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You calculated Zinna to have 8 kitties! How about Berry? Are the kitties kickin yet?

I will calculate hers on wednesday :) No kicking yet, it will be the last week I think

Your kinda stopped answereing questions here... Is something wrong?

No there is nothing wrong :) I have hundreds of questions waiting in line but I cannot answer them all at once so I do a few per day :)

Har du fixat en sida på Din blogg om kattleksaker

Nej, du kommer kunna se den som en flik när det är gjort :)

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I found a 3year old ragdoll cat for adoption. Me and my boyfriend live in a 56m2 apartment. Will it br enough space for us and him to live without problems? And hoe much do you think the food will cost us per month? And how often do i need to groom him? Do you have fur all over the house? Thank you.

It will absolutely be enough for you :) Just get him a scratcher that has platforms to rest on and some hideouts in the apartments where he can retire for the day.
I couldn't tell you the cost because it depends on which food you give him. You will soon know how much it will cost you :)
A ragdoll is fairly easy to groom, but it is a nice moment to bond with your cat if you do it regularly. For the grooming-need part, I always say brush once a week and in shedding seasons maybe once a day.
I give my cats quality food and raw meat so the shedding is barely noticeable, and during shedding seasons I'm very glad to have all white furnitures ;)

My cat has been eating less than usual i thought its cause i changed the food so I changed back and he ate but only half the usual portion

They can too feel a bit ill some days without it being anything wrong with them. A food change might do that and it is probably not a good idea to switch back and forth. Give some boiled cod for a day or two to get the belly feel nice again and then you can slowly changing food by switching maybe 1 teaspoon of the old food for the new food and in a few days you increase the amount until you are on the new food completely :)

Ive heard that giving your cat 2 to 3 spoons of vegetable oil is a great remedy to treat constipation ..... What do u think ? Is it safe ? Can it cause any harm ?

It could help for that, if it is doing any harm, I couldn't say. You must ask a vet about that
Liked by: Kaynaat zamir

How do you find a respectable breeder? I looked on a site that made the breeder look very good but the cats had horrible living conditions, fleas, one litter tray for 10 adult cats...I took the cat in because I felt sorry for him. He recently passed, I miss him…Its not right without a cat around</3

The best thing to do is to look around and see what other people are saying about the breeder and also visiting. If the gut feeling is bad, then don't call back about at kitten.
It is important as a breeder to have great relationship with future owners of my kittens and let them know that I'm always there for them and can answer any question they might have. If you don't feel that you can ask questions or that something isn't right, then it probably isn't :/
I'm so sorry for your loss <3 <3 <3

Im moving to a new house,is it advisable to leave my cat alone for 10 hours alone with no other cat? Or is it advisable to own 2 cat so that they wont feel lonely when both owners nt at home

It could be a good idea to get two cats if you are away often. But just think about the fact that those two might not get along at all, just so you have a plan for that from day one. Otherwise you might destroy the relationship you have with your cat now

Is Thea's chub ALL FLUFF?!?!? If it is how do you brush all that lol

Yes it is :) She has great coat so it need very little grooming <3

(jag som frågade om bozita igen) så man kan ge Mush och Vom till katter alltså? Jag har velat köpa det, men det verkade som att det bara var till hundar. :) i så fall testar jag gärna det!

Ja det finns sorter som är för katter också nu, MUSH kom nyligen med det. Om man ska ge det som helfoder så behöver man tillsätta hjärta för att ge mush men Kattemat går bra som den är :)

What did you do when Zinna and Berry were in heat but you didn't want them to have kittens yet?

I just kept them from Muffin :) I have a screendoor between him and the girls

Before I got a ragdoll, I read EVERYWHERE they don't shed much. But my ragdoll sheds quite a lot. Is there something I am doing wrong? Should I brush her more often?

You are not doing anything wrong, they do shed a lot. High quality food and regular grooming will lower the amount of loose fur though

hello Josephina :) please what types of ragdolls are Muffin and Zina? I think if thay are mitted chocolate, blue or lynx... thanks :)

Muffin is a blue lynx bicolor and Zinna is a seal tortie mitted :)

I read online that by holding the scuff of your cat when they are being aggressive is a way to assert dominance, is that still applicable if you want to move them to somewhere and they don't to cooperate

This is useful sometimes but should be done carefully. If a cat is aggressive, you need to help the cat feel more secure and holding the scruff won't always be a good idea. Try to make the cat come where you want him to be by play or treats. Maybe a laser pointer?

Why doesnt my 3 cats no one wants to eat those barf meatballs? I try with one always but no one wants it..

It can take time for cats to adjust to barf balls. Cats that are used to commercial food don't always recognize meat as food since it has no or little smell. If the cat is an adult, and healthy, it is ok to let her eat when she is so hungry that she will eat what ever she gets (don't wait more than 24 hours to give something) or you can try to pour some juice from wet food or cat tuna on the balls.
My cats don't like the balls defrosted, if they gets defrosted before they have eaten it, i have to take a fork and open the ball upp a bit, then they will eat it.
Good luck :) you'll get there!

My 4 month old kitten is showing signs of being in heat...she rolls around on the floor, her tail in the air... Usually I wouldn't be bothered but we have her brother as well and our vet says they will neuter them at the earliest 5 months :/

You need to separate them. If there are more vets where you live, try calling them to ask if they could neuter them now

I have a ragdoll and I am soo happy with her. I can't believe I have such a wonderful princess now in my arms. She never scratches me (she did when she was a kitten, but only once or twice on accident when she was playing) and I think I'm really blessed. Your advice helped us a lot, so thank you!

Thank you so much for letting me know <3 And it sounds like you have a perfect friends in your cat, I love that <3

Can you let me know the requirements to fulfill? Dont mind can PM me at joandtheline@hotmail.com

What do you mean?

Is Thea pregnant and whn Berry will have kittens? Your cats do something magical to me every time when I see them! They are just so cute! When I'm in bad mood I just open your instagram and I see beautiful angels and I get much better! I love you!! ❤️❤️❤️

Angel Kayazade
No Thea is not pregnant :)
Berry is due at october 31st but I hope she can wait a day or two because I will be gone for work that day.
Thank you, I'm so glad to hear that we have that impact on you <3
Liked by: Angel Kayazade

how will you choose who you'll be releasing the kittens to? :)

It is a long and hard process, but I always go with my gut feeling. I always have a lot more intrested in my kittens than number of actual kittens, so I often need to say no to a few great homes, not because I don't want to put a kitten there, but because I just don't have enough kittens this time :)

Is it normall for ragdolls to snore a little while sleeping? My kitten snores sometimes but rarely

It happens with a lot of breeds and also crossbreeds, it has a little bit to do with their airways and the length of them. Some cats have shorter airways and tend to snore :)
My boy Lucifer does that too <3


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