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Min katt slickar mig i ansiktet som en hund när jag kommer hem. Är det normalt? Haha...

Det var en lite udda egenskap :) Vilket mysigt sätt att bli välkomnad hem på <3
Liked by: Mimmi Strand

What's the problem if cats that are not the same breed can't mate

Because then you destroy the work that two breeders have done to make those two pure bred cats.
A crossbreed can never have a registered pedigree and the family tree will soon be unknown.
Why we want to know about the family behind each individual is so that we can choose the right individual for our breeding. :)

Are you happy when your cats follow you into the bathroom? Everytime I go to the bathroom my ragdoll quietly scratches the door and I let her in. I just love it. Whenever I go in I just wait a few seconds before I start anything just because I know she will ask to come in (unless she is sleeping).<3

Yes I do like it :) I live alone and always have the door open, otherwise Zinna would soon dig a hole in the door =P

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Is British short hair good cat type and what is the best cat type in the world

I don't know what you mean by "type"? There are a lot of types of british shorthair. Do you mean breed?

Min katt spinner bara hos min flickvän men aldrig hos mig. Jag har haft henne sen hon va pytteliten då hon inte hade en mamma. Varför vill hon inte spinna hos mig?

Katter väljer ibland en i hemmet som de tyr sig till av någon noga vald anledning. Din flickvän kanske inte är så intresserad av katten som du är och det kanske uppskattas. Tänk efter hur ni är olika och prova att göra samma sak, så kanske hon lockas till dig också tillslut :)

last 2 weeks actually :) the kicking will start :)

On Zinna I think it will be that early, but maybe later on Berry. When Thea was pregnant I have only seen and felt the movement the last week

How do Muffin, Zinna, Berry and Thea do with baths? Do they enjoy it, indifferent about it, dislike it or hate it?

Syazwi Mazli
They don't really like it. Muffin was ok with it when he was a kitten. But since I never give them baths they don't get used to it

was kinda busy so haven't been in ur instagram yet....whats the update? hows Zinna and Berry? 100% pregnant? are you gonna get them a ultrasound to see how many they have? or pregnancy test?

I really only know that the bellies are growing :) i hope to feel some movements soon, then I can say that I know.
I will not do any tests on them, it will be a surprise :)
They are both fine right now and seem to be ok with the situation <3

At what age does a domestic crossbreed stop growing? And start eating less?

It depends on what breeds are in the cat. It is hard to know anything like that with crossbreeds, because if the parent where from slow growing lines, the kittens would probably also be that. And the same if the parents where from fast growing lines.
You should see a difference in the eating behaviour as the cat goes from being kitten with all it's energy to be more "cat" :)

I saw some of your Instagram posts about brushing cats and I started to use the time when I am brushing my ragdoll as a bonding time. And it is really working! She just purrs and purrs and I talk sweet to her and it's just amazing. Thank you for your help! :)

I love that! :D Great job! <3

What do you work then and why didn't you studied about vet

I'm not interested in being a vet, at all :) They are very separate from what I do. You can check out the instagram tag #fjarilflickansjob to see what I do for a living :)

Is there another breeder that u know on ask media that can help me for d bugs in my cat ear

You need to talk to a vet about this

Is it dangerous that cats have bugs in their ear and why and the vet gave me a jelly thing that I put in her ear and then start cleaning it out so how many days will take me to remove these bugs

I'm sorry, I cannot answer these questions because I specialize in behavior. You will need to talk to your vet about it. This is not common in Sweden so I also have no experience with this myself.
I hope it will be fine soon <3

What do you use to comb your ragdolls? If you even comb them. I would like to comb my furry friend when he starts shedding

I use a steel comb size medium on all of them, if works the best for my needs :)

My cat hissed at the toy while playing im scared

It might just be that he is overly excited and really likes the toy he is playing with. Don't interfere just watch him :)

How to calculate how many kittens are there in a stomach

You use this formula: weight week 6 minus weight week 5 divided with 50

Hello! I have a norvegian forest cat that is 1year and half . He s very cute and sweet but most of the time he wants to stay alone , specially in the night , he doesn t want to sleep with me or to purr near me ! I love him but sometimes this strange behavior makes me sad . What should i do? Thank s

This is normal and all cats doesn't like to snuggle. It can be hard for us to understand because we just want to squeeze the catjuice out of them with hugs :) If you read the article "How to bond with your cat" on my website Catwisperer.se you can try these little exercises and see if it will bring you even closer together <3
But you don't need to worry about this :)

Hello! I just wanted to say thank you. This is a difficult period of my life and I often feel very sad, but you and your cats make me smile everyday! I follow you since you took Z and B home and I don't think to bad things because you all fill my head with meows, love and happiness! Xoxo

I'm so happy to hear that <3 Thank you so much! I love and hope to bring joy to many people with my Instagram, no matter who or where they are <3
Lots of hugs from all of us, we hope all your problems will be over soon :)


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