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Hi Josie! We had 2 cats, 1 8yr old Siberian, 1 3yr old Ragdoll) and recently adopted a cat from a Shelter (dsh 3yr old). It constantly meows (his voice is now so hoarse) and pounces on the other 2, terrifying them! How can I make it stop, the meowing and for them to get along? It's been 3 weeks!

It will most definitely take longer than 3 weeks, especially for your oldest cat. Show them that being together means treats, play and other good stuff. Reward every positive moment and eventually you'll get there :)

Borstar/kammar du dina katter varje dag? De har så otroligt fin päls på alla foton du tar.

Ida Cedergren
Nej det måste jag erkänna att jag inte gör. Då jag har avelskatter så har jag valt katter med bra päls osv så det är nog mest därför :)
Liked by: Ida Cedergren

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How do you keep your place clean from all the cat shedding and smell ?

I just clean :) A cat doesn't smell if it is a healthy cat and the litter boxes gets cleaned several times a day (I don't give dry food so the poop is not so smelly)

Vi har 3 katter men de använder bara 1 kattlåda. Vi har 2 som står framme och 2 som står i källaren som kan tas fram om det skulle behövas fler. De går på den andra ibland om man liksom visar in dom men de gör inte det själva. Hur ska man göra för att de ska använda båda?

Har ni provat ställa de bredvid varandra? När de sen insett att två lådor är underbart så kan ni dela på lådorna igen om det behövs :)

Min huskatt har bitit av sin klo. Jag vet inte när det hände men det luktade illa och det var grönt runt Det. Märkte det när jag skulle klippa hennes klor(innekatter). Hon haltar inte och verkar inte ha ont om man inte petar på det.vi tänkte vänta med att kontakta veterinär men vad tror du är bäst?

Det är en stor risk för infektion så ring åtminstone en veterinär och fråga. Tycker dom att det är akut så vet ni vad ni måste göra

Hi! Thank you for answering me about my ragdoll kitty and her panting :) We took her to an emergency vet hospital today and they diagnosed her with feline asthma. She is staying overnight and will probably need to come home with an inhaler. They didn't see any sign of heart disease/heart failure!

I'm so glad that you took her there! I wish you the very best of luck and now that you know it is easier to help her and make her life better 💖

Whats your thoughts about inbreeding in cats breeds to get a healthier breed?

I have no problem with inbreeding as long as the breeder know what he or she is doing and has a goal for it. Zinnamon is somewhat inbred 💜
Liked by: fatmq

Good news :) she came out of hiding an ate a bit (wet food mixed with water) but it still seems like there is something off with her. (She walks a bit strange) But we finally found a vet and we can go there now :) really not easy on sundays..

Thank God! And I hope it is nothing serious and that she'll be back to normal soon ☺️💖
Liked by: Julia

thanks for you answer. We tried, but the one we could reach only told us it's propably something severe but she is on her way somewhere and we can call again tomorrow :( we are still trying to get a hold of anotherone. i really don't know what to do. Do you know anything i can help in the meantime?

I'm sorry, I don't remember the rest of this concersation so I don't know what the problem was. But as I have said before, when it comes to health issues, a vet will have a better answer than me :)

Hi Josie <3 I own a one-year-old Persian and I noticed that he started to be obssessed with licking or even eating anything plastic-like and of course he'd vomit after a while. He had never done that before, any clue of why he does that suddunly?

It is very common and hard to say why your cat is doing it. Sometimes it is because of the fish substance that is used in some plastic products, sometimes it is a nice rub to the teeth which could mean the cat has teeth problems, sometimes it is because they lack a certain substance in their body that makes them do this (PICA)
Best you can do is to keep an eye on it and just take note of the behaviour in case you need a vet in the future for it. And of course, try to keep all plastic items away :) Maybe that will just brake the habit

Hey :) my cat acts strange since yesterday evening. She doesn't want to drink or eat. We already tried goodies soaked in water (doesn't really work..) and she hides all the time :( unfortunately we can't rach our vet. Do you know anything we could try? (she is quite old 13 1/2 years....)

Hi! This is very red alert so you need to get on the phone with any vet as soon as you can.
A cat can go days in agony without us knowing it, and then all of a sudden she shows signs like this that we can see but by then it is because she can't hide it anymore.
Please do your best to get her to a vet asap 💖
Liked by: Julia

How much is the price of the kitten? Can you sell them unneutered or you neuter them before selling? Do you sell for buyers living in a different country? How does this work?

Hi! You can see all this information on my website www.fjarilflickans.se it is in English :)
I only sell neutered kittens over seas
Liked by: fatmq

Hi Josephine! I had a Turkish Angora (Female) cat last year. She was sitting mostly infront of screen door (which was put infront of main door) When someone opens the door (to come inside or go outside) She rushes outside Like she want to go away. Can you tell me? And your all cats are faboulus👌

I would guess that she really feels free and enjoys to be outside :) Maybe you can find a way to catify indoor a bit more? Investigate what she likes outside (listen to birds? Looking at bugs? Climbing?) and see how you can implement that in your home. Maybe a new cat tree with lots of climbing alternatives, near a window to spy on what is moving outside?
Liked by: Seher

Hi, have you considered reaching out to pet product companies that you like, to do sponsored posts for their products? You have such a large audience, here is the US when you get as many likes per photo, it is easy to begin doing sponsored posts occasionally. You could get paid to keep sharing pics!

I do this from time to time, but it is hard to find a good match. I would never show a product that I would not use myself or let my cats have/eat. Recently I got a call like that but it was for dry food so I had to say no
Liked by: fatmq

Hi Josie!! Today I took my 5 year old Ragdoll to the vet for a checkup and they found a heart murmur. I've also noticed in the last week a couple episodes where she would meow loudly then pant with her tongue out for a few seconds. I am taking her to a cardiologist but do you have any advice?

At this point, all this could actually be nothing so do not worry in advance. It is great that you are taking her to a specialist, that is all you can do right now.
When you say she is panting, is this when she seems to be playful or have been playing? If so, that is totally normal and very much like ragdolls 😊
Liked by: Lexi

How is it possible that Momo also has milk? Did it happen because the kittens kept trying to drink by her and that hormones kicked in or is it because she was involved with them from when they were little or something else? It's really interesting!

It happened because they suckled her over and over 😅 The same with Zinna, she has milk for them too
Liked by: Nina

Hi Josephine. my 7 year old recently got diagnosed with a tumour on his spinal cord. doctors suggested that treatment won't be of much help to him. Walking has gotten worse and he needs our help. Painfully we decided that we will let him sleep soon and not wait till the very end. I feel so guilty :(

I'm so sorry for these news <3 Do not feel guilty, it is not your fault in any way. What you can do is to call a few vets to consult, and even better call more experts in this area (even if it is not in your city) to just ask if there is anything else that can be done.
If not, the best thing for your cat is to let him go 💔 This happens in life and to be there and help him ease the pain now is an act of love from you and nothing else.
Lots of hugs from us all 💖

Yes! I do give Royal Canin and also wet food. But whenever I give them raw food like chicken breast etc, they will get stomachache and then diarrhea. Thats why I stopped give them raw food. What do you think about that? Ohh and what is the best dry food and wet food that available worldwide?

If you switch from one type of food to another too fast, it will always result in belly aches. You need to do it over time.
Same with raw food and wet and dry. If your cat gets an upset stomach, it does not have to mean it was a bad kind of food but that the transition was too fast. Some cats reacts more than others to this.
I am sorry, I don't know which foods are available in all the countries, but take a look at the ingredients list on the packages. They are listed with the most % first and then less and less. So you want animal proteins and fat high up in the list and vegetables and grains in the bottom (or not at all if possible) 😊

Hello, how can i chose a good breeder like you josei its so hard chosing one every time i visit websites etc stuff like that im not sure if they breed with a heart since they price the ragdoll depinds its color even if its a pet quality? how can if they are any good ? any sugestions ? Thank you

Hi! You are doing the exact right thing - to question this topic! You will have to follow theough social media or go visit some breeders so you can get a feel for their work and how they are as people.
It is important to find someone that you can trust and my suggestion is to find someone that is very open, that often can't go wrong.
Best of luck <3

How does your foster program work? Is there a contract? Who pays for what? How long do you breed them? Do they keep any $ from kitten sales?

I have two types of contracts, whole- and half foster. A foster family that has a whole-contract will recieve the cat without paying anything. They will then (if female) foster 1-3 litter of kittens and I will pay all cost that involves breeding. The family will only pay the costs they would normally have if they just had a regular neutered cat.
When the contract is done, the cat will be completely the family's cat.
With a half contract, only 1 litter will be fostered and the family pay half the cost to buy the cat.
The families will never keep any $ from the kittens since I am the one that pays all cost (the kittens cost to raise about the same as I sell them for)
Liked by: Julia Seher

my cats have all alergies when it comes to cat food i went to 3 vets and they suggest grain free which i did feed them they still alergic now i just coock them boiled chiken breat and somtimes grilled fish, i coudnt find any wet food that they wont get alergic to any tips ?

Did the vets tell you to give them grainfree food because they are allergic!!??? Please please don't ever trust those vets ever again. Oh, this upsets me so much :(
What you need to do is to find a vet that can help you make a proper investigation for what your cat is allergic to.
The vet need to help you with a feeding schedule to rule out protein by protein. First you try chicken, then beef etc... it's a process but once you find what protein your cat is allergic to, you can start to give foods that doesn't include that and the struggle will be over for both you and your cat :)
Best of luck! I promise you that this experience will make an ever closer bond between you, that is what happened between Muffin and me <3
Liked by: Seher fatmq

Hi Josi! Maybe u can help my with my cat,a 4yo persian. She pees everywhere but is healthy. We tried feliway, calming collar, new litter, more + new toilets, calming drops, thundershirt, litter attract, strikt daily routine, a catio, hiding places + much more. She has a 3yo ragdoll brother. Thank u❤

Hi! I'm so sorry to hear this, clearly there is still something she is trying to tell you otherwise she would not have this behavior. It could be the baby brother, do they get along? If not you should at least take that into consideration and see if you can find a future solution for that.
I assume she is neutered? Otherwise it is probably as simple as just neutering her :)
Liked by: Franzi S.


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