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I can't believe people will declaw cats just because they don't want them scratching on furniture. Are they completely inhumane? If a bit of furniture getting scratched up is such a problem, don't get a cat. Even so, a cat can easily be trained not to scratch furniture & only use the scratching post

I think it is mostly the lack of information on this issue, but yes it is inhumane and those who practice this should not have cats at all =,(
Liked by: Cats

After giving the wet food and there are still half left in the bottle, how do i store it? Could i put the remaining wet food in the fridge or just put it out at room temperature?

You could just cover the can and put it in the fridge :)
Liked by: Cats

What's a pseudopregnancy ?

When noting is growing inside but still the cat will have all signs of being pregnant.
Liked by: Cats

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If I would get a cat, I would declaw it so it wouldn't scratch on furniture, but I saw it was bad for them... Is it usual for cats to claw on furniture? If so I will get my cat declawed because I don't want this to happen..

Never ever ever ever declaw a cat!! That is pure terror. If you have a few scratching posta at home, the cat will not scratch on furnitures.
Please, do not declaw a cat, ever!

How can i train my cat to scratch on his scratching post instead of me ?? Do they still scratch even if their nails are recently clipped ??

Try to scratch with your fingers on a scratching post, that always gets my cats going :) They will scratch even if the claws are recently trimmed, yes. They do this also to exercise the muscles
Liked by: Cats Kaynaat zamir

But of i give treats than its going to be bagging right? And i didn't think that the parents are cuddley<home made word:) but one cat is sooooo shy if a raise my hand toward her she recoiled:( and if she heats a weird or unknown sound then i she for the rest of the day scared of anything

It sounds like you need to start over and take every step slowly so that this shy cat will regain trust in humans. Never raise your voice at this cat and be very very loving <3
Liked by: Cats

Do cat get irritaded by their "sharp" tongue

No :) They use it only for good like eating, drinking and cleaning themself and other cat friends
Liked by: Cats

Hello, I never had a kitty before, but at the moment I have two dogs: australian shepherd and a maltese, both neutered. I'm a little afraid because the aussie is very curious about cats...how Can I introduce them on a good way? Do you think that this breed is the best for me?

Im not familiar with the dog breeds so I cannot really advice you from the dogs point of view, but a cat can quite easily get used to dogs. I would suggest that you find a breeder that also has dogs, so that the kittens raised there are already familiar with dogs and their behaviour :)
Liked by: Cats

Hi! I have two cats. In August my Jelly will turn one and my Magnet will turn two. Magnet loves to play. When I play her, Jelly comes running in and instead of them both playing with the toy, Magnet walks away. Is there something I could do to help Magnet get more comfortable playing with Jelly?

It sounds like Jelly might be the bossy one, and therefore Magnet is more sensitive to some situations. It is a lot like my cat Thea, she walks away if some of the girls interrupt us. Try to find some toy that Magnet really likes, that he wouldn't resist even if the world was collapsing :) And hopefully with that he will stay playing even if Jelly interrupt
Liked by: Cats

Hi! I just brought home 2 new kittens and my 2 resident cats don't seem to get along quite well with them. Any tips? The kittens have been in their own room with a closed door for more than a week, eat at the same time with the door closed and when they see each other they all get treats :(

It can take some time to get them to be together but it seems like you are doing the right thing to reward them when they meet and behave good. Also play with them all so they will see that they can have fun together, and the feeding time is also very bonding so try to give them food together but far from eachother

My ragdoll princess is 8months old and weights around 4kg. Do you think she will grow more? I really want her to be bigger. :3

She will keep growing until about 3 years old :) 4kg is a lot for a 8 months old kitten so be aware of obesity

Jag har 2 kattungar, snart 9veckor, ragdoll mamma o nfo pappa<3 Är det normalt att den andra är "blyg", den fräser till mig o springer bara undan... Hur ska man få den lite mer vän me mig?:D zinna är så söt!!!

Har du mamman också eller har de blivit separerade ifrån henne för tidigt? De är i den åldern nu som man ska lära dom vad som är rätt och fel och normalt gör mamman detta, men om de inte har sin mamma nu så kan de bli illbattingar :) Det är vanligt att den ena blir lite bossigare än den andre, men det låter inte alls bra att hon fräser på dig, det är ett dåligt tecken. Visa henne att du är snäll och var försiktig med att ryta till henne även när hon gör något dumt, det kan skada mer än hjälpa just nu. Om det är så att de blivit separerade ifrån sin mamma i förtid så kan det ha lite med problemet att göra, de är otrygga just nu. Så jobba mycket på att bygga upp förtroendet så kommer det nog att gå bra :)

Hi! I live in singapore and there are very limited cat food brands here! I want to try out new wet food for my cats cause i find that they dont want to eat dry food anymore. Which of the wet food brands are good? Here sells friskies, whiskers, fussie cat, applelaws, wellness, addiction, kit cat!

I don't recognize them all but if you mean Applaws, that is a good brand. Friskies and Whiskas are not. You want to have meat proteins and not vegetable proteins, you want fat and water but not grain and berries. When you know which parts are good and what is less good it is easier to look at the table of content :)

Isn't one cat on the foto from 14 weeks very big for his age? Middle cat

I think you mean the mommy :) 4 kittens and one mom

Where did you get the mesh on your balcony? I am looking for some cat-proof mesh…

I bought mine in a local pet store :)

Why ragdoll cats Can go to new homes with just four months?

Im sorry, I don't understand the question. Do you mean when rehoming an older cat?

Hi! I found a ragdoll breeder who has her kittens tested for HCM etc and her kittens are registered. But the kittens leave home when they are 14 weeks old. Do you have pictures to see how big raggie kittens are at 14 weeks? Because I have only had 1 cat from 8 weeks & can't remember how big he was..

It sounds like you have found a great breeder! The longer the kittens stay with their mommy and siblings, the more affectionate they will be to you <3 This photo is of 12 weeks old kittens and their mother, at 14 weeks they aren't much bigger than this. :)

hello, I have two kittens of 40 days, they started to eat homogenized food and mousse for kittens. How do I wean them with raw food? I wanted to try it

You can give them some nibbles of raw food now so they can taste it. Put it in their mouths, they probably won't take it by own will

Is it ok to give cat milk mixed with 50% water in it ? My cat is ok with it and is not lactose in-tolerant like other cats what should i do ? Should i stop giving him milk ?

Cat milk is ok to give, but I would recommend you to not give it too often. Maybe as a treat sometimes :)
Liked by: Kaynaat zamir

But i have 2 cra and if i want achieve the cuddle level from muffin :) by my both cats...that is diffucult do tips?

The behaviour isn't just about teaching them to do it. If their parents weren't cuddly, they might not be either.
What you can do is cuddle with the a lot and give them treats as you do it to reward their good behaviour :)
Good luck <3

Even if Zinna is pregnant, how did it happen? Aren't you watching them all the time when they are together??

I have no idea, the only way is for Muffin to have opened the door and gone out to done his business, returned and closed the door. They haven't been together without me having my eyes on them all the time

Hi recently I comment you about the red urine of my cat. Vet told me possibly she has a urinary infection :(.. he gave me a couple of medicaments and changed her diet. he recommend a urinary food (pro plan, royal canin or hills) for my cat. I must check out her in the next weeks and go to vet again

Im so sorry for this. Cats need lots of water and they naturally get it from their food (in nature) so when we hjmans experiment with the dry foods, they do not get enought water. Buy a waterfointain (asap!) and give mostly wet food <3


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