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I think you should write a book! About ragdolls and how to take care and train them. I've read the book by the author of the floppy cat website. It will be soo nice to read how you train them in detail ~

I will probably do something like that when I have the time in my life :)
Liked by: Tammy cook

no i mean in general. how do you know if a cat is dominant or rezessive?

Oh! Well you will probably only know it if you have more than one cat, otherwise the cat doesn't need to act dominant. But the signs are that he doesn't cover his faeses in the litter box and that he might bite the neck of the other cats to calm them down

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Om du går in på min Instagram- Ellapeterssons, så kan du få se bild <3 Två små söta bondkatter jag fick på min födelsedag! Bästa födelsedagen. Lea (den med mest vitt) och är den mysigaste katten jag nånsin haft, ska alltid upp och lägga sig under hakan när jag ska sova, eller på kudden brevid <3

Najmen guud vad söta dom är!! <3 <3 Oj oj nu blev jag kattungesugen igen! :D

What's the different between norwigeon forest cats and Siberian cats and the mane coon cat there almost look alike I can't even tell between them?

If you compare three very strongly typed cats, you will see that the MCO has a bigger muzzle, the SIB has a shorter nose and looks cuter and the NFO has a longer nose and looks more butch than the SIB :)
Liked by: Syazwi Mazli

and how do i know if one of the parents is dominance?

I'm sorry, is this question connected to another question? (Remember that it is anonymous here and cannot connect two questions together)

Hi! Do you have a particular way to get cats to swallow tablets? Also capsules?

There is different kind of products to help this, but if any of those doesn't work you could crush the pill and mix it with the food or with a few drops of water and give with a syringe

Hej! Ger mina kattungar (15 v) "Hill's Science Plan kitten" torrfoder och Mjaus blötmat. Låter torrfodret stå framme och ger blötmat två gånger om dagen, morgon och kväll. Är det bra mat/märken? Ska jag ge mer/mindre blötmat? Och när ska man börja ge kattungar "vuxen" mat? Kram kram

Torrfodret är och kommer aldrig vara "bra mat" men jättebra att du ger blötmat också. Det kan du absolut ge lite mer av och kanske ta bort torrfodret ibland, det vore det absolut bästa. Mjau är bra blötmat, testa även Bozita som finns i galet många smaker. Kika in på Zoo.se där de ofta har extrapris på Bozitan.
Det är inte så stor skillnad på kattungemat och vanlig mat så det spelar egentligen ingen roll (det är ett sätt att ta lite mer betalt för maten bara) men om man ska sätta en gräns så kan 1 år vara lagom att ge vuxen mat :)

Har verkligen varit kär i din Muffin. Han har verkligen varit the cat of my dreams! Och nu i somras har jag köpt 2 kattungar, och jag tror jag har fått min egna Muffin. Hon kommer varje kväll och morgon och ska lägga sig och mysa och trampar sådär med tassarna! Hur gulligt som helt :) LYCKLIG

Men vad rologt att höra! :D Har du nån bild där man kan se dom? <3
Lycka till <3

What are ragdoll cats personality compared to normal cats? Are ragdolls more active? Can you take ragdolls out on walks with a leash and harness?

Ragdolls are a very calm breed, they don't always like to be high up over ground as many other breeds do and you could always try to take them out in a harness, some cats like it and some don't. That haven't really got anything to do with the breed. :)

Dear Josephine..first i want to say i admire you greatly for all that u do and thank you for sharing your knowledge and lovely cats with us i love them so much and wish u&them all the best always,i need your help in this&if this post isn't complete,i will complete it in the next post, i have a four

Ola Amer
Thank you so much <3 <3 <3

At what age/how many months will a Ragdoll become fluffy? I notice in your photos of your cats as nuggets they didn't look as fluffy as they do now.

The fluff will come and go :) Raspberry was fluffy when she was about 7 months and then she lost her fluff and Zinna got hers :) A neutered cat will always be a bit fluffy all the time but also have seasons of shedding. It is very individual and also has to do with genes :)

how do cats response on peek a boo

Every cat might have different response :) try it out and you will see how your cat reacts <3

why do cats hiss? it sound so not-dangerous

They use that sound when someone have failed to understand the body language that this cat just made to tell them to stay away or stop whatever they are doing

How can i prepare my 4yr old cat for a new home?he's hesitant 2wards strangers as a result of kids rejecting his approach out of fear so he hid from strangers after that,but lately he doesn't hide&show curiosity,also he's attached2me although he dislike cuddles,i spoil him with love&kisses!:( thanks

There is no way to prepare him before going, as you cannot tell him what is about to happen. But as he moves, let him move together with lots of stuff from his old home so he can have "his own smell" in the new home. And tell the new owners to make the transition slowly and never be mad at him if he does something wrong, it will ONLY do bad for the relationship here. He obviously need to rebuild the trust for humans
Liked by: Ola Amer

I think I'm not the only person who envies you for your very well behaved and affectionate cats! Do you have any experience traveling with a kitty on a long flight (in cabin)? I really need some advice and tips (before and during flight) on making the trip for him as comfy as possible. Thank you :)

No, I'm sorry I haven't traveled with my cats at all. But I recommend that you use Feliway spray in the cage before you take off, and if your cat is very anxious there is calming pills to give them, but you need to ask your vet for subscription in case she wants to do a check up first

how long can you storage popsicles? if They haven't finish it at the first time

Do you mean food flavoured ice cubes that I showed on Instagram?

If your cat is sad what can we do to make them happy again? Other than spending time with them

Then you need to find out what makes him unhappy and change that :) This is why it is best to really know your cat, then you can easily understand what's wrong

My male cat is losing hair a lot since I've changed his food from chicken to minced meat, he prefers treats or refuse to eat sometimes. The vet is not giving me a good solution, they always want to take my money for nothing!! Please I need your advice.. TY!

Can you tell me more what you mean about changed his food from chicken to minced meat? Did you give raw chicken? And no longer at all? What is in the minced meat? Do you give anything else than this?

Thanks you for your answer :) ! Can you recommend a good brand of litter odor free?

I use Compact Care right now and like that :)

My cat never shops malting she has medium length fur and we think she is a tabby is there something wrong (we don't brush her so should we brush her?)

I'm not sure what you mean? "Shops malting"?

Hi, i just got a kitten about 9 weeks old, am looking fir affordable websites to get litter boxes and also cat toys, most of the websites am getting are 80-100 dollars (that is my rent) and that's way too expensive for me. Or a place where i can learn to make the toys and scratch posts? Suzzie Njoka

I hear that you haven't checked out Zooplus yet :) Only cheap nice cat stuff!

Do you ship kittens to Singapore? How much will it cost?

You will need to check the cost in your country, to me you will only pay for the kitten + passport and vaccine :) The rest is up to you <3


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