@jigsaw20216838#71 🇬🇧


Ask @jigsaw20216838

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Who do you think deserve praise?

I don't normally do this, but I'm going to mention a user that I discovered recently: @reeniiemo
I know that I'm probably going to embarrass her by singing her praises, but I find her writings to be very intelligent, thoughtful and honest, befitting of someone twice her age, yet also with a youthful joy and innocence. Go check out her account.

How far do you know your family history?

shahbazk23267’s Profile Photoshahbaz
One of the big ancestry websites had a free weekend a few years back and I managed to trace my father's line back 13 generations to around the year 1700. Including siblings and children I found well over 100 relatives. However, given the limited time I had, I concentrated only on birth, marriage and death certificates, and national Census returns. The actual information that I found, other than basic birth/death/marriage dates was fairly limited. Not much more than occupation and address really, from the census returns. Almost all of my direct ancestors lived within 5 miles of where my parents still live today, and many of them had similar jobs in textiles and shoe making (once a big industry in that area)

Do you believe in aliens 👽.

shahbazk23267’s Profile Photoshahbaz
There are enough galaxies, stars and planets in the universe that intelligent life on other planets is a certainty. However, the number of habitable planets which are within a distance to which we could effectively communicate (given the time taken for light to get there and back) is very much smaller, and those we could actually travel to (or them to come here), much smaller still. There are only 2000 stars within 50 light years of us.
I therefore believe we will never meet an alien, and probably never detect any, even though they are definitely out there.

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Liked by: shahbaz

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If you use other social platforms like Instagram, Flickr, DeviantART, TikTok, Facebook, Youtube or Tumblr. What are the pros and cons of each one for you?

novenaculebra’s Profile PhotoSigrid
Facebook gives me full control over exactly who can see what, and so I use that for friends and family only. I have a strict rule of not Friending anyone that I haven't met or are about to meet. Most of my social stuff goes on there.
Instagram is useful for communicating with people who I don't know so well (eg people on Ask), without having to give away personal details like email address or phone number. I post a few odd photos there, but not a lot.
I don't really use any other.
Liked by: Livi; DovahMonah

What are your favourite board games?

novenaculebra’s Profile PhotoSigrid
I do like board games but I don't really have anyone to play with. My local library hosts a boardgames night once a month, but it clashes with one of my other regular commitments. I like games that are either pure skill (chess), or which have some element of luck but a large dose of strategy or skill too (Scrabble, Backgammon). I'm fine with board games that use dice as long as the strategy element plays a significant part. I have no interest in anything that is 100% luck.

Where would you want to travel next? ✈️🚂

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I'm going to Dorset in a couple of weeks, and I've already booked holidays for next year in Devon, Cornwall, and Norfolk, and a music festival/convention in the Netherlands. I'm planning a trip to America at some point, to Yellowstone, Wyoming, Colorado and the Dakotas, but I've not looked into that properly yet.
Liked by: Tobbe

Describe your town/city or village/ suburban area what things can you do there and what is your area known for:)

shahbazk23267’s Profile Photoshahbaz
I live on the edge London. In one direction is the big city, with everything that big cities have to offer, and in the other is countryside, fields, parks, and rivers. I'm within cycling distance of Hampton Court Palace and several large royal parks - Richmond, Wimbledon, and Bushy (known for its herds of deer).

What do you use ask for: as a pass time, as a dating site, as a diary, as a way to befriend people?

novenaculebra’s Profile PhotoSigrid
Yeah, all of those except for dating. I like learning about the way that other people think, and connecting with people who have different life experiences to me. All my real life friends are very similar to me. Same gender, same age, same education, same interests, and Ask gives an opportunity to see different perspectives. But I'll be honest, finding interesting people on here can be really hard sometimes, there are a lot of trivial accounts, one word answers and general shallowness.

What are your favourite books?

novenaculebra’s Profile PhotoSigrid
I don't read very much, I never seem to have the time. When I do, it's never fiction, it's always something practical or scientific, to expand my knowledge. This is the last book I read, which I thoroughly recommend. It's part science, part psychology, and it's very good at explaining how and why the brain does what it does, without being overly technical. It's an easy read, and very informative.
What are your favourite books
Liked by: Jo

What are your hobbies?

novenaculebra’s Profile PhotoSigrid
I play Bridge, the card game, twice a week, table tennis once a week, and I go to the cinema a couple of times a month. I also like cycling around my local area, where there are a lot of green spaces, and looking after my garden. I frequently travel into central London to go to museums, galleries, concerts (classical and rock), the theatre, and free science lectures when I can find them.
I do computer programming as a job, from home, but sometimes I do that for fun too, and a bit of electronics too. I also play a bit of music (piano, drums, guitar, synthesizers), but I'm not very good.
Liked by: becky Jo Sigrid

Are there LGBTQ+ members? It’s kinda crazy the manosphere on ask in Spain. No way to have a conversation with people so reactionary, close minded and misogynist. I’d like to find my people!

novenaculebra’s Profile PhotoSigrid
I'm straight, but you won't find those kind of attitudes on my page.
Liked by: Sigrid

Are there any vegetarians or vegans? If so, please tell me your story.

novenaculebra’s Profile PhotoSigrid
I had a girlfriend once who was vegan. She didn't mind me eating meat in her presence, but out of respect I did try to eat vegan whenever we were eating together. The longest I ate vegan in any continuous period was for about 14 days. She was an excellent vegan cook so it wasn't too difficult when we were together, but I struggled on my own. I did miss meat though. The protein options when you're vegan are very limited and, tbh, a bit boring. Also, I absolutely love cheese. I have tried every brand of vegan cheese that exists, and I'm sorry, but they are all dreadful.

I love British art. Post your favorite artwork by an artist from UK.

novenaculebra’s Profile PhotoSigrid
This is my favourite picture, "Experiment on a bird in the air pump" by Joseph Wight of Derby. It is on display in the National Gallery in London, which I visit regularly.
I love British art Post your favorite artwork by an artist from UK

Do you ever buy clothes without trying them on?

Jasmine20958743’s Profile PhotoJa18
Only socks, underwear, and T-shirts. I always have to try on trousers and jumpers to make sure they fit right. And shoes.

When sleeping do you like to be hot and toasty or cold as ice

shahbazk23267’s Profile Photoshahbaz
I can't sleep if I've got cold feet, so in winter I'll wear bed socks. Overall, I'd prefer warm to cold.
Liked by: shahbaz

What is the most steps you have done in day

shahbazk23267’s Profile Photoshahbaz
Hmm. Not sure. It's not unusual for me to do 25000 or more if I go into London for the day, if I decide to walk instead of using the Boris bikes. I only use the tube or buses if it's raining or I'm in a hurry.
Furthest I ever walked in day is maybe 15 miles, which I guess would be about 45000 steps?
Liked by: shahbaz

Do you tend ask your questions on anon or do you use the anon feature.

shahbazk23267’s Profile Photoshahbaz
I never use anon except occasionally by accident (stupid app makes it easy to get it wrong). If a question is worth asking, it's worth putting your name to it (or at least some sort of ID so that people can interact).
Liked by: shahbaz


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