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Do you have pictures of Muffin, Berry and Zinna when they were still less than 4months kitties? Can you post them?

I posted one with all 4 :)

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In what circumstances does a female cat get in heat?

This is individual, some females doesn't come into her first heat before the age of 3 and some start early and will have several cycles through the year.
Factors that helps to trigger a female to come in to heat is much light, male smells and also if the house is cleaned with chlorine :)

Once, you explained about the rank in cats life, right ? 'IF' Berry is pregnant and give birth for Muffin's kittens, it's mean Berry will be the queen in your house, and Thea will be at the 2nd place. Is it true ?

Azis Haily
Thea is actually last right now, so she will stay there. Muffin is highest now, but when Berry is pregnant she will be highest and then Muffin, Zinna and Thea :)

"Its very individual, If you're not sure you can go to the vet" money doesn't fall from trees. This is my first cat, if I go for every little thing cause I'm new to all these he vet is going to think I'm crazy and I'm going to go broke.

As at cat owner you need to provide with the help that your cat needs, no matter how many times you need to go to the vet. This is what you take on as you take your cat home.
You can always call the vet whenever you are worried, and this doesn't cost a penny. And when the vet tells you that you really need to come in with your cat, you will be happy that you made that call :)
Our cat owners need to have a budget for this, and always insure the cat, to be able to cut a lot of the vet costs over the years

I have a kitten who is about a year old, and everytime we feed her she throws up. We give her dry food. Should we be using something different? I don't know whether dry or wet food is better. Thanks!

It is hard to tell why she does this, but when she has an upset stomach you should never give dry food. Wet food is always better than dry food so try some wet food for her now :)
If she doesn't get better soon you need to take her to the vet.
I hope it turns around very soon for you <3
Liked by: Kaynaat zamir

I thought Muffin was going to have kittens with Zinna. Is it going to be Berry now because she is possibly in heat?

Berry will be the first mother of Muffin's kittens :) Because she has been in heat too many times already so I need to mate her on her next heat

How should normal cat breathe smell?

That is very individual, but if you are worried about a bad breath then I think you should do a check up to be safe

I'm sorry but I hope Berry is pregnant xD I just want those kittens soo bad!!!

:) I know what you mean <3

Oh okay but you posted a photo of a cat with kittens, wasn't that your cat?

That might have been Kokos, she doesn't live here anymore. She moved together with her son and lives only 5 minutes away so I go to see them sometimes :)

I love your IG and I look at the pictures every day but I can't find pictures of the kittens. Berry is the mother of the kittens , isn't she? And where are the kittens? Regards from germany

Thank you I love that :)
Raspberry haven't had any kittens yet so that is why you probably don't find any photos of them ;) But you will be able to see her future kittens both on Instagram and on my website

Do you have a fixed feeding time or do you only feed them when they are hungry? How many meals do you feed a day? And what if they do not eat when you feed them at a feeding time?

I give my cats breakfast when I go up every morning, and the time varies every day. The same with dinner at night sometimes I give it 6 o'clock and sometimes 8 o'clock (and everything in between) most days I give them two meals a day but sometimes I give them three meals, nothing is written in stone :)
The food will be waiting for them to eat it if they don't want to eat it as soon as I give it to them.

Thanks for answering my previous question about treats :) I'll try jerky meat! I saw on your IG that you made shelves for your kitties - and I LOVE the fur-like cover you put on them! I was wondering where you found them, so I could buy some to do my own cat stuff at home, just like you? Thank you<3

Léo Brightside Jones
The fake fur on the shelfs are from a fabric store, every time I visit a fabric store I cannot resist to buy more fake fur :)
Good luck with the project! <3

Some of their cats are about to have kittens or in estrus? Loved a picture of one of their cats with the kittens!!

Which cats are you talking about? My cats?

What is the best feed do you recommend for cats?

The best food for cats are wet food and raw meat. When you buy commercial food make sure they are grain free

Can you explain me how to address the needs of Kittens at the litter boxes and type?

Please do not spam me with your questions I will take the time to answer them in order. Thank you :)
Buy a box that the cat will have room to turn around in, the bigger the better


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