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Hello just wanna say that I love you for posting and updating your Instagram! And your cats too! They are the cutest and fluffiest cats ever!

Thank you so much for following our life :) <3

My cat have a few small bumps on his left ear... Do you have any idea what might it be?

I'm sorry, I don't know. Cats can have these bumps that humans do but I cannot say. You should talk to a vet about it <3

When I clean my kitten's eyes gently, she keeps moving a lot. Does it hurts her?

This is probably not nice for her, but if you must do this because of some disease(?) then just talk softly to her while you do it, and hold by the scruff of the neck, it will calm the kitty down while holding still

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My cat does not cover her poo and i always clean her litter box.

That is an act of dominance, Zinnamon does that too :) It means that she is so high in rank that she don't need to cover her smell, she is the best ;)

My cat has some parts in his body that has short or I think no hair and white thing and there is white things over also over his ears. Before u tell me to go to the vet pleas tell me what is from

I'm sorry I don't know. I'm not a vet or nurse so you need to ask a vet about it.

Went to the pet shop looking for grain free wet food the shopkeeper was trying to sell me dry food saying they can't eat more than 2 wet food a week, they won't drink water, will vomit, diarrhoea if I give too much wet food. -.- uninformed much?

Omg that person should not even open her mouth. This makes me so angry because people will listen to that :(

Jo I'm worried about my cat! She keeps vomitting her dry food up and it's really slimy/green. I've been feeding her the same food for a while and she's never had this problem before.. but she has been going outside more lately.. what is the problem? should I take her to the vet?

It sounds like she might have worms or she could have eaten something that didn't sit right in her belly. I would suggest that you first of all take away the dry food, it is not nice for an upset stomach. Then you buy a test for worms to check if that is what it is and if so you just worm her. If she is starting to show signs of illness, that she doesn't want to eat or drink and gets very tired, you should go to the vet to see what could be wrong with her.
I hope it is just something bad she ate <3

There is a stray cat near my house and it was abandoned by its owner. But i can't take the cat home as my parents do not allow me to. What would you do if you're in my situation? Please help. Thank you

I would first put a photo of this cat on facebook. We have a large group connected from all of sweden that can help finding the owner or take the cat in and help it until the owner might show up.
Do you have any local facebook groups like that?
You could also call a vet (or more than one) and local shelters to ask about this, ask what to do <3

What time do your cats poop? And how many times a day? My ragdoll poops in the morning and late evening (if everything is okay), but today she pooped in the morning and at about 13:00h and it confused me?? And it's normal poop, so it's not diarrhea. Is this normal?

Wow! That is some impressive schedule! :) My cats poop whenever they want to. Often after breakfast but sometimes not. They poop about 1-2 times a day.
You don't have to be worried about that :)
You are a good human that do keep an eye on this <3

I just got a 4 month ragdoll kitten but she hates to be held or picked up, she's very affectionate otherwise. Could this be because she's still a kitten? Or maybe she was still scared from the spaying surgery (I can still see the scar clearly from her surgery)? I wish I could hold her ;(

This is very normal. All cats don't like being held. My cat Thea doesn't like it at all, but she loves to cuddle with all her paws on the ground :)
It has to do a bit with how they where raised. And also they are individuals <3

I have 2 ragdoll kittens. The boy is 2 months younger than the girl but eats more (they get 3 meals a day & dry food left out). Theyre from different parents. I think he's starting to get bigger than the girl who is 2 months older. Is this normal?

Yes this is normal. Boys tend to eat a bit more, and maybe he is a bit more active than she is? I don't know their ages but they do eat a lot while they grow.
Since they are from different parents, it might be because of genes too that they grow differently

Do your cats ever get poo stuck on their butts? If yes, how to you deal with it? If no, is there any way to prevent if from happening??

Yes it happens. I groom the fur back there when I see it starting to happen. Cats with very thick coat can get that often and I would suggest some grooming back there. I just use a scissor and put the cat in my lap with the belly up, head against my belly :)

Is taking care of cats a tiring task? I want to have a cat but I'm afraid that i might not be as committed as I think I would be...

I will go ahead and say that you are probably not ready for a cat yet. A cat is very independent but will also not always do as you want, just by telling him to. So they need a bit of hard work sometimes. You will know when it is the right time for you :)

Does your home have a very strong cat smell? Im asking because my friend has a cat and her whole house smells a bit unpleasant when i go to her house

No :) I have actually had people here saying "your home doesn't even smell like cat" they thought it would because I have 4 cats.
It is important to keep the litterbox clean everyday and to also have the home clean of course

Does cat's fingernails shed and fall off? My cat was jumping on carpeted, angled platforms when I saw something fell of her. It was something that looks like a hallowed out cat nail (http://i.imgur.com/WQtjH5Y.jpg), like a sheath for a nail. I checked all of her digits and everything are there.

Syazwi Mazli
Yes they do shed the outer layer of their claws, that is one reason why they need to scratch :)

My cat won't gain any weight, but she eats all the food I give her. She's had all her shots and is and indoor kitty. She's a year and a half, and still the same size and weight she was at 6 months. Is she sick? Am I a bad cat mommy? I feel so guilty she's so tiny :(

It doesn't have to be a problem, but it is great that you are thinking about it. You might want to do a test for worms, that could be one reason.
If this cat is a crossbreed, it is hard to know the genes of the cat and maybe this is normal in her family.
As long as she is eating, drinking and playing it is not a crisis but I think that you should give your vet a call about this to see what they might suspect. Some illnesses she is too young for, but might be a good idea to look into that so you will know that everything is ok <3


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