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If I would get one cat, how many litter boxes would I have to have in my house?

You could try out with one to start with, but if the cat reduces to do her business in that one then you should get one more :)
Liked by: Carolina Holanda

Yes she has it.. and I'm trying to playing with her and give her hugs and kisses because I can feel that she is stressed... but she is asking for food every 2 hours!! how many times should I give her food in a day?

Was this the cat who is pregnant?
Liked by: Carolina Holanda

My cats is losing a lot of hair recently, maybe because she is pregnant?

It could possibly be stress, pregnant cats can easily be stressed and with the extra hormones it can make disturbance in their body and mind. If you follow the recommended food intake for a pregnant queen's stages, there shouldn't be too much to be concerned about. But she need a calm environment now and I hope she has that?
Liked by: Carolina Holanda

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I have a 10 year old tuxedo cat and she has recently begun loosing hair around her lower back and tail. Is that normal for her age?

That is not normal at any age, it could be food allergy, stress or illness. You should talk to a vet about this <3
Liked by: Carolina Holanda

Why do you breed two kinds of cats? :) Or do you just breed Ragdolls and have Thea for another reason? I'm asking because you have 3 Ragdolls and just 1 NFO. (Anyway I love your Instgram! <3)

I started out with NFO and then I wanted to breed Ragdoll because I love them so much :)
Liked by: Carolina Holanda

little hair there. And she has a lot of dandruff in that area too..

If this isn't something health related, it can be common, because their fur is different lenght depending on where it grows on the body. But if you are concerned, I think you should take this cat to do some tests, it could also be health related
Liked by: Carolina Holanda

I have a four year old ragdoll female. When i first got her her coat was smooth and silky. Now several years later.. the fur on her back grows slower than the rest of her body. For instance, if we give her a haircut for the summer, the hair on the back area will grow very slow as if there is very

I will answer in the last question
Liked by: Carolina Holanda

i dreumes last night that i visited you house but your house in my dream was bigger and it had so Many rooms! your garden was actually as big as a meadow and it was very cool! but zinna was a NFO and muffin really big:)

Haha I would love to own that house <3

I just tried to go on your fjarilflickans website again and it came up with a warning this sight has dodgy Images so I quit immidiatley. :(

Good, don't go in there for about a week or two. I have been hacked so I'm building up a new site as week speak :)
Liked by: Carolina Holanda

Hello dear, I saw you went out with your kitties in the forest. How come they dont run away? I always thought only dogs walk like this. :)

I work a lot with my cats, from when they are kittens, to make them learn that I'm the boss and whenever they are with me they are safe. That way, they wouldn't run off because it cannot get more safe than with me :)
It takes a lot of work, but it is totally worth it <3

(2) I suspect it is due to her body heating up from the soft bedding and my body temperature. She is a Maine Coon mix with a pretty thick set of fur and we live in Malaysia where it is pretty much summer all year round (30'celcius average, lowest 25'C highest 35'C, high humidity).

Syazwi Mazli
I have answered in the last question
Liked by: Carolina Holanda

(1) Every night during bedtime, my cat would smurgle and cuddle up to me to sleep. I love it when she does that. However, after 5-10 minutes of cuddling, she will get up and sleep somewhere else in the room. This happens everytime and it frustrates me.

Syazwi Mazli
I have answered in the last question
Liked by: Carolina Holanda

(3) Is there any way at all to remedy this? I tried turning on the ac to bring the temperature down to 16'C but it still doesn't work. I really want to cuddle my cat to sleep. Or are cats not known to cuddle up throughout the night until morning?

Syazwi Mazli
This is totally normal and doesn't have anything to do with the heat :) Cat's don't always want to snuggle for as longs as we want them to, they will do it for a while and then they are 'done' :) Every cat is different with this, and I think you should just enjoy the moments you get <3
Liked by: Carolina Holanda

Min ragdoll har nån sorts lindrig svarthaka. Han har svarta prickar på hakan och runt munnen. Vad tycker du man ska göra? Behandla med något? Tvätta? Skrubba bort det? Låta det vara? Står så mycket olika på nätet så jag vet inte... :)

Det bör du behandla. Testa att badda en gång om dagen med klorhexidinlösning och se om det hjälper. Skulle det bli värre så kan du behöva en salva som en veterinär kan skriva ut till dig
Liked by: Carolina Holanda

Hej kan du typ kolla på min katt instagram för det skulle betyda jätte mycket... För dina katter är fantastiska:) _my2cats_

Jättefina katter du har <3
Liked by: Carolina Holanda

I tried to go to your sight (www.fjarilflickans.se) and it came up with this weird sight called Ewank and it came up with this thing like ARE YOU EIGHTEEN and stuff so I quit immediately. Is this your sight!?

There seem to be some problem with worldpress when you visit via mobile. Write the address again and it should work
Liked by: Carolina Holanda

Why are raw meat good for cats? How about their own cat food like the dry ones, is it not good for them? What difference does it make to the cat of what they eat (raw, wet, dry)?

Raw meat is good for them because they are built to eat that. In many commercial food, there are vegetables and grain mixed with the food and cats are not supposed to eat that because their body cannot use that at all, and it comes out in the litterbox (we pay for it but the cat have no use for it) if you feed a cat good quality wet food and raw meat, there will be very little poo coming out, with very little smell because the body have used almost all material that the cat ate and it is the materials that the cat cannot use that comes out smelling a lot.
Dry food is cooked food, and as the food gets cooked, the molecules change in the protein to something that the cat's body can no longer recognize. You can read more about dry food on my website www.catwhisperer.se

Hi! I am looking to buy a cat tree on a site I saw you shop on (zoo plus)! So I was wondering, is this an okay tree for a ragdoll? Is the bed maybe too small for a ragdoll? http://www.zooplus.hr/shop/macke/grebalica/grebalica_srednja/grebalica_srednja_120cm/310064

I think this could be too small yes, if you (like me) have some not too flexible cats ;) then I would suggest you get one with bigger places to sleep on. The Banana Leaf outdoor 2 is perfect and looks great too :)
Liked by: Carolina Holanda

Thank you so much for answering all of my doubts! You're given me so much knowledge and help about cats :D

I'm so glad to hear that <3 And I hope it will be of use for you in the future :)
Liked by: Carolina Holanda


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