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Do you have attachment issues with the kittens before handing them over to a new Humom? I opt to give my cats up for adoption since it's for their best, but it's so difficult for me :(

I actually don't 😊
From when they are born I know that they will move one day and since I would never ever let them move to a home I don't feel 100000% safe with, I am actually very happy when the day comes because each kitten will be taken care of and have all attention from their new home.
If I would have a bad feeling about a home I have choosen, then it would probably not feel as good when that kitten move. I did choose a "wrong" home once but luckily I could cancel that booking in time and find another home, and I'm so glad I did ☺️

HI! I need your help! I have 3 female cats in my house, not neutered yet, they are about 1 years old and i recently brought a 1 1/2 year old male cat to my home. I did the steps into welcoming him to the house but he started to poop and pee around the house when i removed his cat litter. Advise?

For a new cat to enter a house of several unneutered cats will always be a challange. You have a really big challange in front of you, even I would not do that 😅
If the male cat is unneutered you need to fix him ASAP to prevent him from ripping your females apart one day. It can happen over night when you are not even expecting it.
If you can, neuter them all and you probably have no problems in a few weeks.
Or you need to start separating them to slowly introduce them to each other. The females can start to fight with each other too now so expect that so you are prepared.
I am not sire what you mean with removing the male's litter? Give him his own litter box to use that the females can't get to.
I assume all these cats are healthy, otherwise there could be other reasons that this problem showed up.
Be aware that cats are not meant to live in large numbers, their immune system can become a bit weak so please have money saved up in case one of them gets sick and contain the others 💖

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Hi Josie! I have a question about my cats. How can i get them to chew their food more? I notice that my cats dont really like to bite or chew their wet or dry food. Any tips? Thanks a bunch! (Also, I want one of Muffins babies so badly!! Theyre adorable!!)

Have you checked their teeth? It could be due to teeth problem so just give that a check before you do anything else. It is very important to take teeth problems seriously and help them quite fast.
If the teeth are fine it could be that they are eating too fast? To give them bigger chunks could help with that, there are brands of wet food that has filet of tuna that could work to break this cycle

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Zinna is such a beauty. It seems her fur is longer than the others. Is it unusual for ragdolls to have longer fur? Do you ever show any of your cats? I bet she would win all first places.

Zinna and Muffin are in full coat by the summer and the others will be in full coat by the winter. In 6 months Zinna and Muffin will have short coat again :)
I stopped showing my cats when more and more diseases spread on the shows. I'm too concern about their health so it's not worth the bling bling ;)
Liked by: Burcu Nastja

My cats have a lot of clumps at their furs. I always combs them but it will still happen. What should I do? Im thinking to makes a lion cut for both of them. But im afraid it will happen again after their furs get long again. So any advice or suggestions perhaps? Thanks a lot josie!

Tasnim Suzuki
It could be due to their diets. Cats that eat a lot of dry food and maybe the less good brands like Royal Canin tend to get matter fur.
It can be helped by switching their diets or trying to get them to also eat wet food.
But I would suggest you to pay extra attention to brushing those parts of the body that get these lumps of fur, maybe where their front and back paw begin by the chest and belly

i have seen breeders with sold white ragdoll is that a pure ragdoll or it just a mix breed ?

All countries have their organizations that allow different standards on the ragdoll. Some approve of the solid ragdolls with don't have blue eyes and are not pointed.
A completely white ragdoll could be a "real" ragdoll if it is a lilac mid high white (a kind of bicolor) for instance.
Or it could be a snowshoe sold as a ragdoll.

how can i get my cats to be active since thier the laziest ? both around 2- 3 years old :3

If the eat dry food I can almost guarantee you that is the reason for their lack of activity.
Try to start getting them over on wet food and even if it takes a year, it will be worth it for them and you.
A cat will always go for the candy (dry food) instead of the real food if given the choice

Zinna is such a great mummy, may i ask when will she have her last litter ? also will you keep her after she retires from breeding ?

I hope to have her last litter as soon as possible and then we'll see how she likes it here after being neutered.
Maybe she don't want all the kittens around her so I need to make new plans for her <3

Will you stop breeding NFO after Thea retired or will you get another breeding female ?

At least I'm taking a break from it. We'll see :)

Do you have any plans to get a new breeding male or female, any time soon?

No, I have no plans for that anytime soon

Josie, my cat (male) is in heat and there's no female cat for him. (He's always peeking the stray female cats that roam in front of my house 😥) and He has been meowing all the time, he's just an 8 months cat, and i wonder will he stop the heat itself if there's no girl to mate with?

Male cats don't come in heat like girls do, they become mature and fertile and will stay like that until they get neutered or walk over the rainbow.
For some males it is really difficult to be fertile and they are not easy to keep as pets.
My suggestion is you neuter him before he starts to mark with his urine because that is the one thing you definitely don't want him to start with!

Hi Josephine, what is your opinion of Soft Paws ( claw covers for cats)? Carol

Absolutely ridiculous but if the next option is declawing then I guess it is better :/

Will you be keeping brownie after you neuter him?

Yes, hopefully it will work out fine so he can stay here <3 I want nothing other for him

Hur många kattlådor tycker du att man bör ha om man har två katter? En för varje? :)

Jag tycker man kan ha åtminstone en låda per katt, det hjälper en själv också då lådorna inte blir fulla på en dag om man är borta länge.
Har man ett stort hus med två/tre våningar så kan man behöva fler lådor men då har man också plats för det :)

What are your thought on your fan accounts on instagram? Don't they just take the photos you've taken and publish them on their sites? xD

I think it was a lot like that before but it has gotten better now. As long as they credit me as the photographer and/or owner of the cats in the photos, I'm okay with it :)

I have a hard time understanding why you don't neuter Brownie? If you care for his well-being as you say why not do it so he can be with the rest of the cats like Muffin? :(

I think you have missed a few of my posts about this :) The plan is to neuter him, probably after the summer. I will give it a last chance for him to mate Zinna or MoMo, I would love to keep something in my breeding from him <3
Liked by: Kayla

Do you have plans to keep a kitten from your current litter??

No, all have homes waiting already :)

Skulle inte du köpa Dumle? Han har ju blivit jättefin så hur kommer det sig att du inte köpte honom när du hade chansen?

Jag fick aldrig chansen :)

Hallo Ms.Josephine ! I had a question ; Why don't you go by yourself to get Brownie from Belgium, to flight with Mino to USA ? Moreover, Zinna and Berry (Poland) Muffin (Spain) Whoopsie (Norway) ? Why must your friend, Johana, get them for you ? Could you explain that matter to me. Thank you :)

I don't travel well and Johanna loves it so it's a win win situation :)
Liked by: Kaynaat zamir

Where did you buy your pink onesie?

I bought it in an online store that only sold one pieces. I think it was Piece of Norway if I'm not mistaken

Hi josi! I was wondering is it necessary to brush my cat's teeth? Btw, brownie is super handsomeeeeeee!!! Thanks before

If you don't feel your cat with raw meat or bones it might be a good idea to brush the teeth, or at least start to get your cat into that routine slowly :)


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