

Ask @catanswers

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How do the cats react when you go for a walkie? Arent you scared that they could run away?

Mine are trained to stay with me, but I would suggest to use a harness that is soft and nice to wear, that way your cat could enjoy the walk much more <3

Hi. Which eyecolor do you have?

It's a greenish brown with a golden splash in the middle. Please only cat questions here :)

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I think my cat is too skinny is there any way I can get her to gain some wait?

You could give her some kitten food for a while, that could help her gain some weight :)
Liked by: Benny Young

Hej Jag planerar att köpa en äldre birma katt hon är lite över 4 år och hur stor är sannolikheten att det går bra med förändringen för henne? /vikkiiy

Det beror lite på vad hon flyttar till. Om hon bott själv och nu flyttar till ett hem där det bor andra katter så kan det ta lite tid tills hon känner sig helt bekväm. Men om ingen annan katt finns så kan det säkert gå väldigt fort tills hon blomstrar hemma hos dig :)
Liked by: Vikkiiy

Where did you get Muffin's favourite toy? It seems purrfect for mine, but can't find a toy like that here in Germany.. Thank you <3

It is very hard to find, I have only found it on cat shows so I ask friends to buy it for me if I'm not going to a show

Can you tell what is the dominant breed in a cross breed cat? I'm really curious what breeds might be in my domestic cat

There is no way for me to know that I'm afraid :/ There could be a lot of breeds in a crossbreed cat

I got the perfect little kitten at the petstore about a year ago. He fits all the descriptions of ragdolls but I know it's nearly impossible to find a ragdoll kitten at a petstore. Do you think its possible I could have found one? He definitely looks and acts like one!

We have never had this in Sweden, that you could buy a cat in a store. So I'm not familiar with the routines. I know that guinea pigs here in sweden that is sold in a pet store often comes from breeders so that you know it is safe.
So I couldn't answer you, but I don't think it is a pure bred ragdoll.
Anyway, I'm so happy you have found a cat like that :D <3

Hi! What about Berry? Do you think she is pregnant? And I've never heard about the calculation of kittens in the belly before, it's fabulous! :D

Yes I do think so :)

I have a question one of the three cats that I have scratch at each door that he comes from and if I do not open up to him he remains by scratching what can I do about it? and he does not eat wet food quite sometimes but usually not how come?

Ilona Van Ginkel
Cats hates closed doors, must the doors be closed all the time?
Wet food is maybe not their first choice if they also have dry food to eat. Think of it as children. If you gave them one bowl of candy, and one bowl of chicken and rice, what do you think they would choose? ;)

Where do you place your litter box for your cats?

I have one in the laundry room (next to the kitchen/Muff's room), one in the livingroom and one in my bathroom

It breaks my heart to see Thea so worried because of Muffin's smell in her new room :( and I'm sorry for Muffin too! Will he be OK in the girls' ex playroom?

It seems to be fine now :) They are animals of habits and need some time to adjust to changes

Är det inte lite jobbigt att inte ha katterna ihopa och kela med alla på samma gång?

Jo på ett sätt är det ju det, men som uppfödare så måste man tänka på katternas bästa i första hand och mina känslor i andra hand :)

My cat lives with my family 2boys and 2girls and me but who is the cat will think his mother

You will have to wait and see :) Cats often chooses one person to rely on

my cat had a litter of 5 kittens a couple weeks ago, her milk has to dry up so we can get her fixed. How long do you think it would take her milk to dry??

You don't have to wait for that to happen, you can just do it now. The kitties need her milk <3

I would like to send 2 pics of pregnancy come and ask me anything so I can send it To u do have another social media to send d pic to units ok if u don't want

You can send me an email to ask@catwhisperer.se

Hej jag har en hon katt på 3 år och när hon löper så har hon ett par gånger kissat på olika ställen i lägenheten, 2 gånger har hon gjort det på en klösbräda i kartong som tur är. Det luktar underligt och är luktar starkt. Vet du varför hon gör så? Hon har inga problem med lådan vanligtvis :)

Det är väldigt vanligt och är likadant som att hanar strilar. Det enda som KAN få bort det är att kastrera men om hon är en avelskatt så får man tyvärr stå ut med det :/ Beteendet kan dock fortsätta trots kastrering när hon väl har börjat


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