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I was reading your Q&As here and I saw that you have 3TB of photos!!! I wish I could save that many pictures of my cats :( TB is more then GB right? How do you get that much!!!

Haha yes I know it is crazy! I can take about 20,000 photos in less than two months sometimes =O
TB is 1000GB so 3000GB of cat photos :)

I know you have your job and all, but I really hope you start updating your site and blog a little more in the future :) Good luck with the babies!!

I'm updating my site as I write the articles. I posted 5 new articles this week :)
I only have one blog and it is in Swedish and I update it almost every day.
I don't have more time than that :)

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Hur får man en katt att lita på en? Min ena katt vågar inte ens nudda människor med en tass, vad kan det bero på?

Det kan vara så att något har gjort att din katt inte känner att den kan lita på människor. Man kan behöva ta det steg för steg och ha tålamod. Låt alltid katten komma till dig, inte tvärtom. Ge godis eller mat när detta händer för att belöna detta. Krama inte din katt så som du gör med en människa utan du kan ex prova lägga dig ner där katten ligger och vilar och småprata lite, kanske busa med ett finger framför så att katten vill leka med fingret och på så sätt får ni kontakt.

At what age a male cat is fully matured and enter into heat for the first time ??

Males don't come in heat, only females do. The males are always ready from when they are sexually matured. This is different for all males but it can start at about 6 month old and later

My cat broke his tooth :( its normal right he is 4 month old (almost 5). Am i suppose to give him more softer food than usual at this stage or not ?

Are you sure it broke? At this age they start to loose their teeth to make room for the adult ones :)
If it really is broken, you need to call a vet to ask about this

My cat somehow don't like me :"( when i hold him he just run away that breaks my heart :"( do u think i should ignore him for a while so that he would realise my importance ?

I'm so sorry <3
I think you are right, it is important to not force it on because that is what makes them like this. Let your cat come to you instead and each time you reward this action. It might take some time but it will be worth it :) I promise you that <3
Liked by: Kaynaat zamir

Recently a 5 month old kitten from a feral colony... Died and it's litter mates + mother started eating it! I thought mothers only eat sick newborn babies not 5 MONTH old! I'm thinking that they killed it

This is the survival mode that feral cats need to use to survive. It was a nice piece of meat for them. They don't have morals like we humans do :)

How much did you pay to adopt muffin, zinna, berry, and thea? how do you pay for everything? love you by the way:)

I'm not really sure but about $8000 for just the cats, and then there are of course a lot more that cost :)

My friends cat is weird bcuz when my friend hold her or me she start meowing and she don't want 2 play

It sounds like this cat don't trust humans, and if you keep holding her when she doesn't want to it will make it worse each time.

My kitten is 1 month and 15 days old and she still don't know how to use litter box..!

You need to put her there when you see that she is about to go. And do this all day every day until she learn.
When I teach my 4 week kittens, I need to watch them closely and jump in as one sits down in a corner to pee. It helps to do this when they are tiny so they can have a smaller space to be in with lots of litter boxes. As a kitten, they don't always have the time to go too far away to find a box

Also, how many outtakes do you usually have? I would imagine for every 10 photos you upload on instagram, you must've took more than 10 photos.

Syazwi Mazli
Yes that is true, for every photo I have about 5-15 more of the same photo, but just not "the right one" :)

You take half of your instagram photos using SLR? Wow. It must be a very tedious process getting the photos from the camera to your phone. Also I would assume you keep all photos you ever took of your cats. How big of a digital storage do you have just from photos of your cats? I would imagine alot.

Syazwi Mazli
It was a lot of work but now I have an Eye-Fi card in my camera and on my phone I have an app that downloads all photos to my phone while I shoot (or afterwards)
Right now I have about 3 TB storage with cat photos :)
Liked by: Kaynaat zamir

Hi, one of my cat's Millie has been acting different recently. at first I thought she wasn't well, she has been like it for a while now, she is always hungry. she is eating fine. she seems more tired. her crys are different, much louder and drawn out do you think there is anything to worry about?

jane seager
Is there a chance she might be in heat? It sounds like it from your explanation but if this is not possible it might be her way of telling you that something is wrong with her. Call a vet and tell them about this and see what they say about it.
I hope everything is fine with Millie <3
Liked by: jane seager

Then why do they keep eating even though they shouldnt???

If you give it to them, they will probably eat it. We humans shouldn't give it to them

how was Zinna so dark as a kitten and became brighter as a adult? i thought it should be the other way around for ragdolls :P

This can happen on seal kittens because they have so short fur then :)

My male cat is a first timer in breeding. He kinda knows what to do and tries a lot, but he is always too high on the girls back and of course misses the mark completely. Is there any way to help him, or should I just wait for the 'heureka' moment?

There is not so much you can do, they get the hang of it :) Nevada did the same with his two first girls, but with the two latest he did it like a pro ;)

you seem to love Muffin more because you always seem to cuddle and sleep with him more :P is that true?

No that is not true. But we have a totally different bond and because Muffin is the only one who sleeps in the same room as me, he is the one that does the snuggle in the morning. Thea did that when she was in the same room (Before I had Muffin)

How long can you leave raw meat out for the cats before it gets contaminated from not being refrigerated?

About 10-12 hours, if the climate is very hot it is more like 8-10 hours

Excuse me I want to ask you .. My cat give brith befor 2 days and now ther is worms coming out of her ( hookworm ) and we don't have a good veterinary doctors her in my country (Arabic country ) sorry for annoying you but pleas answer me as fast as you can

You do need to call a vet asap! I don't know your country's protocol so I cannot tell you more than this. You really need to call a vet, no matter what!

You upload at least 20 photos a day on your instagram (which many, including myself really appreciates. Keep it up! :)). Do you take those photos with just your phone or do you take them with SLR?

Syazwi Mazli
Yes I upload 20-50 pics per day :)
I take both with my iPhone 5s and my Nikon D7000 SLR camera. About 50-50

Get a pregnancy test on Zinna and Berry! Or let's wait till their bellies and nippies pop out :D in the 3rd-4th week

They both have red teats now but I might do the tests on them because I'm booked for work when Berry is due so if I know that she's empty, I don't have to hire a sitter for that day

I bought 2 cats and I have cat in another country so when I go back and I brought the 2 cats to my other cat do you think they will fight and how I'm gonna fix it

It is important to have realistic expectations and be aware that it might take time to introduce them or until they accept each other, and it might not work at all and you need to take care of that to make them happy and have a great life.
With that said, it might go fine from day one :)
Associate all interactions with play, food, snuggle or treats. That way they understand and learn that good things happen when they meet.
Best of luck <3


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