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How do historical narratives shape collective memory and identity?

Historical narratives significantly influence participation in collective action by shaping how individuals and groups understand their identity, goals, and methods. Here’s a breakdown of how this happens:
1. **Identity Formation**: Historical narratives often construct a sense of shared identity among people, highlighting common experiences or struggles. This collective identity can motivate people to participate in movements that align with their perceived history and values.
2. **Legitimacy and Justification**: Narratives about past successes or injustices can provide a framework for justifying current collective actions. For example, recounting past revolutions or civil rights struggles can legitimize contemporary demands for change.
3. **Collective Memory**: The way history is remembered and commemorated can reinforce solidarity among group members. Shared commemorations or anniversaries of past events can serve as focal points for collective action.
4. **Lessons from the Past**: Historical examples offer lessons on strategies and tactics. Movements often draw on past experiences to refine their approaches or avoid previous mistakes.
5. **Symbolism and Language**: Historical symbols, myths, or rhetoric can energize movements and mobilize participants by evoking a sense of continuity with past struggles or achievements.
By framing contemporary issues through the lens of historical narratives, individuals and groups can enhance their collective action efforts, drawing on the lessons and legacies of the past to address present challenges.
Its chat with chatgpt for details i have some other points too

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Do you agree with the saying that anything is possible if you work hard enough? I don't. Some goals will never be achievable due to factors beyond our control, like finances, health issues, laws etc. To me, this rhetoric is just another form of toxic positivity, lol.

I agree with you, it's just another way for people to shirt on people who have unfortunate circumstances that can't always be overcome by 'trying harder'

What's the best thing about movies?

Saimusic’s Profile Photoᵃʳᵗᶦˢᵗ ˢᵃᶦᵐ
well what i love about movies (and shows) is creative way of telling a story, the cinematography and how different characters are thought of and how they communicate in a rhetoric manner.
They're ideas and stories to enjoy through the magic of camera in a relatively shorter time than literature

Ever felt guilty for being sad? I *sometimes* feel this way. On one hand I acknowledge that I'm depressed. It's a mental illness after all, it's not something I asked for, on the other hand, I involuntarily let the "others have it worse" rhetoric take control over my feelings and the guilt kicks in

Totally, I can completely relate to what you’ve said and how you feel. I find it’s much easier to neglect my own needs and do everything I can to help others/ignore how I’m feeling, which isn’t always a great thing, when you then end up feeling exhausted and burnt out.
It is difficult, but looking after yourself is important, and even if others “have it worse”, that doesn’t negate what you’re going through, and please don’t feel guilty for experiencing emotions of any kind :)

Ever felt guilty for being sad? I *sometimes* feel this way. On one hand I acknowledge that I'm depressed. It's a mental illness after all, it's not something I asked for, on the other hand, I involuntarily let the "others have it worse" rhetoric take control over my feelings and the guilt kicks in

Dude fxck the whole "others have it worse" mentality, that's something toxic people say to try and make you feel worse about yourself. Your feelings are valid, your mental illness is valid, you are valid. Fxck what anyone else says. That expression makes me beyond mad, just bc someone else also has it bad doesn't mean you don't have a right to feel the way you feel.
But that rant aside, yes. but only if it affects my kids. Like if i'm feeling too depressed or too tired and they want me to play or take them somewhere and I just can't handle it, then I feel bad.
Liked by: DovahMonah

True/false: The ideal, perfect man for every woman is good looking, muscular, powerful, rich, glorious, owns a business, a luxurious car, a huge house, a private jet, a yacht?

I can't speak for any woman, let alone all women, but this is demonstrably false and basically incel rhetoric.

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FIVbpM3VEAMekfF.jpg a fine member of the brownshirts?

Absolutely. Leftists have always championed authoritarian measures while enslaving / abusing their own people. Why should we be surprised when a Marxist spits on his people and dehumanizes them? The Left's rhetoric with respect to "tolerance," "acceptance" and "equality" has always been pure bullsh!t to placate their politically ignorant followers and other simpletons who "think" with their emotions. Notice the buzzwords and how he plays on their sympathies - injecting meaningless euphemisms which have *nothing* to do with the issue. Saul Alinsky 101.

What Are Your Thoughts On The Election Fraud Claims

There is a degree of election fraud in every US election, local and national - members of both major political parties have been complaining about irregularities for years. I believe the matter was raised in the last election cycle by presidential candidates Amy Klobuchar and Elizabeth Warren. Unfortunately, it was empty rhetoric and meaningful reform seems extremely unlikely. If memory serves, Bernie Sanders spoke about it in the previous election cycle and Joe Biden addressed the issue as far back as 2007.
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Nobody cares what the UN has to say. America does not recognise Palestine, that is because it does not exist. It was always Israel 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱

> Nobody cares what the UN has to say.
Especially the US which is still a member, right? Lad, I am not a supporter of the UN - far from it - but you need to stop denying reality.
> America does not recognise Palestine,
Which is as irrelevant as your spelling of recognize - perhaps you weren't aware but there are other nations on this planet and there are plenty of reasonable Americans who support the existence and sovereignty of both states. Radical absolutists on both sides have never made any positive contributions to the peace process and if problems still persist, your radical views and irrational policies are directly responsible. Feel free to tone down the rhetoric and present some viable solutions.
> that is because it does not exist.
Hardly. It is because an extremist Zionist lobby has a financial stranglehold on the American political class and indoctrinated Bible-thumpers are too intoxicated with scriptural flimflam to consider any equitable / diplomatic proposal.
> It was always Israel 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱
"Always" started in the 1940s? I must say, this historical analysis is as imaginative as the aforementioned deception. Shalom.

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Liked by: Naira Sam
+1 answer in: “Would you like to travel in Middle East?”

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Modern day feminists just need their parent’s approval to do whatever they wish, party with boiz and at the end of the day cry about how guys are trash. Women’s day should've been spent to empower the two genders, instead rhetoric banners were held addressing the existing issues of our society. Nothing positive was achieved yesterday.
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