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Hi, ever since I switched to adult food, my cat doesn't want to eat anymore. Plus he only eats his wet food. What can do to make him eat his dry food? :(

This is a golden opportunity to lay off tha bad dry food! It is bad for them. But if you must have him eat it you can put some on to the wet food. Also when you change brand or kind of food you should change gradually. Put on tsp of the new food in the old and each day increase the new food and decrease the old.

Hi! I love your cats! You have already sold them to Russia?

Thank you :) I haven't sold any kitten outside of Sweden yet

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Hur separerar du muffin & tjejerna dag respektive nattetid?

Jag har en nätdörr in till vardagsrummet där jag sover, så Muffin bor här inne med mig i stort sett hela dagen och ibland får han komma ut och träffa tjejerna lite kort

Om du fick ta med dig EN av katterna till en vecka på spa, ven hade följt med?;)

Haha OJ! Hm... Det måste nog bli Muffin för han skulle nog vilja det :)

Do you earn any profit (however small) from cat breeding?

No nothing at all, it costs much more than you get :) A typical hobby <3 And I love it!
Liked by: Calissimo

I have noticed that my cat looks like Thea (but brown instead of silver/grey) and has Muffin's temperament. <3

Aaw what a lovely combination :) <3

heart murmurs are very common in ragdolls do any of yours have it

No they don't as far as I know. I do regular check ups so I hope to spot things like that at an early stage :)

me cats is liking cheese why me don't no but me thinks you mite no

It is very common for cats to like cheese :) Cats love cheese due to the milk that it is made of. However, dont give her too much as it shall make her constipated and unwell. The odd bit here and there is not very harmful though!

Would you recommend clipping the claws on my indoor cat? Why/why not? If so, do you have some great tips how to do it this best way? :)

I think that you should do it yes, it will be good for the cat as he doesn't use his claws indoor as he would outdoor. The best way is to lay the cat in your lap, upside down with his head against you and start cutting, if he is difficult you can move your legs a bit to shake him a little, like you are playing. I do this when I cut kitten claws and they usually calms down when I do that. Otherwise do it when the cat is sleeping, gently pish one claw out while you speak to your cat in a low voice, cut and release while speaking to him. Good luck <3

Hej Josephine! Jag undrar ifall katter kan vara stumma? Jag har nämligen en kisse på 7 månader som inte har kunnat jama sen födsel - Hon väser när hon försöker. Hon spinner inte heller. Är detta något som är farligt eller jobbigt för henne?

Jag tycker du bör kontakta en veterinär ang detta, det kan räcka med ett samtal för att få veta lite mer. Jag vågar tyvärr inte svara på om detta kan vara något som är jobbigt för henne, men visst har alla katter väldigt olika mycket och lite läte. Jag har hört de som bara får ur sig ett litet pip ibland. :)

How long have you been breeding? And why nfo and ragdolls? They are very different I guess.

I only had my first litter little over a year ago but I started to make plans a year before that :)
I just love those two breeds, they are very much like me - calm, cuddly and very funny to watch :D haha
Liked by: Calissimo

Which catharness is the safest? I am so afraid that he will get out of it and run away :(

The best is those who have a strap both around the neck and the body. I have only used those regular ones but there are some new ones that is like a little body, maybe you can try that out :)

c o n g r a t z . o n . t h e . @ c a t s _ o f _ i n s t a g r a m . f e a t u r e !

Thank you :) I'm very happy that it was Muffin who made it there <3

Hi!! I have two kittens female & male and both of them are 7 months. I heard that when a female kitten become a cat she will try to go outside, Do you think this is right?

I have actually never heard of that saying. It is very individual how old they are when they stop being a kitten but you will know it :)

Do you have to assist cats when they give birth? Or do they just get on with it?

It is different each time, it is always good to know how to help them if needed. They usually does it by themself but I have helped some at each birth so far. My very first litter I had, I had to help one kitten to start breathing right, I kept ln going for almost two hours and at last he was fine by himself and is a healthy boy today :)

Är det vanligt att ragdolls bits? Min hankatt får spel ibland & bits jättehårt (speciellt besökare). Vet du hur man får honom att sluta? Det är bara han & jag i min lägenhet, så han är ensam när jag jobbar. Bäst att köpa en kompis till honom kanske? Tacksam för svar! :)

Det låter som att han har lite mer energi än vad han kan göra av med. Köp aktiveringsleksaker som tröttar ut honom. Om en kompis är en möjlighet så är det ett mycket bra alternativ. Om katten är okastrerad så kan det hjälpa med en vanlig kastrering också :)

Hej, mina katter har blivit traumatiserade efter att vårat hus började brinna, i april är det ett år sedan. Har du nå tips på hur man kan hjälpa dom eller så? Den minsta märks det mest på, hon blir rädd om de ringer på dörren och så. Tacksam för svar :)

Jag tycker att du ska köpa hem Feliway och sätta in i kontakterna, det hjälper att lugna ner katterna. Spendera tid med dom för att visa dom att ni människor som bor där inte är annat än snälla och vill dom väl. Det kan dröja lite innan de känner sig trygga igen men om ni bara fortsätter så kommer det att gå bra :)
Lycka till, jag beklagar det som hänt <3

Hi! I am getting two kittens soon but I have no idea what to name them!! One is brown and white the other is grey. Both boys :3

There are a lot of cat namibg sites online where you can search by letter, theme or color of the cat. It helps to say the name out loud, and write down the names u like and spend some time to try them out. You will know when you find the right names :)

Hi ! Sorry to bother you with so many questions....but my other cats have become a lot closer since my other cat passed. I don't know if they miss him or they united against him when he smelt of the vets??

Sometimes a change at home can make the cats separate or it can make them closer. This time it seems to have gone the good way and Im very happy for you to have that peace now :)


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