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What does fjarilflickans mean??

Butterfly girl :) Read the whole story of my cattery name on my website Fjarilflickans.se (choose the english flag)
Liked by: Lovisa

Hey . You said that dry food isn't good for cats. I feed my beloved suzeman with royal canin obesity management dry food ... Is it that bad for him ? Shall I change it to wet and if yes - to what brand .... Ps love your cat and new arrivals and can't wait for next litter . Good luck !

You can read the facts about dry food on my website Catwhisperer.se
Good brands of wet food is Bozita, Canagan and probably some more in your country, here we have Icas and Mjau :)
Liked by: Katarzyna S

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I have a 11y old ragdoll male. He doesn't play. Sometimes he plays a litllebit, but it's rare. I have tried feather wands, catnip toys, crinkle balls... He used to play when he was young, but not anymore... Why? He's my everything and I don't want him to be unhappy :'(

Did you read the post on Instagram about this?

As both zinna and berry are in the nest when berry has her kittens will you move zinna out or keep her there?

I will just have to see how they all react, and make decisions on the spot :)
Liked by: Ms. Em

Hi! Can you give me an advice about cat hair? My cat is a ragdoll but her hair isn't fluffly and she is losing a lot of hair. What can i do? Is there something wrong in her food or is it normal? Can i give her nutritional supplements? She eats dry and wet food almo nature P.S.: your cats are awsome!

Some ragdolls have a bit "less perfect" fur in it's genes and that is not much to do about. It is hard to know if your cat is loosing more hair than it should, but if you groom once a week, you should be able to see some difference in the loose hair in between the grooming. If the cat is loosing more hair than normal it could be because of a lot of things. Almo nature seems to contain some parts that is not the best for cats, like fish and rice. The dry food is not good at all and also cointains a lot of fillers that is not ment for cats to eat.
If your cat is itchy, you should check if she might be allergic to something.
I hope it is nothing <3

Hello! Just to let you know that you got a big big fan of your cats from Indonesia! The type of cat you breed is very rare in here. Praying for berry and the babies! Hope they're doin well :)

Thank you so much! <3

Didn't Thea use to groom Zinna like what she's doing to berry now? Why doesn't Thea do that to Zinna anymore?

Yes she did, then Zinna became a diva and thinks that she is highest in rank, so she can't let a cat with Thea's low rank groom her

Have you ever thought about breeding other cats?

Other breeds? I love orientals and british shorthair but I'm not interested in breeding them

Can you maybe name a cat Lily? I love the name so so much and I love ur kitty winks

I name all kittens after butterflies :)
Liked by: Lovisa

Do you think Whiskas and Purina cat food (Friskes, Gourmet, etc. ) are healthy for my cat ? If not, why ? :) <3

No, it is too much fillers and sugar in it

When the colours of Zinna's kittens will be totally visible ?

Some will be in maybe a week and the red or creme ones will be white for a long time until the color is visible

Hej. Om en norskskogkatt/ragdoll katt ser ut som rag och om hon lagar ungar med en helt ragdoll så finns det möjliheten att deras ungar blir o se ut som norsk skogskatt? Hoppas du försto min fråga :D

Om du menar att den ser ut som en ragdoll för att den är maskad, så kommer inte en parning med en ragdoll producera omaskade katter, utan de kommer se ut som föräldrarna

Do you make more money out of certain kittens depending on what colours they go ?

First of all, you don't make any money on cat breeding :) And no, all kittens in the same litter will be sold for the same price (pet quality one price and breed quality another price)

Your little muffnuggets are too adorable I wanna squish them! And you have another muffnuggets meal on the way! I would die of a cuteness overdose if I were you!! <3

:D yes it is a little overwhelming :)
Liked by: Lovisa Katarzyna S


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