
3 people

24 posts


Is it better to carefully observe from the beginning or to reflect afterwards to understand what leads to what?

deeda_dahi’s Profile PhotoXalaam
Both approaches have their advantages! Carefully observing from the beginning allows you to notice details and patterns that might be missed otherwise, while reflecting afterwards can help you identify connections and gain deeper insights. Ideally, a combination of both approaches would be best: observe carefully from the start and then take time to reflect on what you've observed to gain a more comprehensive understanding.

Listen to {مَن ذَا الَّذِي يُقْرِضُ اللَّهَ قَرْضًا حَسَنًا} القارئ عمر شلبي في . by fa.hs on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/rqLsQ .. 🌿

‏ بدأت حملة على مستوى العالم من أجل الضغط باتجاه الإضراب الشامل يوم الاثنين الموافق 11/12/2023
🔴 الشعوب تريد شل حركة الحياة والعجلة الاقتصادية في كل الدول حتى يشعر الجميع أنه متأثر بشكل مباشر إثر العدوان على غزة ..
وبالتالي يتم الضغط لوقف الحرب ..
🔴 الإضراب من المتوقع أن يشمل قطاع المواصلات والطيران والتجارة والبنوك والموانىء وحتى المدارس والجامعات ..
🔴 الأجانب بدأوا فعلا يضغطوا بقوة في هذا الاتجاه .
🛑A worldwide campaign began to push for a comprehensive strike on Monday, 12/11/2023.
⭕️ The people want to paralyze the movement of life and the economic wheel in all countries so that everyone feels that they are directly affected by the aggression on Gaza... and thus pressure is put on to stop the war..
⭕️The strike is expected to include the transportation, aviation, trade, banks, ports, and even schools and universities.
⭕️Foreigners have actually begun to put strong pressure in this direction.

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Does your job have any unwritten rules

I only ever encountered two sets of formal written rules for work, and only one was close to being comprehensive.
In one place there was a company handbook which covered most things, but managers managed departments in their own way and some were more flexible than others.
When I worked for the civil service I signed the Official Secrets Act but that only covered certain things.

Is zeeray ka paani any good for weight loss?

No single food or food component can help you with weight loss. You have to maintain your overall calories. Cumin(zeera) water offers a lot of health benefits that include boosting your immunity, acting as an anti-inflammatory, improving your digestion and metabolism, bringing a glow to your skin, and improving your comprehensive cardiac health

Насколько вам сейчас тяжело морально?

olenka_voronina’s Profile PhotoOlga Nikitina
why on earth should it be hard for me, especially morally?
I am a citizen of the United Kingdom, I live in London, I support the policy of my government, which provides comprehensive assistance to the people of Ukraine.
Насколько вам сейчас тяжело морально

Do you own any pattern tights?

I do,
quite a few pairs ,
I have some with a kind of lacey floral thing goin on and a diamond pattern as far as I can recall,
I'm in work atm so I'd need to actually check my knicker drawer for a more comprehensive list
but yeah lots ,
you have a tights fetish goin on... I think you contacted me on this matter before?
lots of guys seem to love the tights/pantyhose thing!
Liked by: Darren

Do you often use public transport to get around where you live? If you don't, what would make you start to use it? If you do, what improvements would you still want to be implemented? 🚆🚍🚋

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Yes absolutely. For Singapore, train and bus is a common transport mode. Cars here are expensive. Our train network is pretty comprehensive. Every crook and corner, or the quietest side, there is a train station.
Liked by: Tobbe nurulhuda

How do I choose whom to ask?

saraiortiz9042919’s Profile PhotoSarai
Well, that really is up to you! But to make that choice easier, here are some whose answers I always look forward to reading! It's people like you who makes asking questions fun! ☺️
@LunarHuntress @Kiwi_1996 @ass4lyfe @kittiemeowsie @MadamoiselleMoriarty @DovahMonah @Ceralie @sophielix @chasinqcomets @Lady_Eloquent @Lizzietje @asgardarts
This is of course not a comprehensive list! I don't want to make it too long since I've learnt that if you do it tends to make it so that people don't see that they were tagged Haha
How do I choose whom to ask

Wow! Thank you for the comprehensive answer, I shall look it up. How many distinctive languages are there in Algeria?

You're welcome.
As for languages, there are of course Arabic and Tamazight (Berber) that are considered as official and national.
French is also used, and even in some official papers. However, it's being removed totally lately. Especially that lot of people are disliking totally the language to the point of rejecting it.
Back to Arabic and Berber. They are not used commonly in their classical/ standard forms. The vernacular is actually "darja" (also known as the maghrebi Arabic) and the different Berber variants. However, I should also point, that some do not consider darja as "Arabic". It is surely influenced by the language, but it's not derived from it. I agree more with this opinion.
Also, besides this, there is a minority language (unfortunately!) called Korandje. I was aware of it just a year, or so, ago. But I still do not know any word from it.

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Liked by: Lemmi Winx

Could you recommend some people who ask great questions? Not just for me but everyone who sees this.

I tend to only ever answer questions I can come up with a fun answer to, which is usually quite easy when I receive something from any of these people ☺
@LunarHuntress @AGirlNamedJoanna @kittiemeowsie @nurbzee @kellykitties @YaoiMasterSadist @DovahMonah @ClaudiaHobbs
Not all people I appreciate on here are those who tend to send out questions though. So I wanted to take this opportunity to shoutout some whose answers I always look forward to reading 😊
@Kiwi_1996 @ass4lyfe @Ceralie @chasinqcomets @Lady_Eloquent @sirenic
It's people like you who makes being on here so much fun and you're the main reason to why I have stayed on here for as long as I have. You who truly make this app a better place. Thank you for being so creative, in each and everyone's personal way 🤗 Remember, this is by no means a comprehensive list! If you recieve my questions I appreciate you in some way or another 😄

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Could you recommend some people who ask great questions Not just for me but

What do you think about spirituality? **note** The devil is in the details, so please be detailed in this.

FallenLuci’s Profile PhotoLucifer Morningstar
The devil may be in the details but his antagonist is fiendishly obsessed with more comprehensive matters - according to one highly speculative cosmology and its more imaginative offshoots. ;-) With that said, we mustn't divorce spirituality from the human experience. It is a vital aid in the quest to recognize one's depth and purpose, to conquer uncertainties, discover one's inner bliss and live through questions instead of being embalmed in a sarcophagus of answers. That won't do. Not if one aspires to be more than a sack of flesh and bone - or an extraneous memory which is best forgotten.
+2 answers Read more

Les qualités que tu aimes chez les individus ?

D'une manière désintéressée et compréhensive, la capacité a être attentionné. J'apprécie d'autant plus la vivacité d'esprit et la curiosité qui peut être attisée. Il y a cette fougue que j'ai longtemps recherchée, presque inerte chez la plupart de la populace, m'en voilà blasée et aujourd'hui, je ne sais plus vraiment apprécier l'amertume chez beaucoup.

In the omniscient, transcending perspective I am addressing this issue in, this seems inconsequential. However, to the human observer connected to The Wired, with the fallibility and limited scope of perception the comes with our human brains, what then would be the situation?

bellmine’s Profile Photoìů ケンガンアシュラ
What would be the outcome to someone who not only has their knowledge limited to the information that exists within The Wired, which would include the bundles of information that comprises their mind & conciousness, but also has their scope of awareness, particularly in terms of their own ignorance, limited to said information as well? The answer, with all its terrible implications, is that a comprehensive annihilation of all records and human memory would result in a state indistinguishable from not only the non-existence of said object or event, but a permanent state of unawareness from all of humankind in regards to the subject. It would literally be as if it had never even been conceived before...From here on is when things get far more complexly intertwined, splitting into two main aspects. When taking into account the events of episode 8 and 13, as well as the fact that minds that exist in The Wired are just as much projections & constructs of information as the objects that make up the world of The Wired, the undercurrent of the previously described Epistemological notions bubbles up into another tremendous quagmire.*Section 8: Quagmires at the Fringes of Comprehension*
The apposite observation that should be made in light of all these mind-numbing thoughts is the subtle Lovecraftian tone. That is, a tonality that, somehow, a humans sense of reality is frighteningly sheltered: Fragile and insignificant in relation to an un-meditatably vaster nature of reality, whose inklings might all but shatter any sense of sanity or well-being. It is a theme that slowly creeps into one's mind at the unravelling of each idea spoken of so far. I feel the final nails in the coffin lie within in the epitome of these ideas. Enter the boundaries of Free Will, and its implications on the concept of The Self.
Return one final time to climaxes of the 8th episode. It was shown that Lain was able to erase events from reality due to the ontological nature that the existences of events can only be facilitated by the memory records of human minds... But what did the events of that episode truly imply about what a psyche is? The notion that it is bundles of information with an unspecified level of complexity has been tossed about, but a human psyche of this nature would find a ghastly truth to their existence.
This truth is on the ontology behind what ultimately constructs a person's mind, which is the experiences that make up their lives. Specifically, that the construction is ontologically sourced from Lain's being(s), and ultimately her whims. Take a moment and reflect on what built any ideal one might hold in life? Experiences with abuse leading to a desire for compassion in society? A certain sort of wisdom that might lead you from acting upon selfishness and hate, perhaps?Or reflect on any accomplishments one has had? Graduation? A person you were meaningfully intimate with: A mother, best friend, or partner of some sort? How exactly do these things exist..

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In the omniscient transcending perspective I am addressing this issue in this

On good example: I am not quite convinced that conciousness manipulation via electronic interfacing with a brain qualifies as outright fictitiousness.

bellmine’s Profile Photoìů ケンガンアシュラ
This key point, that the 'fiction' behind the philosophical themes might not be all that fictitious; that there is consistent feasibility, solid logical progression, and realism leading up to, and present within, the incomprehensible fringes that Serial Experiments Lains shots for, is the crux of its unforgettably haunting and traumatic effect. These notions aren't something that can just be dismissed as wildly pseudo-intellectual propaganda, nor as emotional drivel. No... This could actually become a reality one day.
... and so we finally arrive at the monolith of unspeakable magnitude that is the philosophical and psychological contexts of Serial Experiments Lain.
The philosophical ideas and themes, and all accompanying psychological contexts that the show ultimately centralizes on, deal with the abstract categories of thought on a comprehensive scale: Philosophy of mind, free will, the concept of the self, reality, metaphysics, and even epistemology-esque notions. This is to say that Serial Experiments Lain attacks all angles of how we conceptualize the true nature of the reality that the psychological self must function in. The direction of horror selects every aspect of how we think and feel about existence itself, which, by virtue of these feelings and thoughts being the basis in which we mentally interact about the world, totally affects one's feelings and thoughts on anything conceivable. The structure of the philosophy is also of great merit. The way the notions are presented, and how they connect, is as if one were approaching a vast web of complexity with no clear point of beginning nor end. Every idea presented is either a seamless progression from, directly tied to, or a direct implication of, another idea.
The first theme that develops is the basic metaphysical and ontological thought surrounding The Wired. As I have explained in the sections on The Wired & Lain Iwakura, the definition of The Wired and the "real world" blend until they are absolutely indistinguishable. Minds which connect to The Wired are transformed into digital information in the process. This means that The Wired isn't merely a virtual reality overlaying one's sense perceptions, as that would mean that the mind of the observer would be rooted in another "reality" beyond the virtual reality:There is clear ontological difference. When a connection takes place, the mind of the observer becomes apart of The Wired itself, making The Wired the only reality there is, and thus the ultimate reality.

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On good example I am not quite convinced that conciousness manipulation via

Some of Main Evidences : Why Islam is the only TRUE Religion

abu_alQaasem’s Profile Photoأبو القاسم
- preserved in its original sources, not corrupted like other religions
- Internal consistency, no contradiction (although the Qur'an covers all fields of life), and in the Qur'an Allah Almighty said (Do they not then consider the Qur'ân carefully? Had it been from other than Allâh, they would surely have found therein many a contradiction .)
- Comprehensive & Holistic religion which includes all aspects of life
- When Islam revelation speaks in scientific facts, outputs of modern science agree, and this clearly shows that it is from God
- regarding the biography of the Prophet Muhammad[peace be upon him], who reads it fairly, knows that it is impossible to be a non-prophet
- Future prophecies mentioned in the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet, occurred as told, and still fall (many examples can be introduced)
- Religion with unique characteristics showing that it is from divine origin, such as balance , clarity, ease of understanding,etc
- concept of God in it:is consistent with the sound mind, and does not lower or decrease the the rank of God as in other religions
- Islam's talk about the prophets, is in harmony with their job that God sent them for, so they are great models and humans at the same time, not as in the books of Jews and Christians insult them or raise some of them to divin level !
- - Even the scripture of Jews and Christians - despite of the corruption in their resources -, there are still clear signs indicating the attributes of the last prophet
The only person who has these qualities is Muhammad,
peace be upon him, and that was the reason for many priests to become Muslims

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Qu'est-ce qui te plaît le plus dans ta famille?

J'ai une mère compréhensive et guerrière une maman russe comme on sait en faire, elle ne lâche jamais rien, elle est pour moi le plus beau symbole d'une femme courageuse et aimante, elle a toujours voulu le meilleur pour ses enfants, on a reçu une éducation stricte et sévère d'apparence et je pense que c'était la meilleure chose à faire pour pas s'égarer.
Mon père lui, de son sang allemand est plus calme, et très compréhensif également mais d'une manière différente, il veut également le meilleur pour nous mais ne sait pas trop le dire, il est assez introverti, il veut toujours bien faire même s'il ne sait pas toujours comment s'y prendre, même en étant son fils j'ai un peu de mal à cerner réellement ce qu'il pense, s'il est heureux ou pas, en tout cas je l'espère, j'espère que son apparence est ce qu'il ressent au fond de lui.
Puis j'ai une sœur géniale qui aime beaucoup rigoler, qui vit une vie heureuse, qui sera peut-être bientôt maman, j'l'espère pour elle, on s'est toujours soutenu entre frère et sœur, je pense qu'il s'agit d'la personne envers qui j'peux le mieux me dévoiler, je suis heureux en tout cas pour elle, de son bonheur.
En clair, j'aime ma famille pour ce qu'elle était, est et sera, beaucoup de choses ont changé avec les années, nous avons grandi, la vie est bien plus difficile maintenant qu'à l'époque mais nos sentiments et notre union sont toujours là, et j'espère que chacune des personnes qui souhaite fonder une famille y arrivera un jour.

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Comprehensive Deal 💃👋💃

AbdElRahmanAhmed704’s Profile PhotoAbdEl-Rahman ⏳ .™
اولا وقبل كل حاجة كل سنة وانتو طيبين ورمضان كريم وتكون الأمة الإسلامية بخير 😍
ثانيا مش عايزين حد يكون زعلان مني وكدا ولآ حد زعلان يقول وانا سامحت كل الناس لو حد زعلني 👏
ثالثا هنعمل تصفية بأه وكدا عشان هنبعت أسئلة كتير أن شاء الله ونتفاعل بجد ^ لايك هنا لو سمحتوا عشان هعمل ان فولو للكل 👋
رابعا ديل كدا على السريع للي يحب
20 likes = 25 Likes + OW 😎
Say ( Done ) F Qs 🙌

what makes u love ur bf?

thats a difficult question...
there are a lot of reasons why i love him- theres so many that they ball up into a massive ball of reasons, and its so massive that you dont really know where it starts and ends- so its really hard for me to put it down into words, let alone one comprehensive sentence.
the thing is, when you ask me this question, my head just wont let me settle with answering cliché things like 'his eyes' or 'his hugs' cause that doesnt capture how i feel at all..
i love him for a greater reason, i know that for sure, but i cant seem to put my finger on it and maybe thats because i have yet understood love to its fullest either. i cant reason with it if i dont get it fully.
but shit, i feel it.
the best way i can compare my reasonings is the way i feel by the ocean.
you see, i may not be the best swimmer, but when im by the beach i feel a sense of comfort and joy and satisfaction- it just feels right.
i may get sun burnt, i may be hit by coral when i swim or the wave or you know sand might get in my eyes but im willing to compromise to be at its presence.
because its presence is a sense of home and nothing becalms my aberrant pulse more than it does.
it doesnt need to do anything for me because i will do anything just to be with it- it is an escape for myself and hell id kill for that.
i would think about it if i think of 'peace', its the first thing i think of when i think of 'happy'.
so you see, aziz is my ocean.
is that reason enough?

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Comment veux-tu qu'on se souvienne de toi ?

moi j'aimerai bien qu'en général on se souvienne de moi comme gentille ,pacifique et drole mais je ferais bien la part des choses entre ma famille , mes ami(es)....
eh bien je veux que ma famille se souvien de moi comme une fille obéissante, respectueuse, et généreuse
mes ami(es), joviale, loyale, généreuse aussi
et pour le dernier douce, disponible et compréhensive
& une fille exubérante avec beaucoup d'humour.


Renee Xiu
我的教科书是这本:Aesthetics: A Comprehensive Anthology, 编辑:Steven M. Cahn and Aaron Meskin

Language: English