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Hi. I absolutely loveeee muffin very much! He's really beautiful. There's a straycat that comes into my backyard recently and started rolling/rubbing its body against every object in the backyard. He's friendly& allows me to pet him. Why does he keep rubbing againts anything?

Thank you :)
The stray cat wants to mark his territory there. If he feels welcome there, he will probably come back again and again and therefor he is putting his scent there so no other cats want to come there :)

Hej! En fråga igen om vår Nova (ragdoll). Vi åkte på semester nyligen, vilket fick resultera i att lämna henne på ett kattpenisonat. Nu när vi hämtat hem henne är hon mer känslig på något sätt. Hon är en mycket pratglad katt. Men hennes "jam" har ändrats, hon är mer "hes" i sitt prat. Vet du varför

Hur har det gått sedan ni kom hem nu? Har hon återgått till sitt normala prat? :)

i have two cats, one male and one female, they had a litter, 2 girls. They are a very close family group now. Always together. Now the girls are 90 days, soon they're gonna go to the new families. The separation is painful also for the 2 adults? what is the best way to do the separation?

It would not be hard for the two adults to be separated from the kittens, it is a part of their nature and you don't need to do anything. The mother can be screaming a bit after they are gone because she has gotten used to them, but it will soon pass :) It is better for the kittens to move to their new homes different days from each other, that makes the mother a bit more calm about the new situation.
Good luck <3

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hi, I would like to ask two cat questions: 1.which type(breed? species? ) of cat enjoys cold weather most? is it depend on the type or the particular cat? 2.I know bengal cat love outdoor walking, do other cats love as well? thank you very much! love muffin! !

About the cold weather, it is up to the individual cat. It is possible to teach them to go outside when it's cold but do take good care of the cat and notice if he is uncomfortable.
Almost all cats love a bit of nature or a little walk. Use a harness and go somewhere quiet to try it out :)

What is the best age to neuter a male cat ?

It can be done from week 8 but it is up to your veterinarian to say this because if she doesn't have the proper experience of sedating a kitten then she cannot neuter that early. Talk to your vet and see what they say :)
Liked by: Kaynaat zamir

I heard cats are more independent and it's more likely that they're timid around their owners or strangers - but I really love to cuddle with my pets!! Is there a way to recognize if a cat is trusting or to raise kittens so they'll like to be near me or to cuddle with me?

Cats can become timid to humans if there is some experience that makes them loose trust in us. To keep a kitten with his mom until a minimum 12 weeks (I have 13+ weeks) makes A LOT of different to a cat's life. If your cat trusts you, you will simply know it. All cats show it differently and it is hard to say how your cat is. Be patient - that is the big secret :)

Will you name the little zinnamuffins after different foods? :D

No :) All my kittens get names from butterflies <3

Will you consider a live cam of the kittens when they're born? I've seen some live cams on some breeders' youtube sites. It'd be amazeballz if you could do that since you'll prob be too busy caring for the kittens to drown us with pictures. . It totally make us feel like we're part of the clan <3

Yes I have this already and have shown earlier litters live :) So you will be able to see them a lot <3
Liked by: j_tkl

My cat will have kittens today or tomorrow, the next week i have to go away for 2 nights and 3 days because of work. It's a problem to leave the mother with the new born kittens alone?

This could very well become a problem, if you are the one she trusts at home. It is usual that they don't even accept that you are in another room than they are, and will start to move around the kittens and leave them in different places in the house. I really hope that if you must go away, that someone else can be there 24/7 to look after them

How many kittens do you want Zinna to have the first time? :) Also, is it normal a ragdoll births only 3 kittens?

I think that 5 is a magic and perfect number of kittens :)
It is completly normal to have 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and even 9 kittens :)

What are the pros and cons of having cats ? :D

Since there are no cons, I will give you the pros ;)
Cats always makes you feel good
They never ever lie or make stuff up, what they do is how they are <3
They are so totally beautiful to look at :)
There are looooots of cons!

Hi! When my cat had her teeth cleaned(& 6 taken out) my vet recommended purina pro vet essentials dry food. Apparently it has a harder kibble that keeps the teeth cleaner. She also said don't give any of my cats wet food unless I'm prepared to brush their teeth. But you say to give dry but not wet?

It is only a myth that dry food keeps the teeth clean :) Give one raw chicken wing twice a week and it will take care of the teeths (and it is 100% better food than the dry ones)
Wet food is better than dry, always

On my cats back part right above the where the tail starts she has lost some fur. We have been watching it for a few days and around 3 days ago a few little parts started turning red. Now she is licking it excessively and it looks like it's starting to weep. We are taking her vet but if you can help

How have this been now? It is hard to say what this is just like that but I really hope you get help <3 Let me know!

Basically my cat never stops shedding. Should I be worried? I don't brush her so should I do that?

It might be a connection to not grooming. You should groom your cat, if not for anything else than to keep him for having hairballs :)

hello I have a question I read often your instagram that your cats get three times a day food is that wet meat or three times chunks? is it bad that my three cats only get chunks and 1 time per day wet meat?

Ilona Van Ginkel
I only give wet food and meat as food, dry food is given sometimes as treats here.
If you have dry food out all day, then I cannot see any harm in only giving wet food once a day, that is how many people do :)
Liked by: Ilona Van Ginkel

Känner en kattunge igen sin pappa efter att varit borta 1månad?och känner pappan igen ungen sin? Vaför "biter" pappan ungen i,nackan?

Dom kan nog känna igen varandra, troligtvis har den som flyttat ett tag fått en ny lukt att känna igen, men så fort de båda luktar likadant så kommer de nog att känna igen varandra. Om ungen är en hona så kan han vilja para henne och därför biter han i nacken, annars kan det vara ett typiskt dominans beteende / en pappa som säger till sin unge att vara lite lugn

We have just been adopted by a stray male neutered cat, he is so loving and friendly. What is the best way to introduce him to my other cats. I have 3 neutered males and 1 neutered female. One of my males is very bossy/aggressive he is the one I am most worried about.

Just do it step by step and keep and eye out at all times. Play with them all together but not too much the first times. Just to let them have a taste of that they are all a family now and can have fun.
The new cat needs to learn the other cat's behavior and rank, and also the other cats need to smell the new cat to get to know him.
After a week or two, the new cat will smell the same as the others and is more accepted, but be avare that it can take a while for a stray cat to accept the new style of living.
And I think you should contact police, shelters and tell them about this cat because there could be a worried owner out there looking for him <3

Hey my cat is 1 year and 3 months. A few months back, approximately 5-6 months, he broke a tooth and there is still a gap over there. No new tooth also his mouth stinks ALOT. He has no infection of any sort and he's been to the vet too. His diet is good. He eats fruits and boiled chicken.

If the cat has seen a teeth technician and a vet for blood works, and a perfectly fine, I don't think you need to worry :) Cats do smell a bit from their mouth and can be from the diet.
You really shouldn't give your cat fruits, their body cannot use that at all. And when you boil chicken, you get rid off all the good things in it. Cats shouldn't eat cooked food unless they are sick.
I hope you will change the diet to a much more appropriate for a cat :)

When do the males spray ? And since mine is a house cat, how to stop it ?

Not all males do, and they often does this only when they are unaltered. If you neuter him it should take care of the problem (and give you a real snuggle bear)

I used to think of cats as "cute". But when I look at Berry's pictures, "cute" never comes to mind. It's always "beautiful". She's proof beauties can have crazy personalities too <3

Aaaw I love that <3 Thank you for telling me this :)

Jag blir så ledsen. Min brors kompis grannar behandlade deras katt så dåligt. Dem skaffa hund och sket i katten fullständigt. Han fick ingen mat, och dem åkte bort i en månad nästan och lämna honom ute ensam. Det var en norsk skogkatt, hade velat ta hand om honom. Men dem avliva honom. Fyfan

Det var verkligen inte kul att höra :( Detta händer allt för ofta. Om du ser detta beteende igen så tycker jag absolut att du ska ta hand om katten, alternativt ringa till närliggande organisationer som kan hjälpa till
Liked by: Yasemin

How to train a kitten of 1 month to respect me?

A kitten of one month is way to young to be taken from it's mother that do the absolut best raising at this age.
When the kitten is about 3 month you can start to show her what is right and wrong by choosing one voice that you ONLY use when the cat has done something wrong, and never give food or pet right after, wait for a while until you give your attention. This will build up a respect for you as a human and because you are the one to also give all the rewarding things (like food, cleaning the litter boz, give treats etc) she will love you very much :)
And please be patient! It takes time to do it right, and you will be thankful for many years to come <3


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