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how many photos can your camera hold? and how do u get 3TB on your phone?

My camera can hold about 500 photos with the quality I use. I empty it once a week and the same with my phone. I can only have about 1500 photos on my phone until it's full :)

I have an outdoor cat and he's been in our current house all of his life so far (he's 7) and we are moving on a acreage in a few fews and I'm worried that this will stress him out like crazy and that he might get lost when we let him outside, any tips?

Don't let him out outside by himself at first. Take him out in a leash and be with him. Do this a few times and then you might try to go out without the leash. Soon you don't need to be with him outside :)

Yup i want to neuter them but my vet said i have to wait till they are 1 year old.n their birthday just passed 2 months back n i will take them again to the vet.so the making noise part is also normal for unneuterd cat?n what is the preparation i hv to do like deflea or deworm before the operation?

Yes the noise is exactly what an unaltered cat do :)
Call your vet and ask her about it, but I have never heard about defleaing or worming before neutering.
Best of luck <3

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I have three indoor cats that all get along great. They wash each other and sleep together. One male(oldest) and two females. My male cat (neutured) has a tendency to sit on the face of one of my female cats (neutured). It mostly happens when they are both playful. Do you know what this could be?

Haha that is so cute! :D Maybe it is something that just happens?

I'm moving somewhere else and I have an outdoor cat. What do I do ?

You need to get him a leash and start taking walks in the new neighborhood but with the leash so you can keep him with you at all times.
Later you can try and take it off and walk with him and soon you don't need to be with him outside anymore

Hi i have a raggamuffin and a stray cat.both are still a kitten when we had them.but my raggamuffin cat does not like the company of the stray cat even though now both are 1 yr old.she prefer to be alone and will always get up when the stray cat want to have a snuggle or lick her.

Some cats will just never go well together, and we need to address this and find out if they just "accept each other" of if someone is actually depressed because of it. If so, a rehoming might be the best for both cats.
Have you tried to re-introduce them to each other by really reward every little encounter they have? You need to associate their meetings with something positive and never give them food, treats or snuggle when they are far apart. They need to get vloser to get those things.
It might take some time, but maybe they become best friends one day <3
If they are not neutered, then do that. Then no hormones will come between them

Can you explain me this rivalry between Muffin and Thea? Makes me a bit sad seeing her always in the girl's room while the other girls are not :(

It is because Thea now has a neuter chip, a little chip that males her body behave like a neuter. And that means that she is now lowest in rank, because fertile cats will always be on top.
And when Thea gets a bit defensive, Muffin see that she is "weak" and goes for it. This is their natural instinct.
I really hope it will change as her chip wares off <3

I love my 2 siberian boys very much, but sometimes I would like to sit on the sofa and watch a movie after dinner. That's simply not possible here. They are screaming the whole eve when I'm not on the floor playing with them.. What shall I do? :-(

Are they both neutered?

We took her to the vet anf they shaved her and gave her antibiotics and a cone. And than she started scratching like crazy! One night she took her cone off and scratched under ears that there was no more skin :'( oh, and in the process we got rid of the fleas so that is for sure not a problem. Do yo

It might take some time for the rash to calm down. And it could also be because the fleas are still there

My heart wants to explode with love for all your kitties. I think if I were you, my heart would explode a million times over, and then some.

I think that is why I love to share our life <3 Otherwise I would explode :)

Is it okay to use cats cleaning shampoo spray instead of giving them a bath?

As long as it is made for cats it's ok. But only give them baths if they really have to (I never bathe mine)

Kinda stupid question but why do cats are so cute??? ❤❤❤❤❤

I think you could say that they are born like that :)

Hi! My friend has a 1 month old Persian cat so she wanted to know what food should we serve to the cat. And the person my friend got it from said to just give him milk so she wants to know anyting else that could be fed? Thank you.

Do not give a cat milk!
Great food are Bozita, the wet food. If you must give dry food then look for a grain free kind

Does the cats' shelters in Sweden kill cats if they are sick??? At the place I'm living I heard they do!!!! shelters kill cat without telling there owners... This is heartbreaking <\3 !!!

This sounds very awful!? We have many laws against animal abuse in Sweden so I don't think this could even take place here at all. I sure hope not :/

Hello ! I have observed that my male cat that is only 4 months old is quite aggressive towards me from the past few days and is kind of attracted towards the female stray cat outside my house .... Is he matured already ?? WhAt should i do now ??

It is hard to say, it doesn't have to be that he is sexually matured yet but he is still stressed over the cat outside. This is a very common stress factor and you should probably put something in front of the window and let him only look out of those windows where the female cannot reach

Hey i heard a rumor about giving a cat 3 p pills over 3 days should rus's up the next heat ? Can that be true ? Dont Think of trying myself but i havent heard of that before ! Also i wondered where you buy your backgrounds ? I saw some of Them on instagram an just LOVED Them !

I have never heard of that :/ But to give that often is not good for them anyway.
I bought them in china :)

Hej borstar du dina katters tender?

Jag har tänkt jag ska börja göra det men det har inte blivit av. Men de får äta av naturens tandborste :) (kött och ben)

Hai! I know it's very hard to tell but are the girls pregenet and when are the kittens due?

I think so :) If they are pregnant, we expect them to deliver 26th and 31th of October.
Halloween babies :)

Is zonna's colouring rare? I love the half face

It is not rare but a bit uncommon :) I don't know the split face genetics but I so want to find out if there is some research about it <3

That is really smart. I'm glad that wifi sd card works great for you. I bought an Eye-Fi too a while back (4GB Connect X2) but I never seems to get it working with my android phone. The configuration is so confusing. I already tried 5 different times for the last 2 years. I gave up every time. Haha.

Syazwi Mazli
I had a bit of a struggle at first too, but as I got it going and understood that the camera display needs to be ON all the time while downloading the photos, it was like a gift from God <3 You should really try and make it work! :)

3TB of cat photos? Wow! That's a lot! Assuming that you don't shoot RAW everyday, and say on average a D7000 shoots 5MB per one photo, that's approximately 600,000 cats photos you have stored. That's crazy! D:

Syazwi Mazli
Haha yep, I'm insane!! =O I don't shoot RAW format at all at home, only when I work and thos photos are not included here :D haha

I'm d one that I told u about my friends cat. I want 2 tell another thing when some1 want to hold her she run to my friends brother room and when he leave she start looking 4 him also when he hold her she don't meow and why

She has clearly chosen him as her human, maybe because he doesn't pay more attention to her than she wants to

Hello! I need your help with my cat, Cass. He is a year old Persian cat and he is the sweetest thing ever. But the problem is that he can't/doesn't like to use the litter box. I was wondering what can I do to teach him?

This is a common problem that almost always has an underlying issue. Stress, illness, changed living situations, wrong litter, wrong litter box, a closed door, too much noice, too dirty litter, etc etc
You can read more about this on my website www.catwhisperer.se and start to eliminate some potential reasons by trying them out one by one.
Start with adding another litter box, that often solves the problem :)

For a domestic cross breed what is the average weight for a male adult cat?

It depends on what breeds are in there and if the parents where big or small. I couldn't say without feeling this cat :/


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