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Soft paws is a lot better for desperate people rather than declawing. It's still widely practiced in US. Rather than being against it completely better let them have an option than the worst case

There is actually not too big of a difference between declawing and soft paws. But yes, it is some matter of how practiced it is. Here in Sweden we have laws against these kinds of things and therefore we have another way of looking at it. For the cat's sake, there shouldn't be a matter of declawing or soft paws, just teach the cat where to scratch (first of all buy furniture with places to scratch for them) and learn how to trim their claws.

Litter boxes for cats and sand for cats are suitable for kittens?

Yes. But when the kittens are very young they need a litter that won't make lumps because they will try to eat it.
Liked by: Carolina Holanda

What sort of temperament do NFO have? Any needs, eg. lots of space to run around, high places to sleep etc? Also could you please post some pictures of Thea as a kitten? I can't get over how cute she is/was. Thanks!

Norwegian Forestcat is a large breed and they are very active, but still they can snuggle :) every cat has its own personality and it is hard to tell how a specific cat is unless you know that cat.
All of my photos of Thea as a kitten is on external hard drive so I don't have access to them so easy. But I promise I will try to find them and post them on Instagram :)

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For the person whose bf is in IT and has to keep the door closed so the cat won't jump on the keyboard my cat used to get in my way too but after a while we both compromised he would settle behind my laptop and make himself comfortable there without getting in my way.

That is a great advice :)

what is your job/s? how do you make your money for your house and that, because you have a really pretty home and I would love to have a lifestyle with cats all around me like that. :)

I own a bead shop online. :) As I own my own business there are times that I have to struggle, so it is not always as perfect as it might seem.

I'm so glad I stumbled into your account in Instagram and for giving me daily dose of your kitties life. I've learn and got so much knowledge from you. Hope you continue what you are doing and never give up.

Thank you so much for that, I really appreciate it. Keep following us and learn a lot more about cats :)

Hello! this morning I found my little kitten walking upon three legs and not letting one to touch the floor. If he uses that leg or if I try to touch it, he screams a lot and cries. I don't know how this even happened, should I take him to the vet or wait? :(

You should definitely take the cat to the vet, he might have fallen down from cat tree and hurt his paw.
As this was five days ago I hope he's better now?

I have a cat..male about 1year old.. He always sick when he was a baby but managed to overcome it.. Now he's very active along with other siblings..but I noticed if he was too active and excited he will wheez like asthma people.. I am very worried and I had already bring him to vet but he seems fine

If there is not any health problem with the cat, it might just be that he easily gets out of breath. If they are too active for their body you might need to tell them to calm down. My cat Raspberry plays a lot more than she should and gets out of breath

Hi. I'm the same person asking about the snuggle question. Thanks for that insight! Now I know cats don't snuggle for a long period of time and that makes me feel not as bad when she's 'done' snuggling. I will certainly cherish our short cuddling sessions from now on. Thanks! :)

Syazwi Mazli
Happy to help :)

Hi, I've heard how painful declawing can be for a cat, and was wondering what you think about Soft Paw nail caps. Have you ever tried them?

No I haven't tried them, and I don't agree with using them. They are not natural for a cat to wear

Both of my cats don't like catnip. I try the dry one and then thw fresh on and nothing. Is there other plants that I can use m

Not every cat like catnip, try giving different treats. It will not have the same effect but when you find a nice treat that they love, it will be almost the same :)

What do you think about that some of Theas kittens have instagram?

I think that is great I hope every future kitten will have their own Instagram account :)

Hello! First of all, I adore your cats! I have two Ragdoll kittens (16 months old). My parents have a shihtzu dog and we tried to introduce them to each other, because I often look after it before I got my kittens. But the kittens were so scared (shaking very bad, hissing). What can we do?

Introduce them slowly to each other and reward every meeting with treats. It might take some time but be patient, they just need to get to know each other <3

How do you train your cats to follow you then? How do you show them you are the boss? Do you work a lot with treats or playtimes? Teach me!!

It is a lot more than I can write here, but basically you need to teach your cat that you are the boss. That means never giving in when the cat begs you for food when it shouldn't have, to open doors that should be closed etc. if you start this when the cat is an adult you might need to be patient because the cats needs to first break the pattern of bad behavior.

Sandboxes and sand are suitable for puppies?

I'm sorry, I have no knowledge of dogs behaviour and needs

What kind of dry food which feeds for your cats?

I normally don't give dry food, but to help the entire cats to not loose weight I give a little bit of iams kitten food and Royal Canin's Ragdoll food

My cat is not at all cuddly :"( what should i do ? When ever i try to kiss or hug him he gets really annoyed by that :"( what should i do ?

All cats aren't cuddly and it can be hard to change that for some cats. But if you try to make every encounter with you into a moment of fun, treats and kindness, your cat will soon understand that you are the best person in the world. Remember that all "invites" is actually not an invite to cuddle, learn what your cat likes you to do or how to touch him, he might not like to be touched on the belly so even if he gives you an invite and rolls on his back, do not touch his belly, try to just tickle the paw pads or something like that :)

Hej underbara katter du har❤️ Jag har två ragdolls hane på 3 hona på 2 Båda kastrerade. Vi har haft stängt sovrumsdörren ett tag (de busar ju så hemskt på natten) öppnade den när värmen kom då sätter sig Honan på mig och kissar... Varför? Tips? Mvh sussie

Jag kan med största säkerhet säga att det är pga den stängda dörren, katter gillar inte alls det om de inte är vana vid det sedan dag 1. Försök hitta andra sätt än att stänga dörren, ex busa ordentligt med dom innan läggdags eller ta bort leksaker som låter :)
Liked by: Carolina Holanda

Any tips on giving cats tablet/pill medicine when the vet prescribes them?

Syazwi Mazli
There is special tools for this, that holds the pill and also holds water, and as you push the pill in to the mouth, water will also release to help the cat swallow the pill. If you give a fluid, mix it with food or cat milk to make them eat it
Liked by: Carolina Holanda

My cat is making love to a shirt. Are there ways to stop this?

This is nothing to worry about :) My cat Lucifer does the same to a lot of knitted things. Leave them be, they release great substances in the body doing this so I would like to say that you have nothing to be worried about :)
And there doesn't seem to be anything to do to stop this behavior
Liked by: Carolina Holanda

Hi.. My ragdoll is pregnant again. Her first kittens are now 13weeks old and shes been pregnant for about a month already.. Shes about 3-4years old now. Im worried she cant handle a set of kittens again.. Shes small and thin.do u think shell make it?? :((

Can you please email me at ask@catwhisperer.se so I can answer you there. There is a lot of info you need from me right now and I would like to help you properly

I'm having a hard time figuring out if I am over feeding my ragdoll kitten (9 months). I feed him 2 cans (the 3.2 oz ones) one in the morning and one at night. Right now he weighs 11 pounds. The breeder when I first got him said he'd gain a pound a month ans he's pretty much on track. Advice?

From what you have written, I think that you have a nice feeding schedule :) Nothing to be worried about here
Liked by: Carolina Holanda

Yes I'm the one whose just told you about my pregnant cat :)

A pregnant cat needs more food and from about day 30 she can start to refuse food and you need to give smaller portions more often, because she doesn't have anywhere to put the food in her belly now
Liked by: Carolina Holanda


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