@anonamouse89887#13 🇺🇸


Ask @anonamouse89887

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How often do you take naps? Do you find it difficult to sleep in the middle of the day? 😴⛅

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I take naps nearly everyday…And they aren’t short power naps or anything either. I tend to sleep for like 3 hours at least. 😅😂
To be honest, sometimes I find it harder to sleep at night than I do during the day. But, especially now with my health being rocky, I’m constantly SO tired, so the amount I’ve been sleeping during the day has increased a lot. 😴 I don’t love that I do it so often, but if it helps me out and gives me an energy boost to function through the day, I can’t complain too much!
How often do you take naps Do you find it difficult to sleep in the middle of

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Liked by: Tobbe Simon

If someone says, "You smell good" (as a compliment)... Yay or nay? 😝🤪👃🏼✨👌

I’d say yay, for the most part! I mean, it’s a nice compliment, in my opinion. Like, as long as someone isn’t getting all up in my personal space and sniffing me or something, it’s all good. 😂😌
If someone says You smell good as a compliment Yay or nay
Liked by: Tobbe

What is the biggest challenge you are facing right now?

esqjas’s Profile PhotoJas ❥
I feel like a broken record sometimes when I talk about my health, but for real, dealing with my chronic illness is the biggest challenge I’m facing at the moment. 🥴
It’s been flaring for coming up on two months with little sign it’s gonna clear up soon. And especially around the holidays, being sick is really rough cause I can’t be as energetic as I’d like and also, how I’m gonna feel moment to moment is completely unpredictable. 🥲
What is the biggest challenge you are facing right now
Liked by: FARES Romeo_13DZ Tobbe

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https://ask.fm/anonamouse89887/answers/174316802964 - No, my grandparents come to my aunt and uncle's house for Christmas dinner also, we see them on both days 😌 But my other aunt and uncle go to Nottingham on Christmas Day, so we see them at my grandparents' house on Boxing Day and exchange...

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ Շєภคςเ๏ยร Շ๏๓๓คץ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Ah I see… That’s great! You get quite a lot of family time for the holidays then, which sounds lovely. I hope you have a great Christmas and Boxing Day this year! 😌
httpsaskfmanonamouse89887answers174316802964  No my grandparents come to my aunt

https://ask.fm/anonamouse89887/answers/174316768660 - We go to my aunt and uncle's for Christmas Day now 😇 Well, FaceTime is better than messaging or talking over the phone ✌️ Not the same as seeing them face-to-face, sure, but it's the next best thing? 😸

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ Շєภคςเ๏ยร Շ๏๓๓คץ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Oh that’s nice! Sounds like it’d be just as enjoyable! Do you celebrate Christmas Eve and Christmas Day equally then, since it’s with different family members? 😁 Yes, that’s very true! I do always look forward to chatting with them, cause we open our gifts from each other on Facetime as well, so it kinda feels like we’re together.
httpsaskfmanonamouse89887answers174316768660  We go to my aunt and uncles for

https://ask.fm/anonamouse89887/answers/174310706068 - We used to spend Christmas Day at my grandparents' house too, but that's changed now 😅 We still go there for Christmas Eve and Boxing Day though, that hasn't changed 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ Շєภคςเ๏ยร Շ๏๓๓คץ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Aww that’s very nice that you still get to spend at least some time there for the holiday!! ☺️ Who do you spend Christmas day with? I used to spend Christmas Eve with my dad as a young child, but now he lives quite far away so that’s changed for me. I haven’t spent Christmas with him and his family in like 6-7 years. We usually just FaceTime. 🥺
httpsaskfmanonamouse89887answers174310706068  We used to spend Christmas Day at

Would you prefer somebody buy a Christmas present you ask for or have it be a surprise? 🎄 🎅 🎁 🌰 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ Շєภคςเ๏ยร Շ๏๓๓คץ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
I honestly don’t mind either way. I definitely like being surprised, but… I also have a tendency to forget what exactly I asked for so I’m excited opening things regardless. 😂
The fun part about surprises though is knowing the person giving you said gift specifically thought about you and something you’d really enjoy, and it always warms my heart. That’s also my favorite thing when giving gifts is I want people to feel like I really did put a lot of love and thought into what I get for them. 🥹
Would you prefer somebody buy a Christmas present you ask for or have it be a

What places do you associate with Christmas? 🎄 🎅 🎁 🌰 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ Շєภคςเ๏ยร Շ๏๓๓คץ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
For me, it’s really only my grandma’s house, as that’s where the majority of Christmases have been spent throughout my life! Also, that’s where some of the best family memories have happened. 🥰
My grandma used to throw yearly Christmas parties and my cousins and I would always dress up and do each others hair, listen to Christmas songs, eat good food, and just have a blast. ☺️
What places do you associate with Christmas

Do you like peppermint?

princessxbunnii_’s Profile PhotoBb Bunni
Funny enough, I do, but only around Christmas! Like I tend to avoid it the rest of the time, I don’t know why… 😂 But like, this time of year, I especially love it in hot chocolate. It’s SO good. I also found like peppermint nougat at the store recently which is delicious as well. 😋
Do you like peppermint
Liked by: Tobbe

What’s one thing you love most about Christmas time?

savlolo’s Profile Photosavlolo
The magical feeling I get this time of year! I’m always like… so happy and excited. I also tend to be most creative around this time, as it’s when I make/buy gifts for people I love. It’s a feeling I’ve had since childhood (obviously, it’s changed quite a bit over the years, but still) and I’m grateful for it! Nothing really beats the feeling I get around Christmas time, I just love it. 🥰
Whats one thing you love most about Christmas time

Say you were asked to act in front of a camera, how do you think you'd do? 🎬🗣️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I’d be extremely boring, let’s just say that. 😂 I really don’t like being the center of attention, and I don’t know how to act for anything. Also, even if I was inclined to act for some reason, I have a feeling that my anxiety would block me from acting “natural.” I think it’d just be awkward. Plus, I’ve been told before that I’m not very expressive or like… animated, even off camera, and I’d be inclined to agree with that. So yeah, I think whoever was watching me would be sleeping instead of entertained. 😴🤣
Say you were asked to act in front of a camera how do you think youd do

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Liked by: Tobbe

What initially got you into hairdressing / cosmetology? ✂️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I’ve been into Cosmetology as a whole since I was a little kid, though I didn’t know the name of it then. I used to be obsessed with playing dress up, twirling around the house in flowing dresses, my little pink purse, a fake tiara, and some pink tinted lip balm that I called lipstick because I wanted to be like my mom. But, I didn’t know I wanted to do hairdressing specifically until I got into Cosmetology school. ☺️
Overwhelmingly, I wanted to be a makeup artist growing up. When I was 6-8, I was convinced I’d do makeup for runway models (or literally be a model 😂). Then, when I was like 10-12, I thought I’d be a celebrity makeup artist, doing their makeup for the red carpet, award shows, etc. Then, at 13-14 that changed to just being a makeup artist in general, located in New York City. Then from 15-18, I wanted to be a special effects makeup artist for TV shows and Hollywood films. And then finally, when I got into Cosmetology school, I shifted to doing hair, and really never looked back.
I quickly realized that doing makeup felt more like a hobby to me and less of a career path, and I wanted it to stay that way.
Hairdressing for me, ultimately felt like the correct path because of how fulfilling it is. It’s not just about the satisfaction of doing hair or turning a profit. It’s having this connection with each of your clients, and helping them feel like the best versions of themselves.
Also, a lot of people feel their identity is tied to their hair, it’s part of how people express themselves. So there’s a real special connection you get to have with clients, they are putting a lot of trust in you after all. It’s also such a warm feeling when you get a new client and afterwards they say, “I’m so grateful to have had you doing my hair, I’ll be back.” Or to hear “You made me feel like ME again.” It means the absolute world to me, and makes me never want to stop. 🥹🥰😭

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What initially got you into hairdressing  cosmetology

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What do you find extremely difficult that most people find simple?

iWillSpamYouAsk’s Profile PhotoSpam Ask
Making plans for the future… Or really, even just thinking about the future in too much detail. As someone who’s been chronically ill since childhood, I’ve always kind of been in survival mode, and focusing exclusively on taking one step at a time, sometimes even second by second. I really didn’t even think I’d get to go to high school, or college, or have a job, or do normal “adult” things, or travel, or anything… I didn’t plan for it either. 😅
As a result, I have a hard time planning for my future to this day because a part of me still doubts I’ll make it to that point and I don’t wanna be disappointed. And my health is so unpredictable, I don’t like to make concrete plans in case they all fall through. I think it’s just how I’ve coped with it all. To be really honest, I think that anything related to my future will always be hard to some level. But hopefully, as time goes on, and my illness evolves, it’ll get better? I hope at least! 😬🥹

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What do you find extremely difficult that most people find simple
Liked by: Tobbe Shahab Mazhar.

What's your story about being under intense pressure and how did you handle it?

iWillSpamYouAsk’s Profile PhotoSpam Ask
Okay so this happened while I was in Cosmetology school and it was the most intense like 20 minutes I experienced while working with a client. 😂
I had never done a relaxer on a person before, I’d done a “mock version” many times on mannequins but, this was gonna be my first real relaxer. I also didn’t fully understand how they worked yet… So my teacher tells me to get out the products I’ll need and she asked me to make sure I knew, how long the process of a relaxer takes. And I said “oh like 20 minutes to apply, leave it on for 10, and rinse.” And she looked at me wide eyed, shook her head and was like “….No, you have 20 minutes to apply it, let it process, and get it out of their hair. Like you have 20 minutes TOTAL.” 😳
Needless to say, I was mortified cause I didn’t have the slightest idea how I was gonna do it that fast. AND I was scared I’d hurt the clients hair or burn their scalp by leaving it on too long or something. But somehow I did it, and it was immensely stressful. I think I just knew I had to get through it, and I went into hyper focus mode and it ended up being successful. Thank goodness! 😅😂 And I think it helped that the client was like the sweetest person, and was super chill the whole time.

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Whats your story about being under intense pressure and how did you handle it
Liked by: Tobbe Shahab Mazhar.

Do you like to go up the ladder🏃or are you more comfortable🧘🌱 with where you are in life and/or within your career? 🤪 What got you to where you are now? ☺️

Honestly? I’d just like to get on the ladder… Like, don’t even worry about climbing up right now, just get on it. 😂 Like, I haven’t really had much work experience, especially not in my field of choice, so I’m just really wanting to start somewhere. You know? 😅
My career is honestly one area of my life I’m super insecure about/unsure of. It took a lot of work just to get to Cosmetology school, and to finish was amazing and so unbelievably fulfilling. But beyond that, I really haven’t gotten a whole lot more experience due to my health and that sucks. ☹️
Now, would I want to climb the ladder down the road? It’s hard to say right this moment, but eh, I won’t say that’s something I wouldn’t want later when I get more experience. Like, I don’t know if I’d ever wanna own a salon or anything, or even be a manager. Anything that takes me out of actually doing hair doesn’t sound like my cup of tea. 🤔

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Do you like to go up the ladderor are you more comfortable with where you are in
Liked by: Tobbe Shahab Mazhar.

What color do you think suits you best? 🎨👕

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Red, red, red! 🥰 Nails, lipstick, dresses, shirts, earrings, necklaces, heck even eyeshadow. I just love the way it looks on me, and I tend to feel quite confident in it. And as if to prove how much I love it even more, two of my all time favorite pictures of me is when I’m wearing red.
Also, as you can see, bright red is what I lean towards versus maroon or like other darker reds. I used to be more into dark red but I think this suits me better. 😁
What color do you think suits you best

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Are you content with how this year (2023) went, compared to last year?

LouisaRHale’s Profile PhotoLou
I’d say I’m fairly content, yeah! I’ve done a lot this year, more than I imagined I’d do, and more than I’ve done in probably 2 and a half years… I’ve taken some really wonderful trips that I’ll cherish the memories of for a long time! I’ve moved to a place I really love, renewed my Cosmetology license, spent SO much time outdoors, got to cross off some things on my bucket list like seeing Niagara Falls for example, which was truly remarkable. And I got a lot more comfortable and happy in my body image, which is massive for me. Those things, I’m so incredibly grateful for and more than content with. 🥹
There’s couple things I’m really not content with though… One is, I wish I could’ve gone to barbering school and gotten my license. It’s been a long awaited dream I’ve had and I still haven’t had the ability to pursue it. ☹️ I’m truly hoping this coming year will be the time for me to do it. My health amongst other things just seems to get in the way every single time and it brings up a lot of deep rooted insecurity for me.
And the second thing, relating to health, is not achieving long-term remission in my illness. Even though it’s mostly out of my control, it’s just very disheartening. I’ve basically been in and out of flares for 3 years now, including the flare I’m in now, and haven’t really seen as much improvement as I would’ve liked. Sure, I’ve been able to do way more this year, which IS progress, but again, I hope in 2024, that will finally turn into full blown remission. 🥺

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Are you content with how this year 2023 went compared to last year
Liked by: Tobbe

Have you ever had Christmas calendars? What kinds then? 🎄🗓️🍫

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Yes, I love advent calendars! Every year, one of my grandma’s friends sends her a wine calendar. It’s one small bottle of red/white/rosé wine for 25 days. And she splits it with my mom and I. Let’s just say we certainly don’t waste it… 😝
And then usually I’ll get one having to do with beauty. Either makeup or skin care! Last year for example, I got one from “The Body Shop” as a surprise from my mom. And this year, I’m trying a new one from a company called “Body and Earth” which I’ve never tried. It contains things like face wash, hand cream, bath bombs, face masks, etc, so I’m excited to try them out. 😁
This is the one from Body and Earth that I’m getting. It should be arriving in the next day or two! 🥳
(Not my picture)
Have you ever had Christmas calendars What kinds then
Liked by: Tobbe Me - Larry

Do you get any of your loved ones jokey presents for Christmas? Things intended just to make them laugh? If yes, what have you got for them this year or previous years? 😊

Emmagine_This’s Profile PhotoEmmagine_This
I do, yes! Really, I only buy my dad and his family those kinds of gifts every year because they love it. The rest of the people I buy for don’t really prefer that.
This year, I found them a calendar that has a different funny joke/quote everyday. It fits my dad’s sense of humor quite well, and plus, I think my step-mom and step-siblings will get a kick out of it. 😂
The other gift is a shirt for my dad that is a joke referencing his dog, and how he’s always staring my dad and the rest of the family down whenever they enter the kitchen or eat, or do anything with food. And he loves those kind of shirts with funny sayings cause for him, it’s a conversation starter. Also, the reference to the The Police’s “Every Breath You Take” song. 😆
Do you get any of your loved ones jokey presents for Christmas Things intended
Liked by: Tobbe Emmagine_This


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