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Interesting. What do you watch? :)

Right now Im watching Suburgatory :) And I like The hotel inspector, baking shows, food shows like Masterchef, and movies (I hate swedish movies)
Liked by: ClaudiaClaesson

why do you always have subtitles on your tv? do you watch in an other language than swedish?

I rarely watch shows and movies in Swedish :)

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hello my cat sleeps a lot and the last few months she vomited. She has her heat cycle but then it stopped.and I can feel that her stomach is kind of getting larger, but her nipples is not growing. is she pregnant?

If she has been vomiting for months, you need to take her to the vet. It sounds more like something is wrong with her and not pregnant. Please take her to the vet! They can also give you an answer after feeling her belly.
Think about what is best for her, she is still a little kitten <3

How I know If my cat is pregnant and her age is 8 months old?

It is hard to see if you haven't seen it before. The teats are a bit red and swollen after 21 days and she will eat more. The belly gets bigger to the sides and when she is a week from due you can see and feel the movements. Was she planned to be pregnant or did it happen when you didn't know?

My cat start to vomiting and the her heat cycle stopped, also she is being good to me. But I don't know if she is pregnant or no. Could you tell me if she is pregnant

I'm not sure how you want me to know that? I need to see her and feel her. When was she mated? What do you mean her heat cycle stopped?

How often do you give your cats baths? I read that it is not necessary to bathe them because they clean themselves

I only bathe them before shows, otherwise it is not neccesary :)

How do you keep your Female Ragdolls away from your Males when their in heat? Also how do you make them quiet cus they are really loud :/

I have my male in a different room, when I am most of the day so he has company. Yes they speak but I don't mind :)

I'm getting a Nikon Camera soon ^_^ can you please make a post on your blog or YouTube how to be a Cat photographer? And how to use a Nikon Camera in taking CatPhotography?

It is hard to say "how to" be a cat photographer. I have studied cats behaviour for so many years so I use that when I photograph.
Take courses in photography, that is one great first step :)

our Baby Girl is not active at all. we have dry food for her and also wet. she doesnt gain any weight. we're pretty sure she is ragdoll breed. is this normal?

It is very normal for a ragdoll to be less active :) And also the dry food makes them less active. If she doesn't eat or deink it may be something else and you will have to take her to the vet. But otherwise she might be bored (not enought/funny enough toys)

How do you do forma live without cats hair? I hace two norwegian forest cat and i am everyday cleaning!i bruh their ha ir twice a week...

Maybe it will help if you brush them more often?

hi . I have two kittens and I want to know how to feed them , first how many meals do they eat ? and is it good for them the raw food ? if is it yes how many meals should I give them ? the last one did the dry food bad for them ?

You should feed them 2-3 times a day and yes raw meat it great for them. Learn more about it and start giving them that, then you will have healthy cats for many many years :) Dry food is bad for them, think of it like candy for us, it's almost the same
Liked by: Ghadah

Would you ever consider selling merchandise featuring your cats? I saw that you are having trouble paying bills and wish I could purchase something like a zinna notebook to help you out from the US . You are lovely !

I'm very happy to see this question because I am looking for exactly this at the moment, but I want the money to go directly to shelters. But I hope to find some solutions for this actually :)

Vad är dina katters teckningar?

Thea är tigré med vitt, Muffin är bicolor tabby och Hallon är mitted tabby. Kanel är bara mitted :)

Which breed is more affectionate and attention seeking ragdoll or NFO?

I would say ragdoll :) But I am fortunate to have a very affectionate NFO so her kittens also get very snuggly :)

You prefer NFO or RAGDOLL?

I always say that Norwegian Forestcat is 99% me and Ragdoll is 100% me :)

Hej! Jag är såg där nere att du senare kommer att söka fodervärdar, jag är lite nyfiken och undrar om det är till hanar eller honor? Hur ser planen ut? :)

Ja det stämmer bra :) Dock är det svårt att veta innan det finns några ungar, men fodervärdar kommer jag att behöva i framtiden! Både till honor och hanar så du är välkommen att höra av dig när du ser att jag söker fodervärd :)

När planeras nästa ragdoll kull?

Om allt går som det ska så paras eventuellt nån av tjejerna i höst/vinter :)

Hej! Jag har precis köpt en liten ragdollflicka som vi fick hem idag. Vi har köpt torrfodret Royal Canin Kitten men läste på dina tidigare frågor att det inte var bra. Vad rekomenderar du att köpa/ge för mat och vilket märke tycker du är bäst? Kram :)

Grattis till kissen! <3
Det är bra om ni ger det som katten är uppvuxen på nu när den precis bytt hem. Det är dumt att bråka med för många förändringar nu i början. Sen kan ni byta ut maten genom att ta bort en matsked av den gamla maten och ersätta med en matsked av den nya. Öka sedan med den nya maten och minska den gamla, då bör inte magen krångla så mycket. Torrfoder av alla sorter är inte bra mat att ge, men om ni absolut vill ge det så rekommenderar jag de som är spannmålsfria. Fråga efter det i djuraffärerna så hjälper de er. Katter ska inte ha spannmål, grönsaker och annan utfyllnad i maten, det kan vara bra att tänka på när man väljer mat. Ge gärna inte så mycket med fisk i heller.
Om ni vill lära er mer om vad som är dåligt med torrfoder så finns det att läsa om på min hemsida www.fjarilflickans.se
Lycka till med nya familjemedlemmen :)

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Om man ska ha en ragdoll ska man ha flera då eller kan man ha en?

Det är väldigt individuellt så det är svårt att säga. Om du inte är hemma så mycket så kanske två är att föredra så de har varandra. Men du kan absolut ha bara en till att börja med. Just ragdoll är en ganska lugn ras men precis som andra raser så är de sällskapliga :)


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