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Hi there girl i love your cats , i want to ask you is it true that you Can't get pregnant if you have cats in the house?

I have never heard of that and I couldn't see how that could be connected? :)
Liked by: Lovisa

Do you feel like you have to watch over the kittens or do you feel comfortable leaving zinna to it

I'm fine leaving them for short moments. It is Berry I have to watch (haha) :P

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Yes, I read your post on Instagram, but I've already tried everything. Is 11y old cat just too old to play?

Since he is a senior, you should go do senior tests regularly to check that all the levels are good. If he is totally healthy and doesn't eat dry food, he might just be tired of the toys :)

Aww. And berry still lets Thea groom her even though she's queen like Zinna :) what a sweetheart <3

Yes they are very close :)

Hi. I am Catherine and is 12 years old. I asked my mom if I can adopt a kitten but she don't want me to. But anyways I just want to let you know that Zinna's kittens are soooo adorable and are a cutie~!

Thank you <3 I hope you get your ragdoll in the near future :)
Liked by: Lovisa

Hi Josephine, My ragdoll Mellow has a super sensitive stomach, his stool is constantly soft if I feed him dry food. I have tried 4 brands of dry food already, no success in finding the perfect stool yet. I am starting the cooked chicken breast diet. Is the chicken breast enough for him? Need more?

It might actually be something that makes your cat have loose stools, so you should first take him to the vet before you experiment too much, their bellies doesn't feel great if we change their food too often.

I'm getting a female ragdoll kitten in one month and I'm wondering whether to get her brother too! So many people who have ragdolls have more than one.I would very much appreciate your advice. I work 4 days a week out of the house (9 - 5). I have a 8 year old golden retriever too. Tusen tack!!

If you have gone through all the expences with having two cats and you can afford any unforeseen costs that might come up, you should defenitly consider getting two :) Just be aure to neuter them very early, some get sexually mature early in life.
Best of luck! <3

I'm worried about my little girl. We have her and her brother n they r both 5 months... She is looking a little chubby lately and her belly quite firm.. But I don't ever remember her showing any signs of coming into heat . Plus they are kept separate at night :/

It is not possible for me to know, but I really hope it is not something wrong <3 Please neuter them right now!

How do you prepare your homemade cat food treats? Just bake the meat strips in the oven? Thank youuu!

I have a mushroom dryer to dry them in but it works fine in the oven too :)

My female kitten of 5 months lives in the garden (my parent don't want her at home sadly :( ) and she starts to explore too much. How can I prevent her from going out of my garden? the streets are dangerous, especially for cars :(

This is no place for a cat, please find a better home for the poor cat <3

Vad är översättningen till alla färger och teckningar till raggisarna? Förstår inte riktigt vad ex. "Tortie" är :p

Tortie är sköldpaddsfärgad (som Kanel och Hallon är) dvs tvåfärgad med eller utan vitt. Bicolor är Muffin, mitted är Kanel och Hallon med vita sockor, mage, haka och bakben. Colorpoint är en ragdoll utan vitt alls, de har mörk färg på kropp, ansikte, öron, svans och tassar

Here your kittens are 5 days old ^_^

No, that can't be right :) You have to consider the birth date too which is later in your country <3

Are your ragdolls good at jumping? Mine loves heights but sometimes misses the jump up to the couch! Other times she will meow until I put her on the desk or outdoor furniture. And she is certainly vocal about it!

My opinion is that they are not too clever when it comes to hights :) My ragdolls are a bit clumsy <3

When do you start counting the days of pregnancy of the cats? From the first date when they mate? Or there's some other way?

From the day after the mating :)

Do you have any personal tip to lower the quantity of hair loss? :)

Yes, groom regularly and feed them grainfree food :)

my cat hair start losing his hair what should i do?i went to the vet and the doc said that everything is fine

It might be poor quality food that makes it, or it is just a normal shedding :)

is that true when your cat getting older the colour of the hair will start getting darker?my cats hair getting darker lately

Yes if the cat is pointed :)

I have try to feed my new born baby (cats) with some milk but they didn't want it.what should i do?

Try to get them to feed on mommy, they need that milk. And absolutely don't give milk for humans! Read more on what to do in your situation on my website Catwhisperer.se


Language: English