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Is there a chance berry will confused her babies with zinna's so she will reject hers?

No, I don't think so <3

since all of them has pink noses right now, is there a chance for them to be seal and mitted? Will their noses chance color? I dont know anything about it. so I'm sorry if it don't make sense :D

There could be both seal mitted and seal bicolor in there :) The color will be visible soon, but might be hard to see red and cream for a while

You can test if Berry has milk by pinching her teats softly and milk should drip out :)

I have never made that work :)

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Please take videos of Berry giving birth, or try to live stream it!!! Is Berry able to nurse Zinna's kittens or not yet? When is her due date?

I will film and photograph it, and live stream when they are all out :)
She is due 31st October. I'm not sure if she gave any milk to the babies actually
Liked by: Angel Kayazade

You're always saying dry food is bad for cats, could you explain why? :/ I want to feed my cat properly and I feel like vets are telling me to buy special dry food because of partnerships with companies... Thank you!

What a good humom you are! <3 Go to my website www.catwhisperer.se and read all about it :)

I think Berry is getting stressed cus she's confused thinking these are her kittens even though their still inside her belly ... Did her Milk come out? I bet the babies tried to nurse her

I'm not sure if any milk came out, it is possible. I hope she can rest now that she is not in the same room <3

Do you think the Darker kitties will be like Zinna?

There is a possibility that they also are seal without being tortie, so I guess there is chance for a lot of versions of her :)

Is zinna 100% ragdoll?? She has the orange streak in her face which doesn't seem so?

Yes :) Ragdolls can be red too. There could be red males in her litter now and also little copies of her too :)

Congratulations! You are so amazing and loving as a breeder a human mother to your cats !!

Thank you so much! <3

How did u tell so fast that which baby is boy and which is girl ?? Isn't it hard to recognise in such an early age

It is easier the first day or two, later it will be harder and harder :)

Does number if babies depend upon number of successful matings a cat can have ?

There are a lot more than that, but yes it depends a little on that too :)

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Well done Zinna- 7 is cuteness overload. <3 When you posted the last instagram pic of your eyes half open- how long after did she deliver? Love how Berry is so helpful. Cried tears of joy for all of you. :))) So magical!! Lots of love <3 <3 <3

Thank you! <3 She gave birth about 6 hours later :)

When a kitten opens its eyes? And is there any possibility for Zinna to have one more kitty in her belly which will come out tomorrow? :) <3

They open in about a week :) Yes she could deliver again tomorrow but I think there is no one more left in there

A big congratulations to you and your wonderful furballs ♥ you're really an amazing breeder, you can see that you're dedicated and take great care of your lil nuggets! I wish you all the best and I hope you find some rest inbetween all the care and excitement :) love from Belgium xxx

Thank you! <3 I'm very happy to hear that my personality is shining on Instagram :)
Liked by: valeria

You deserve this happiness and joy so much! You worked so hard and you helped Zinna deliver 7 sweet kittens without any trouble! It's nice that your cats can trust you so much, with those beautiful kittens in your hands, they will grow up just like your current cats, happy and beautiful. <3

Thank you so much <3 <3 <3

I'm wondering, are kittens drinking from Berry? or just lying next to her? Since she is pregnant I'm not sure if there is milk in there or not :S

Read the same answer I just wrote on another question :)

While Zinna takes a break, is Berry able to provide milk for Zinnas kittens?

I'm not too sure actually, but since she is very close to her due date, I think it might be possible

Do u think berry is more of an auntie than thea because she's pregnant? Or is that her character.

Thea and Zinna is not very close right now, otherwise she might have done the same.

Do cats get upset when there kittens move away to new homes. Do they not miss them. Or do cats only care until after they stop milking the kittens ?

This is very individual. By nature, they want their kittens to move at around age 12 weeks or more. As a breeder, you should always plan for the move to be different day for each kitten, or two per day, so not all of them just disappear from her all at once
Liked by: Lovisa


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