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can you send a picture if my cat is adult? Cream orange ears with orange tail and bicolor face

Do you mean that you want to send me a picture? You can send it to ask@catwhisperer.se

berry is 2 collored

The white is the third color :) A tortie has either two colors and white or just two colors

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I ever saw in 9gag that to established the dominance of our cat, we could 'Boob' the cat directly. Is that true ?

Azis Haily
I have no idea what you mean :D

Hej :) Jag har jättesvårt att hitta "rätt" mat till min katt. Från början åt han Eukanuba kitten, nu har jag övergått till RC vet care young male neutered. En kompis som är uppfödare säger att RC är jättebra, andra att det är dåligt. Vad tycker du?Vilket torrfoder hade du valt om du var tvungen?

Det är svårt med det där :) RC är känt för att ha ganska mycket utfyllnad i sin mat som inte katten har någon nytta av alls, så om detta är vad man önskar så passar det. Om du vill hitta ett kvalitéts foder som har mycket mer innehåll som katten har användning för så kan du söka efter spannmålsfritt foder och köpa några små testpåsar och se vad din katt gillar, då vet du iallafall att du testar mellan bra och bra :)

can you give my tips to make sure you are the boss to the cat? i can't found it on your site

Look at the hashtag #whymycatsrespectme on Instagram :)

what do you think that MUST by in cat food? and how do you save so much food

The food has long durability and since I have 4 hungry cats, the food is gone in about two months :)

I have a 4 mo old ragdoll kitten that we just added to our family. We also have a 19 year old ragdoll and an 8 year old small dog. She and the dog play very well together. The old cat is off limits because he is too fragile. How do I get the kitten to understand that she can play with dog and notcat

The only way is to limit the access, you cannot trach the kitten to only play with the dog. But as a kitten, she needs to play and learn how every family member is so I don't think you should let the cat be outside of this

Is there someplace that explains the "Boop"?

It is easy, just take your finger and press it softly to your cat's nose and say boooop :D

I love your cat photography and follow you on Instagram. I'm an aspiring cat photographer ..I see you shoot with the Nikon D7000.. as Cat photographer do you recommend the D7100 or the D7000?

I have only tried the D7000 so I cannot say anything about the difference. But I really love this one :)
Liked by: Hector Lopez

if cats make a meow with Many stops mea-a-a-a eo thats over exitement right?

Hard to say when I am not seeing what the cat is doing with the rest of the body

U buy soooo much food for your cat all at once :O How much does it costs ??

I normally buy from about $75 and more. I hate to keep buying small orders so I buy large quantities at the time
Liked by: Kaynaat zamir

how do you give your cats Tuna? fresh or Dried? and i love your cats:) zinna has a adorable face

I give to not very rarely, and then I give cat-tuna from a can

Is it true that red meat contains taurine? So I don't need to supplement it with additional sources?

You need to read about this and maybe get guidance from an expert that can help you with your needs for your cats


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