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Hi, how should I go about my ragdoll w/ a heart murmur?

If you are worried, you should take your cat to a vet and ask her about this.

Is it okay that my cat eats her meals in 2-3 hours? As in, she doesn't eat it all in one go? :( I hope I don't have to worry.

Yes absolutely :) They do not have to eat it all at once

Why do you walk your cats on a lead rather than getting a cat flap and letting them go in and out freely?

Was this question meant for me? My cats do not go in a harness when they are outside :)

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How old is Thea and how many litters had she have?

She will be 3 years soon and have had two litters so far :)

Why do some cats (like Muffin and my Emily, but NOT my 1st cat Pablo) act all wacky after pooping?

Search the hashtag #whycrazyafterpoop on Instagram and you will see my explanation to it :)

Hey recently you posted a pic of muffin looking thinner and you mentioned he has grown a little longer I think my George is the same age and I noticed he feels a bit lighter I weighed him and he's just under 10 lbs last time I checked he was exactly 10lbs could this be caused by him growing longer?

That could defenitly be it. They do grow a bit strange sometimes and if your cat is fertile that can have something to do with it

Are ragdolls affect to people+Strangers

Ragdolls are very kind to people, but with that said, all ragdolls aren't typical in behaviour. It has to do with their ingeritance and how they were handled as kittens. Too many buy a ragdoll cheap and hope it will be like my Muffin, but the breeder just sold it as a "ragdoll" because it looked like one, and that ragdoll will probably not be very typical in temperament. But of course they could be, it is a lottery sometimes :)
Liked by: Kaynaat zamir

Hi I've got two kittens around 7 weeks and was wondering what I should do to try to get them as cuddly as Muffin? He is gorgeous btw! Thank you!!

Cuddle with them a lot! At this age you are actually forming them to the cats they are gonna be. But it is not sure they will be as Muffin anyway, it has some to do with genes too :) So lets hope the parents of your kittys are snugglers <3

Do vet visits cost a lot? And do you recommend any hipoallergenic cat that has fur and is easy to care for? Thanks a lot!

Different kind of veterinarian services will have different prices, you can always ask your veterinarian for advice about costs before taking your cat there. If the cat is insured, the cost will be a lot lower for the treatments the insurance covers.
I would not advice you to get a cat if you are an allergic, but visit some breeders of sibirian cats for instance, they are said to be kind to allergics :)

What type of kitty litter do you use? And what kind of litter boxes? If you can show a picture, that would be even better.

I use two kinds right now, one very fine called Compact Care and one with a bit bigger grains which is a swedish brand. The boxes I use now is very big ones without roofing. Some cats can be very specific in what litter they like so try until you find the right litter for both your wallet, nose and cats :)

I have 2 ragdolls each Born at 25:3:3014 we can't get them now because They are to young.. I acctually don't now the exacly date but eum.. I have a scratch toy in agape of a wave..a cat tree 1.50 high and a rod with feathers.. Is that enough for the coming years? And when it gets Boring?

I think it sounds like you have enough for a while :) You can watch your cat play, and if she will not like the toys, then buy some other kinds until you find what she likes. With the right toys she will not be bored for long

Is it true that it is way better to get a cat from a shelter because you save cats lives... What is your opinion?

It is a very good thing to adopt from shelters, they need space for new homeless cats. I have adopted and I defenitly would recommend it, as long as you choose a good shelter, you do not want to help a shelter that is not following all codes in helping their cats. The difference between a cat from a shelter and a pedigree breed is that you do not know what you get from the shelter, which is not bad of course, just be ready for everything :)

Do cat toys and beds cost a lot?

There is a wide range of prizes and manufacturers now so there are both cheap, medium and expensive toys, cat beds, food, litter etc :)

Hello, lately the urine of my cat is a little red, today im going to take her y to vet, but i wanna know your opinion about that.. what do you think? also she throw up almost two times for week :/

I cannot really give you any medicinal advice, and Im happy to hear you are doing the right thing to get her checked out. Let me know how it goes <3

In your recent Instagram post of you taking the ragdolls tested, I notice that you use the 'fabric' kind of cat carrier. Is there any particular reason why you use those as oppose to the boxy, plastic carriers?

Syazwi Mazli
It is mostly because the softer ones is possible to hang over the shoulder like a bag. And because of that I can have one on each shoulder and one or two in my hands :)

I have 3 cats,3y ragdoll is a very needy and loud,when he was 5 months we got another ragdoll who was 6 months,they didn't get on at all,now my 3yr old is a lot happier now he has passed, but I am thinking maybe getting a kitten but not sure if he doesn't like cats his age or he'd be ok w/ a kitten

It sounds like your cat is now a lot happier and I would not get another cat at this point. Enjoy his happiness that he is expressing and if you get another cat anyway, you know how your cat might react already so do the introduction very very slow and it might go much better

How old should a cat be(female) before her first litter?

Preferably 1 year old, I don't think you should do the breeding tests before that if it isnt absolutely neccesary because she is coming into heat too often. It has a lot to do with genes so ask your breeder about the parents and how old they were when having their first litter :)

How much do cats cost?

0-4000 USD. It is impossible to answer because it all depends on breed, age, location, health etc. You can always look up your local shelters or breeders websites to learn more about cats where you live :)

hello, i like how you decorate ur hse and improvise ur hse for the cats. may i knw if ure using a fishing net to cover ur balcony window?

Thank you :)
Im ising a balcony cat net for the balcony, it is made for cats protection and because it is quite soft and not sturdy, they don't want to climb on it like they would on a metal netting

Is it okay that the cats sleep in my room with the door Closed? It is a a 4x5 room aprox

As long as there is water and a toilet in there then I cannot see a problem with it. If your cat seem unhappy about it, then it might be a better idea to have the door open and just invite them to come in there if they want to

How do you decide of your cat prefers being alone or with a friend? Cause a lot of times we can't just get a cat and return it easily.

That is the owners big responsability when haking care of a cat. If the cat seem to need a friend, then it could be a good idea to get him a friend. If you think your cat wouldn't deal with a new friend, then you mist resist all the cute kittens in the world :) And just follow me on Instagram for funny kitten photos instead ;)

My cat recovered from his diarrhoea last week and today it seems watery again. This time the food etc remained the same is it still normal?

You should contact your vet about this, if you haven't done testa for parasites then you might need to do that. It could be very dangerous for a cat to have diarrhoea for a long time. Also don't ever give dry food when the can is sick, that is not nice for the stomach so only wet food and boiled chicken/cod

How do you "potty-train" a cat?

You show the cat where the toilet is, and if the cat pees anywhere else them put the toilet there instead to see if the cat maybe wanted the box there instead. It might help the process to have at least two boxes


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