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If you sell a cat to someone you know that they love cats.. but after months the cat starts losing hair and this person put your cat in a cage, what will you do?

This person is violating our agreement and legal actions will be taken if this person do not return the cat to me. The documents that are signed will tell what a signature from the buyer consign to follow and not to do.
This is very important to me.

Hi! I used to have 2 cats but 1 at a time. Now i want to get two "simultaniously" so they keep each other company. Shall i get 2 kittens at the same time or shall i wait until 1st grows up a little? It is quite some work to deal with one child, so i am a bit hesitant to deal with upbringing of both

It is always a hard decision because you don't know in advance how it goes. But in general, it is easier to get two at the same time. Preferably siblings. They will have each other and don't need you as much as one kitten would :)

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I would like to ask. Can British shorthair blue cat mate with Noregen forest cat

No. Cats should not ever cross-breed. This is what I as a responsible breeder is working hard to try and stop
Liked by: Suad AlSuwaiket

No she's actually playing and jumping and also she drink water but not food and the bad smell went but the prob is she don't want to eat

You need to contact a vet asap! This is very very serious!

I won't know what to do, I've read that they become aggressive and pee everywhere?? Is this true, if so how do I overcome this without getting them neutered. You obviously have tons of experience and would love to know how your cats behave during this time? I don't want to be a breeder but would....

If they are one female and one male, you need to take actions on what to do in the future, you ARE a breeder if you will mate them and there are a lot to learn before you start, and you need to do all the tests before they are ready. If you have bought two males that the breeders want to use for matings, you most defenitly need to be prepared to separate them when they are sexual mature. They often spray pee and scream a lot. If you have got two females, they will probably go well together and might also pee (it has to do with genes) and if they come into heat over and over without being mated, they might risk getting a womb infection and will need to be neutered.
I hope you will do the right thing :)

Hi love your Instagram, I've just adopted two beautiful ragdolls from two different litters. I will be collecting them both once they are 13weeks. My question is that they are both registered active so with potential to breed, what can I expect behaviour wise once they mature? I'm worried that .....

I will answer in your last post

Yesterday I bought British short hair blue cat. He's so smelly and also he vomits. And I gave him milk he don't want. I also took him a shower but didn't work.

Did you buy him from a breeder? It seems you might have bought a sick cat, you should take him to the vet asap! Don't shower a cat and never give milk, they cannot drink that
Liked by: Ola Amer

Berry's personality and spirit is absolutely beautiful :) Please don't love her any less just because she's crazier and more exhausting than the others! <3

Why would I love her less?? :) I love them all equally and they are all individual with their own flaws and specialities <3
Liked by: Ola Amer

Yesterday I started teaching my one year old cat "Sit".. she done a good job at the first steps, but then when I raised the spoon to let her sit, she just stared at my hand and walked away! Does this means that she's not respecting and obeying me or is it because of her age?

This takes time so be patient. It might not work perfect until a year or two :) Just keep going and don't give up <3

Hur hade du tänkt att göra med Muffins kommande kull? Är det stor efterfrågan och tingande av de framtida kissarna? Är så säker på att ragdoll är rasen jag vill ha. Älskar dina bilder förresten c:

Inga blir tingade i förväg utan när de är ca 6 veckor så kan man visa sitt intresse och komma och hälsa på. Sedan placerar jag ut dom i rätt hem när jag fått träffat alla ( jag har mycket förfrågningar så säkert kommer jag inte kunna ta emot alla som önskar komma, men det kommer fler kullar) :)

I had 2 reg. litter boxes and one litter robot. Before leaving for holiday, I purchased a new litter robot. Upon returning, my dining room rug was COVERED with pee/poop. I removed rug. Still one of them is pooping outside of litter robot but peeing inside. I don't know why it what to do.

This is possibly a product of you leaving them, just be with them a lot now and make them understand that you are home now and will stay there :)

Hej! Jag är en kattanvendare på instagram. Och jag undrar hur man får din katt at titta på dig?

Kika på min tagg #howiphotographcats på instagram :)

Hur kommer du på namnen till kattungarna? :)

Alla ungar döps efter fjärilar så jag letar upp olika listor på fjärilsnamn :)

ho do you get rid of the possibility of toxoplasmosis?

I'm not sure what you mean, but just use common sence about hygiene and it won't be a problem :)

Urgent!my cat leaves4new home 2morrow hopefully,is it better i go with him&stay4awhile there?or should i let him go with his new family alone&take his time knowing them?which is better4him&makes it easier on him? Pls answer me asap as they are supposed2take him2morrow God willing&any more tips?thank

You don't need to go with but let them take toys and blankets from your home so the cat will have some safe smells in the new home.
Best of luck <3
Liked by: Ola Amer

Hej! Min ena katt, Safira, har nyss opererat bort två tänder så när jag tog hem henne luktade hon väldugt mycket "veterinär" så att säga.. Min andra katt, Izza, känner inte alls igen henne och Safira låter henne inte komma när för hon har ju ont i munnen.. Vad kan jag göra? Nu är dom separerade.. :(

Det bästa vore om du kunde bada katten som varit till veterinären eller alternativt blöta en handduk och dra på katten, så hon börjar tvätta sig och ska snart börja lukta bekant igen. Sen kan du ta nån favoritfilt eller liknande och också dra på katten så den "gamla" lukten sätter sig

My cats are mixed Persian and Siamese, they are fluffy but with shot hair. What type of breed they are?? <3

Your cats are crossbreed housecats :)

Hi How can i know that my cat is pregnant? Is it possible to know who is the daddy since she was mating with 2 males around end of july.

You could do an ultrasound or x-ray at the vet. If the cat has been mated with two males, there could be kittens from both of them in there. I hope the kittens will be well socialized, vaccinated, microchiped and examined by a vet before they move to their new homes at 12 weeks of age

(Continued)Sometimes he even pee on the bed and few times on me while i was sleeping.and recently he became aggressive towards the other cat.they were so closed before.actually the other cat wanna play with him but he took it other way and they will fight.he will be calm for a while if i give him so

This is what unneutered males do. And it is more usual that two unneutered males don't go together than thet they do.
I cannot give you any other advice than to neuter them. You will probably get two cuddly bears instead (if it isn't too late in life for that to be an effect of neutering)
I love neutered males <3


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