😂) in less than a month, I will say that this move is quite different! I honestly cannot wait to leave this apartment and get into the new place. This particular apartment has quickly turned into one of those places that I just cannot stand being in, to be honest. 😅 So, in moments like these, I feel moving IS a welcome and wanted change, and kind of a new chapter which is a very welcomed feeling.

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Whats your experience when it comes to moving I learnt yesterday that Ill be

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Liked by: Tobbe

What's a food you didn't like as a child, but now like as an adult? 🥦

amycheetham09’s Profile PhotoAmy Rose
I absolutely hated onions as a kid. I didn’t like the flavor, or the aftertaste, or anything, I just thought it was nasty. Also, you know how some people put onion powder or onion salt in different recipes versus putting in actual onion? Well, I hated that too, so I would always like spy when my mom would make something so she wouldn’t sneak it in there. 😂
But now, I’m kinda onion obsessed! I absolutely love it on burgers, in sandwiches, mixed into meatballs, in salads, on pizza, and mixed in other various recipes… And of course, things like onion rings are great too. 😋
Whats a food you didnt like as a child but now like as an adult

Have you traveled anywhere outside of the US? If yes, where was it? 🤗

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
I have, yes! I’ve only ever been out of the country twice, but both were fantastic experiences! I’ve been to both Ireland, and Canada.
While in Ireland, I mostly stayed in Dublin and Kilkenny, but also went on a couple day trips to smaller towns, which was really fun! Got to see a seaside village, Waterford Crystal, and more of the countryside in general. 😄
Then I went to Vancouver, Canada, where I spent the entirety of the trip, going all over the place! Though some of the most notable was the Capillano Suspension Bridge (which I looked at from a distance since I’m terrified of bridges) but it was still gorgeous! And we went on a ferry to go whale spotting, which was amazing! 🤩
Have you traveled anywhere outside of the US If yes where was it

What's something positive that happened to you today? 🌼

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
Today, I got lucky and my meds didn’t cause me to feel absolutely awful. I actually feel relatively okay, compared to most times! So that was a very positive thing I wasn’t expecting. 😁
Also, I’m getting ready to move into a new place soon and I got a lot of essential stuff set up today, which makes me so excited! I honestly cannot wait to get out of this apartment in like 2-3 weeks. 🥳
Whats something positive that happened to you today
Liked by: Tobbe Merve

What do you usually eat for breakfast, if you do? 🥪🥞🥓

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
It really depends on the day! So here’s a list of various things I’ll eat.
-Apple cinnamon oatmeal
-Avocado toast with sausages
-Bagel with vegetable cream cheese
-French toast
-Breakfast sandwich (usually scrambled eggs with bacon or ham)
-Cereal or granola
-Occasionally I’ll have a “hash” of sorts with potatoes, onions, and over easy eggs which is SUPER filling, but delicious! 😋
(Not my pictures)
What do you usually eat for breakfast if you do

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Liked by: Merve Tobbe

How late are you usually up till?

bellaa_bunni_’s Profile Photobellaa_bunni
Oh boy, it really depends. I’m quite the night owl, so I tend to stay up way later than I should. Sometimes I’m up until 2am, other times, it’s 3:30, and when I’m really on a bad schedule… I can stay awake til like 5-6 in the morning. 🥴
And other times, I do this thing where I fall asleep in intervals and then I’m awake in between. Like, I’ll fall asleep at 10pm and wake up at 2am, and then I’m up until 5 or 6, and then sleep until 11:30am for example.
It’s really not a great schedule, or routine to be in, but it’s been proving extraordinarily hard to break. 😅
How late are you usually up till
Liked by: Merve Tobbe

Thoughts on captions... Do you like turning on captions for shows/movies and such? Or do you find it distracting?📺💬🧐

I do like captions, I use them often! Whenever I take medications for my chronic health issues, my cognitive function is greatly impacted and I, at times, struggle to process even basic information. So especially in those moments, I really enjoy captions, because it allows me to follow along a little easier! And just in general, even without meds, I feel like I pick up on more of what’s happening when I have captions on. 😁
Thoughts on captions Do you like turning on captions for showsmovies and such Or
Liked by: Merve Tobbe

What's something you're tired of explaining to people? 🙄 (Inspired by how everyone comes up and asks me for a picture at events despite carrying an obvious video rig hehe...)

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I’m tired of explaining asexuality to people, and have them not respect it or try to cross boundaries because they think they can “talk me into wanting it.” You can’t talk me into liking s*x, and I can’t talk you out of liking it. Simple as that. 🙄 Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem explaining to people who are genuinely curious, and are asking to actually understand. But I’m tired of all the conclusions some people jump to when they hear the term. Also, how different they act once they find out…
Being asexual does NOT automatically mean I’m anti-s*x. Nor does it mean that I hate it, or think other people are gross for doing it. I’m not broken, physically or emotionally. Being asexual has nothing to do with how or if your body functions, it has to do with attraction… Or lack thereof in this case. I’m also not gonna force a partner who isn’t asexual not to feel, think about, talk about s*xual things just because I’m not into it. If anything, I find it fascinating to hear about others sexuality.
Asexual is NOT a black and white term that means the same thing for everyone, it’s a spectrum. My definition of, and experience with asexuality will be different than another persons, and that’s okay! I just don’t like that the stereotypical assumptions tend to be there from the beginning. 😅
All I ask is that people approach the subject with an open mind like you would anything else a potential parter, a friend, family member, etc, is telling you. You don’t have to fully get it, but please respect it.

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Whats something youre tired of explaining to people  Inspired by how everyone

What's a piece of decoration at your place that you really like? Post a picture if you like! 🗿🖼️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
My favorite piece actually isn’t even hanging up in my house yet! When I move next month, I’ll be finding a place for it though. It’s this painting I found at an art fest last weekend. I think it’s absolutely gorgeous, and with the kinds of furniture and decor I tend to choose, I’m hoping it’ll look great! I cannot wait to put it up. 😄
Whats a piece of decoration at your place that you really like Post a picture if
Liked by: Ava Banana Tobbe

What do you do to cheer yourself up?

Emmagine_This’s Profile PhotoEmmagine_This
It really depends. Sometimes, I will talk to friends/family and that cheers me up. Or if I feel I can’t talk, I’ll write out all my feelings. Or, I’ll try to just sit and let myself feel whatever I need to. But… I also know that it can be so hard to just sit in the feelings somedays.
Other times, I will try to immerse myself in books, video games, movies, music, or something creative in order to distract me. Or I will do something that feels therapeutic, like baking, taking a warm bath, maybe do some self care.
And one of my favorite things to do is go sit in nature in the evening, listen to the birds, to the river nearby, to the traffic, and just try to zone out watching the sunset, in hopes that will bring me some peace.
What do you do to cheer yourself up

What's the strangest thing to happen to you this year so far?

LouisaRHale’s Profile PhotoLou
This is the first year without my step-dad, which in of itself has been SO strange for me. There’s been a lot of firsts, to be fair, since he passed away, having to go through birthdays, holidays, etc… Also, just still very much dealing with all the shock of his passing since it was so sudden, and the grief is still very fresh.
So, this whole year has just felt almost warped or like time has been distorted, if that makes sense. I’m also still trying to navigate what life down the road will look like without him, because truly, I still envision him being there, at every major occasion and just like… being involved in everything like he always was. His absence as a whole is just really strange. ☹️
Whats the strangest thing to happen to you this year so far

How do you feel being in front of a camera? 📸

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
If I’m in front of the camera to get my picture taken, or I’m taking my own picture, I sometimes feel awkward, but mostly unsure of how to pose. I tend to do the same variation of poses every time, unless someone instructs me to do something specific. But on rare occasions, I’ll find new poses I like, or find myself feeling more and more confident as I keep taking photos. 😁
If I’m being filmed, I get nervous, and very camera shy. I tend not to know what to say/do. To me, being in front of a camera in that way, feels the same as being in front of a group of people… I feel like I have to act, or put on a performance, and I can think of almost nothing that makes more anxious than that. Simply put, I just don’t like being the center of attention, at all. 🥴😂
How do you feel being in front of a camera
Liked by: Tobbe Jigsaw

What would you from a decade ago think of you now?

I’d like to think she’d be both overjoyed, and overwhelmed that I’ve made it this far. A decade ago, I truly thought I’d NEVER get the chance to experience or accomplish all I have. Not to mention go above and beyond that. 🥹
Sure, my life hasn’t played out the way I maybe hoped for back then… But to young me, all she’d truly care about and want is the ability carry out and achieve her life long dreams, heal, do what she loves most, and honestly? Just experience life. 🥺 And I’m proudly able to say I’ve done that, and so much more for her in just ten years. 🥹
What would you from a decade ago think of you now


Language: English