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"What would happen if you breed Thea and Mufffin?" Why? Isn't also a point of being a breeder to create new breeds and create the perfect combination?

No, our "job" is to choose a breed and maintain the right standard for it by selecting which offsprings is suitable for breeding etc.
To "make a new breed" you need permission from the breeder society with a very good plan and purpose of this, and it will take a loong loong time to make that new breed, many generations so you need to know you will still believe in this 10 years from now.

What is the difference between a normal coat and an undercoat? How do you determine if a cat has one or the other or both? I heard some cat has 1 normal coat and 2 undercoats. What does having 2 undercoat means?

Syazwi Mazli
The "normal" hair you refer to must be the guard hairs which they all have. The undercoat is the fur that is matting up on some cats.
You can read more about the different types here http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?c=1+2231&aid=356
And different breeds have different types of fur :)

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I think I asked this question before but I can't find it answered. Why do cats eyes "change color"? Eg. Muffin eyes are blue in the light but black in the dark. What's the purpose of it? (Protect their eyes? How?)

Cats with blue eyes doesn't have the layer on their eyes that other cats have, that reflects the light back out, which makes the eyes look dark in poor light. Blue eyed cats are best photographed with daylight, not flash :)

Why don't you keep Lucifer with you? And what breed is Lucifer? <3

He is a neuter that wouldn't go well with 4 unaltered cats (already tried) He is a housecat <3
Liked by: Tammy cook

my cat licks her nise after being booped by my why? and do They like it? and why do They?:)

That is normal :) They are not very amused by our boops and don't understand it. Remember to be very gentle if you do that and not do it often so your cat get upset by it. It should be just a little fun bonding thing between you

Question for you :) I have 2 cats, 1 female e 1 male, both 1 year old, not neutered yet cause they had a litter. I founded a lovely ragdoll litter of a breeder and I terrible want a new kitten now. Is it better a female o male to introduce in the family? (I'll neuter my male cat before)

First of all you should neuter them both before you plan on taking on another cat. Remember that you put an "intruder" in the house, and not just a friend for you. All cat's doesn't agree with all the choices we humans make for them, so I think you should neuter them first and let them settle in, and you will have some time to think if your choice is the best choice for them <3

My cat was born and raised by me but he doesn't like me as Muffin likes you, you are really lucky to have him & wish you stay together for life :) I love you both you & Muffin ❤️✨

Aw thank you so much dear <3 That is so sweet of you! :)
I am very very thankful for him and tell his breeder all the time <3
Liked by: Ola Amer

Would you post pictures of how your whole house looks like? By the bits and pieces shown I very much like your home alr

You have probably seen it all :) I have two more rooms but they are strictly business so they doesn't look like the rest of the apartment
Liked by: Tammy cook

Is is okay to spay my male cat and leave my female without spaying?

That will precent them from having kittens but it will not have good effect on the female. Females are running a high risk of infections in the uterus if they are not altered, and basically they live a much happier life if they was altered <3

Det är kanske svårt att veta, men när kommer Berry få sin kull? Höst, vinter, vår? Antar att många vill köpa av dig. Har kollat alla ragdolluppfödare i sthlm, men ingen har så fina katter som du.

Tack, vad gulligt av dig :)
Om det är löp på gång nu så kommer det ungar i September annars vet jag inte, det beror helt på när Hallon löper nästa gång. De är dräktiga ca 65 dagar så när du ser på Instagram att hon löper och blir parad så kan du räkna två månader framåt ca :)

How do you litter train a kitten and also at what age?

They start to be trained at about 4 weeks of age if they are brought up by a breeder. When I have kittens, I keep an eye on them to see when they need to do their business (they start to look for a place to sit and dig a little) and I pick them up and put them in a litterbox. While I toilet train them I have about 3-5 boxes in a very small area where they are living atm

Did Zinnas parents also have similar facial markings as she does?

Mother has the same colors but not the split face and father is a Muffin without the tabby markings :)
Liked by: Tammy cook Ola Amer

The turbo scratcher is all of a sudden popular I see it everywhere now!!! Is it new??? Should I get it for my cats? My cats aren't intrested in toys so I don't know if this will work.... It also comes with a bag of catnip right?

I don't know which you are refering to. Could you send me a link to it?

What lenses do u use on most of your cat photography?

On all of them I use Tanron 17-50mm 2,8 :) I love it <3

Thank you Josephine for replying to my question! Brilliant <3 <3 <3 . One of the things I'm getting confused about is supplements like Glandular powders, Taurine etc. I've gone on a website called cat nutrition.org but it sounds fiddly and makes me more confused hahaha. Do you add these ingredients?

No I don't add anything. The taurine comes from the meat and especially the hearts :)
You might have a specialist in the subject you can call or email to ask about this?

I see you make your own raw food for your cats could you tell me the recipe? I'm about to get my NFO kitten this week (on Thursday). I hope to get a grinder next month and start making my own batches of raw food for him and my (7 year) moggie too. Please help so confused with what to do? Thanks

That sound like a good idea and you kitten will hopefully have a very healthy life :) One thing you need to do is to read what you find on the subject, so you will learn about why you do it and what to expect. And also what you should look out for e.g. Too much bone will make the cat constipated.
I try and follow this every time:
60% meat
17% heart
10% bone
8% liver
5% misc (like egg yolk)
Good luck <3
Liked by: Ola Amer

I've just seen a video of a puppy being set on fire alive, why is no one doing anything about these things? All we can do is raise awareness and all that seems to do is encourage it because the videos etc get so popular.

It makes me sad and sick each time I see stuff like that. I'm trying my best to help higher the cat's status in society and all we can do is out best <3


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