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When cat is giving birth does the father or male have to be alone or away from their kittens and why

This is very individual but it is safest to keep him away during birth. If he can be with his kittens while they grow up, is for the future to show us :)

filtarna som du köpte till katterna var jättefina! (de som du lade upp bild på, på instagram) Var har du köpt dem? :)

Ja visst är dom :) Jag hittade de på Rusta

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My boy's genital is always yellowish. And now it becomes darker. But he didnt show any sign of sickness such as licking or get problem when using his litter box. Im afraid if he has problem. Can i have your email? I want to send the picture of his genital to you. Hope you know why.

If your cat has white fur and you mean that the fur is yellowish, it is normal. You can send a picture to ask@catwhisperer.se

Om en katt aldrig vill leka hur ska man få dom att leka då?

Det kan bero på så många olika saker eller en mix av allihop. Om katten är fullt frisk så kan det vara för att man inte hittat de rätta leksakerna ännu, alla katter gillar olika :) Om katten får torrfoder som mat så kan det påverka hur aktiv katten är på dagarna, ju sämre innehåll desto tröttare blir katten.
Sedan kan även katten vara deprimerad över något som visar sig i låg aktivitet.
Jag skulle rekommendera dig att prova att köpa eller göra egna leksaker som man stoppar godis i, eller kattmynta om katten reagerar på det :)

If I got a whole chicken carcass lets say 2kg worth do you know how much meat I've to add to make the meat/ bone ratio correct I can't get a grinder myself :/

It is about 30% bones in a whole chicken so if you have 2000g chicken and 600g bones you need to add about 4000g meat at least

Hey Jose.. I texted u some days ago because of my boyfriends allergy.. It gets more & more worth, he slept in the car the last nights, had asthma.. I think I have to give away my cats but I don't know how to cope that :( how did you with luxier? </3

I'm so sorry to hear that :( You just have to think what is best for the cat and for you all. Whatever you do, find a GOOD home for the cat to stay the rest of it's life <3

So... What do you do while the cats are giving birth?

You can read more about the process on my website www.catwhisperer.se
As my kittens are all born white, I need to mark each as they come out to keep track of them. I do a little mark on their tail as I weigh them before returning it back to mommy :)
Liked by: Sadie Marie

I mean how many years muffin and the others with you until now

I have had them all since they where about 13 weeks old and they are now:
Thea - 3
Muffin - 1,5
Berry and Zinna - 1

Is that right that cats see black and white like dogs

Not black and white, but they react more to warm colors than cold colors

My cat is 9 months old and she is pregnant.i want to be by her side when she delivers but im not always at home.n i have 2 males cat.im worried what if she delivers alone and the boys disturb her.what to do?and is there any risk for being prgnt before 1 year?

You must definitly screen the boys off from her, specially when you are away. The often wait for their owner to come home before thay start, but it is most common that the breeder takes the week off when the queen is expecting to be due.
There are no risks connected to that age, but if the parents haven't been health tested there are no guarranties about the health for the queen of the kittens. If the parents have a mix matching bloodtype, the kittens will not make it to the second day if they feed from the queens milk. If this is information is new for you, you need to read a lot before it is time so you know what to expect and how to help. Read the information on my website www.catwhisperer.se

(HELP2) behavior is super important. I need to know how to get started, I'm lost but I don't want her to suffer for my ignorance. Anything you can tell me is so very much appreciated. Thanks in advance :)

When you notice something that you are wondering about with your kitty, just ask me about it.
Go to my site www.catwhisperer.se and read about behavior to learn how to get your cat to trust you and how to understand her <3
Best of luck!

(HELP1) Hi, we're getting an 8 week old kitty,her mom passed away :( I never had a cat,so I have no idea about how it works, but I want to give her the best life I can. Can you please give me some basic advice like what food and how many times per day, when to neuter her and behavior advice?

It is hard to write all you need to know here, it is better to ask me a specific question and I will answer it :)
Give wet food twice or three times a day if you can and give a little snack of dry food sometimes as a treat.
Neuter her as soon as your vet can do it, every vet says differently but I neuter at 8-13 weeks

Every breeder I met, told me to be a good breeder you have to first go to cat shows. Is that true? Did you ever put your cats in a competition? :)

That is defenitely not true, but it is good to evaluate your work from time to time. Yes I have taken them to shows, but I don't do that anymore because there is so many people now that doesn't care about health and take a sick cat to a show. So I'm keeping healthy by staying home, and I have a friend who judge on shows so she can take a look at my breeding work for me at home :)

Hello, im going to take a kitten,my best friend's cat had the puppies a week ago and are a male and a female.he told me that i could take the one that i prefer in a few weeks but someone told me that males are cutest and females not so much.What do you think?there is really a different between them?

There is not too much different, but some males tend to be a bit snugglier <3 Just remember to neuter in time, so you can enjoy a real teddy bear :)

Jag har alltid trott att Zinna och Berry har varit syskon... Men det kanske dom inte är?

Nej det är dom inte :) Men de beter sig som syskon så man kan nästan tro det <3


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